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Documents for Unit 2 Middle East History
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Jewish and Arab both had desires for a homeland

The Jewish State (1896) by Theodor Herzl

Jews in Europe were being persecuted in the 1800s and Hertzl advocated for the creation of a Jewish country (aka Zionism)

First Zionist Congress (Basel, Switzerland, 1897)

Jewish leaders from around the world met and created several goals to promote Zionism

Selected Writings of Sati’ al-Husri

All Arabs share a common language and history that should unite them

First Arab Congress (Paris, 1913)

Arabs met to create goals for how the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey) would treat Arabs

World War 1 caused the European countries to make promises to the Arabs and Jews

What-a-man Ottoman readers theater

A short play; Lawrence of Arabia leads Arabs to help defeat the Central Powers in World War 1, but then Britain will not pay the Arabs

Hussein-McMahon Correspondence (1915)

A British leader in Egypt (McMahon) agreed to support an Arab leader’s (Hussein) request for Arab independence in exchange for Arab support against the Ottoman Empire in World War I.

Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916)

A secret agreement between Britain and France to divide the Ottoman Empire after WW1.

The Balfour Declaration (1917)

The British government wrote a letter supporting the creation of a country for Jewish people.

Arabs and Jews supported each other

Feisal-Weizmann Agreement (1919)

An Arab leader and a Jewish leader agreed to support an independent country for each group.

After WW1, European countries took control of the land from the losing countries

Covenant of the League of Nations, Article 22 (1919)

The League of Nations (predecessor to the United Nations) said that the lands of the Central Powers in WW1 should be under the control of the Allied Powers.

The British Mandate for Palestine (1922)

The British took control of land that they had originally promised to the Arabs during WW1

Britain created a plan to give land to Arabs and Jews

The Peel Commission (1937)

In order to stop conflict in Palestine, the British government advocates dividing the land between Arabs and Jews.

Britain created a plan to give land to Arabs only

The White Paper (1939)

The British government changed their mind -- they decided the best solution would be an Arab country in Palestine with legal protections for Jews. Jews did not agree.

The UN created a plan to give land to Arabs and Jews

United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (1947)

The United Nations decided to divide Palestine between the Jews and Arabs. Arabs did not agree.

Major events in the conflict between Jews and Arabs after Israel was created

Major Events in Arab-Israeli History

From the time Israel was created in 1948 to the present, there have been many conflicts between Jew and Arabs. Students read about several:

  1. 1967 War
  2. Construction of Jewish towns in Arabs land
  3. Terrorist attacks on the Jewish athletes during the 1972 Olympics
  4. The first intifada (uprising) in 1987
  5. Peace attempts during the 1990s
  6. Hamas, a terrorist political party, is elected to the Palestinian (Arab) government
  7. 2014 Gaza War

A Palestinian (Arab) teenager and an Israeli (Jewish) teenager each write a letter expressing their view on the conflict

Letter from a Palestinian Teen / Letter from a Jewish Teen

Both sides have valid reasons to claim the land

A story about how important the land is to people in the Middle East

The Worse of Two Choices (or The Forsaken Olive Trees)

by Najwa Qa’war Farah

An Arab man agrees to move to his children, who are in another country and cannot return home because of the conflict between Jews and Arabs. He has to leave his homeland, and the heartbreak of leaving his land causes him to die.