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2019-06-11 PDAC Minutes
Updated automatically every 5 minutes



JUNE 11, 2019 / 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM / ROOM A-101






Angela Testado



Lori Oldham


Anna Rogers



Neary Sim


Ashley Burch



Paula Miranda


Carol Withers



Sean Ryan


Christy Ball



Soon-Ah Fadness


Dave Singer



Susan Murray



Donna Carter


Tillie Chavez



Jen Boots


  1. Check-in (all) -- 5mins
  2. Additions/corrections to today’s agenda and minutes from 05/14/2019 (not yet created) -- 5mins
  3. Discussion Topics / New Business
  1. Professional Development Website
    The development of the Professional Development (PD) website is underway.  Visitors can use the following navigation at the new City College website to access the PD webpage: >> Faculty/Staff >> Professional Development.  The subnavigation menu will link users to Career Pathways and New Hires Institute, PD funding Request application, the Flex calendar, and Advisory Committee details.  When available, the PD annual plans will also be posted on the new webpage.  Additionally, the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) will also have a place on the webpage to promote conferences, workshops, and resources.  Paula expresses the importance of finalizing the PD webpage by Flex Week.
  2. Fall 2019 Flex Week + Theme
    Tabled for next meeting.
  3. Annual Plan
    Anna and Paula are working to finish the annual plan this summer, to be shared with the campus and posted on the PD webpage.  The structure of the plan is a collaboration of various CA community colleges’ PD plans, borrowing most heavily from Palomar College for brevity and transparency.  Many of the goals were revisited and remain constant in the writing.  However, objectives have been updated, with emphasis in streaming processes.
    Paula mentioned specifically the goal to streamline and align professional development funding request processes with AB1725 and Business Services guidelines as noted in Goal 2 for the 2019-2020 Annual Goals for Professional Development.  It was stressed that there are several different processes on campus with regards to requesting travel funds.  Streamlining the funding request will help encourage professional development on campus.
    Paula also mentioned Goal 3, to support a successful campus-wide Guided Pathways implementation centered on student equity.  The efforts will be placed on offering or supporting professional development on campus  as it relates to the AB705 transition.  This goal also speaks to supporting the efforts of building data literacy amongst the campus, with intentions to have program areas be able to read and interpret program level data.  A Data Coaching Institute is underway for the 2019-2020 academic year.  Paula hopes to incorporate some of the training she is receiving from the Data Coaching Institute into the Career Pathways Institute.
    The 2019-2020 Professional Development Plan now consists of a Goal 4, launch a professional development center as a space for professional collaboration, innovation, and growth on campus.
    There will be concerted efforts to attach the City College’s PD 3-Year Plan to the campus Strategic Plan schedule for review in 2019-2020.
  4. Teaching and Learning Center (TLC)
    Paula announced that the TLC is scheduled for a soft launch in Fall 2019.  Don Long will be joining PDAC soon and will also provide support in maintaining and overseeing the TLC.  Rob Ewell, Dean of Information and Learning Technologies, may be joining the PDAC committee to provide support in training on technology planned for the TLC.  It is currently undetermined if a classified staff will be providing support along with the certificated staff, Paula and Don.
    Paula provided a rough draft of the planned
    floor plan for the TLC, identifying a few of the challenges with offering this space.  Discussion focused on the three main functional areas: access, hours of operation (staffing), and furnishings.  This brainstorm/discussion was especially helpful in coming up with a potential solution for access, which is to use keypad entry for both doors, with each department having a numerical passcode to use so that employees can enter the space.  In the long term, the committee can look into establishing key fob access to the TLC as an option.
    Paula submitted a request for 6 laptops, a variation of PC and Macs with webcams, and two large monitors to allow for conferencing and presentations.  A printer/copier has also been requested.  Securing laptops for checkout, as well as other equipment in this space is still an open question.  It was suggested to have laptops secured in a filing cabinet, locked with a lockbox.
    It was suggested to provide a form of tracking the services, such as a kiosk before using the services in the TLC or a survey after the use of the facility.  Data can provide PDAC who is using the facility and allow for users/visitors identify concerns and need for improvements.
    Currently, there is no budget available to furnish the TLC.  Designing and planning on furnishing the rooms for the TLC has been a challenge due to the fact that the rooms are currently not vacated.  Paula shared she will connect with
    bkm OfficeWorks or approved vendors in PeopleSoft to provide designs based on PDAC’s ideas and needs.
    It was shared that CitySite will be open for use in conjunction with the TLC.
  1. Follow-up Items from Last Meeting / Old Business
    Paula shared photos from the Classified Appreciation Week (CAW) held June 3 - June 7, highlighting activities led by classified professionals scheduled during the week.  Paula will provide a link to allow for participants of CAW to upload and share additional photos/videos.  She is looking into planning something similar to CAW, but spread throughout a semester to continue the efforts in appreciating SD City College classified professionals.
  2. Open Comments
    Lori shared to the group the opportunity for professional development coming out of the National Conflict Resolution Center.  Paula will discuss with Lori about logistics in planning these available civility workshops tailored for faculty and classified professionals and the potential of offering the workshops during Flex Week.
    The Office of Institutional Effectiveness is conducting a survey, inventorying all of the active committees on campus.  The campus has been granted the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Partnership Resource Teams (
    IEPI PRT) grant to begin the process of reviewing our committees and participatory governance structure.  An IEPI workgroup will be created in the fall to begin subsequent to the responses from the survey.  Ana will be serving on this workgroup.
    Paula announced there is a $500 opportunity open to all through AFT to participate in the one-day trip to the Museum of Tolerance scheduled for August 9.
    Paula apologizes to faculty waiting on disbursement of their ESU assignments, and explains that with the transition to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, there is a backlog in the process these assignments.  The District is taking the necessary steps to fix the technical issues in the system, and she hopes that these disbursements will be fulfilled soon.
  3. Next Meeting: July, 2, 2019 from 12:30am-2:00pm in A-101