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Ten tips for better digital storytelling
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Ten tips for better digital storytelling

  1. Use short catchy titles.
  2. Use images to attract readers to your article
  3. Add QR Codes so readers can quickly read your article on a phone

  1. Make it easy for readers to quickly grasp key points, even if they do not read all the way to the end. Put the key point of your story first, not at the end.

  1. Make it easy for readers to find the information they are looking for or use a search bar to find material by keyword. This infographic was created with the free Kumu app.

  1. Highlight the information that you want readers to focus on when presenting a lot of data.

  1. Include a GIF of your article to provide a quick preview of the content without having to click on anything. EZGIF is a free app that lets you create such GIFs.

  1. Use a short URL with words that accurately describe your article. This makes it easier for search engines to find and share your article.
  2. Include keywords to describe your article for better search engine optimization (SEO)
  3. Include ALT-TEXT descriptions for images in your article for better SEO reulsts.