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[All Enrichment] RSK Family Handbook
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2021-2022 School Year Family Handbook

Mission Statement & Philosophies

Ready Set Kids is dedicated to providing  high quality enrichment classes and early childhood programs by providing fun, play-based opportunities for cognitive, social-emotional and physical development.  

The Ready, Set, KIDS! programs provide a warm, nurturing, respectful and fun community of students and teachers. We believe that students will have a variety of strengths as well as needs. The program will work to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of each child in a supportive and safe environment.

We believe that instructors make the difference. Our amazing instructors are an intelligent, interesting, engaging and globally aware group of leaders.

We believe that all children are intelligent.  Children learn best if the content being taught and method of instruction relates to their interests. This allows a child’s natural love of learning to take over, encourages feelings of competency and increases classroom success.

We believe in developing social and emotional skills in children, at whatever level they are. In many of our programs, we use the Sanford Harmony curriculum which works to reduce bullying, and help children develop into tolerant, compassionate, and caring adults for the future. This includes their Diversity & Inclusion curriculum to develop cooperation skills and empower students to resolve conflict, communicate efficiently, and develop healthy relationships.

Student Eligibility

Ready Set Kids maintains a nondiscriminatory policy with respect to staff and enrollment.  Our classes are open to children within the specified age-ranges, without regard to race, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or toilet training status.

In order to serve a child with disabilities, the parent will identify specific accommodations, if any, required to meet the needs of the child in the program.  If the accommodations required would cause an undue financial burden to the Program, the Director shall provide parents with written notification if enrollment is not feasible.

Outdoor Time: In our programs that are more than 75 minutes long, outdoor play is a priority. Much of our curriculum is based on exploring the world around us and our classroom is extended into the outdoors during this time. Preschool students are outdoors daily, in and around Spy Pond Fields, just two blocks away, except during inclement weather. If the field is not in good condition (mud or deep water, icy,  etc), outdoor time is held at Spy Pond Playground or groups may be taken out for neighborhood walks.

In the case of heavy rain, unsafe cold or lightning, classes will not go outside.

Families should send their children with clearly labeled, weather-friendly clothing each day. This includes mittens/gloves, warm hats, snow boots, snow pants, rain boots, rain coat, rain pants, sunscreen, or bug spray when necessary. Please ensure that your child brings clothing appropriate for the weather that day.

World Language Groups: Our language-based preschool programs use the Yak Academy language curriculum. Language is taught in a play-based immersion environment, learning through games, songs, stories, creative activities, movement, and much more. Instructors speak only the target language during class.

STEM Groups: Our STEM preschool programs use an emergent, child-led curriculum with ample opportunity for children to explore the world around them. Explorations may include, but are not limited to, electricity, magnetism, life sciences, simple machines, and the engineering process.

Snack and Lunch

Snacks are provided in all classes, and will typically consist of a dry cracker-like option (Ritz, Cheerios, saltines, Cheez-Itz, Goldfish), and a fruit (apples, bananas, oranges). If your child has a special diet or you’d prefer they eat food from home, you may send your child with their own snack.

For classes longer than 3 hours, parents should pack a nut-free lunch to send in with their child.

Notes about Lunch

Registration Information

Registration opens March 15, 2021 for returning students and their siblings, and April 1, 2021 for new families for the 2021-2022 school year. Slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, however, age, siblings, gender, and friendships are taken into account to create an even mix of children in the classrooms. All registration information and links to register will be provided on our website Please note that children need not be toilet trained to attend the program.

Wait List

As days fill up during registration, interested families will be placed on a waitlist, and families will be notified as soon as a space becomes available.

If you would like to visit the program and/or meet with an administrator by phone or in person you are encouraged to do so.  Your child is welcome to accompany you on your visit.

Responsibilities of Parent

When you enroll your child in our Ready, Set, Kids programs you are agreeing to the following responsibilities:

  1. It is your responsibility to pay your tuition prior to the first of each month.
  2. It is your responsibility to pick up your child on time at the end of each class.
  3. It is your responsibility to fill out your child's registration form and include any pertinent information in the forms. It is your responsibility to make sure that the staff is aware of any allergies, medical issues, special needs, or other special concerns that might affect your child's preschool experience.
  4. It is your responsibility to keep the program informed when phone numbers, address, email address, emergency information, insurance information, pick-up people, etc., change.
  5. It is your responsibility to abide by the policies and procedures listed in this handbook.
  6. It is your option to attend parent orientation or meet and greet days.

Changing Your Child’s Schedule and Drop In Days or Withdraw 

Approval for increased enrollment, changing days of enrollment, or drop in days will depend upon available space and staffing ratios. Changes must be approved by the Director in advance of the days in question. Changes will take place at the beginning of the month only and must be requested by the 15th of the previous month. Switching days will not be allowed to cover absences that have already occurred.

Similarly, notice of withdrawal from the program must be received by the 15th of the previous month to ensure cancelation of the next billing cycle.

Program Schedule

Ready Set Kids programs operate daily when Arlington Public Schools are in session. The Program will not operate on days when school is cancelled because of snow or other emergencies.  The monthly fee will continue to be a fixed rate, regardless of absences or snow days.  If the Program must close due to inclement weather, parents will be notified by email.


To secure a spot in a class or program, families can register online and payments are posted to their account to be processed on the 1st of the month their child will begin class. There are no refunds for the first month's payment, but families may cancel at any point after their first month. Altering your child's number of days must be done at least 30 days prior to the start of the next month, subject to availability.

Payments are made in 10 equal, monthly payments, regardless of how many days are in the month. They are made on the first of the month via automatic credit card charges from September through June. There is no deduction in fees or refunds for absence, sick days, snow days, holidays, unexpected school closings or failure otherwise to make full use of the program.

Ready Set Kids Preschool Programs Monthly Fees

2021-2022  School Year

A non-refundable one-time registration fee of $55

Tuition - Monthly

75 minute class        $135

3 hour class                $250

4 hour class                $275

Afterschool program                see website

Tuition Discounts

Additional Siblings/Classes        (10% off)        

Monday classes are discounted for holidays.

Please see our website for tuition information for all of our other available classes, break week programs, and special events.         

Discipline, Behavior Management and Consultation

Ready Set Kids programs aim to support the social and emotional well-being of each child. Our policy is to encourage child self-control, self-direction, self-esteem and cooperation.  The goal is to guide children towards making appropriate choices by themselves and not rely on adults to make behavioral decisions for them.

At Ready, Set, KIDS! teachers model positive and respectful behavior towards students and other staff. The staff work tirelessly to form positive and strong bonds with students and our language consistently asks students to prioritize respect to themselves and one another. In our program, all rules are logical and based upon being safe and respectful of others.  

Teachers use a variety of strategies to help students succeed in the classroom.

If students are struggling with behavioral challenges in such a way that is disruptive to the class, they may be asked to take a break from class and sit with the Director, where they will discuss strategies for how to better handle their challenges and/or calm down until they are ready to return to the group. Generally a 4-5 minute break from the classroom is sufficient to help most students feel successful in the classroom again. For more disruptive and/or consistent behaviors, staff will discuss the issue with parents. For any more severe behaviors, an Incident Report will be filed so parents and educators can work on a Behavior Improvement Plan to reduce incidents and develop a positive path forward.  

At Ready Set Kids, our behavior management policies do not include punishment or humiliation of any sort. There is never a consequence or punishment for soiling/wetting clothing or not using the toilet.

Behavior Improvement Plan/Transitioning/Termination Policies

If after creating and implementing a Behavior Improvement Plan, it appears that the difficulty is not likely to improve, the child may be asked to leave the program either temporarily or permanently. If the program recommends transitioning a child between classrooms or programs or termination from the program, reasons behind recommendations will be documented by and shared among educators, and communicated immediately with the parent, and a plan to inform the children will be discussed with parents.

If at any time, it is determined that a child’s behavior is deemed unsafe and so dangerous as to pose a true physical threat to himself or others, the Director retains the right to immediately terminate the child from the program.  

Other conditions for terminating Program services may include, but are not limited to the following:

Ready Set Kids reserves the right to make all final decisions regarding enrollment.

In almost every situation, consistent and sincere cooperation of the program staff and parent/guardians with a mutual plan of action on behalf of the child can avert termination from the Program.

Family Communication

It is a priority to have strong communication with families.  We send weekly class email newsletters and we are available daily for short discussions before or after class, or a meeting may be scheduled for more in-depth discussions.

Ready, Set, Kids programs encourage parents to provide feedback on the program or share any input or concerns about the program or their child at any time during the school year, and we encourage families to share this to the Director in person, via phone or email.

 It would help us if you would inform us of any occurrences at home or school which might affect your child's preschool experience (i.e. the death of a pet, a new sibling, an injury or illness to a relative or friend, etc.).

Most communications are sent via email, and occasionally via text, and families may opt-out of email or text communication at any time. Please be sure the emails and phone numbers in our Parent Portal are accurate. If you wish for multiple caregivers to receive emails, you may add additional family emails to your account in the Parent Portal.

A Typical Day for 3-5 Year Olds:

9am Classroom doors open

9-10:00 Centers, Meet-Up Circle, Theme-Related Group Activities

10:15-10:30 Toilet Break/Handwashing/Snack

10:30-11:45 Gross Motor Play/Outdoor Time

11:45-12:30 Toilet Break/Handwashing/Lunch

12:30-1:00 Revisit Centers and Closing Circle

1pm Pick Up Time (Note: 12:45 pick up time on Tuesdays)

A Typical Day for 2-3 Year Olds

9am Classroom doors open

9-9:45 Centers & Morning Circle

9:45-10:15 Toilet Break/Bathrooms & Diapering/Snack

10:15-11:00 Gross Motor Play/Outdoor Time

11:00-12:00 Revisit Centers/Group Time and Closing Circle

12pm Pick Up Time

A Typical Day 75 Minute Enrichment Class

9am Classroom doors open

9-9:15 Centers

9:15-9:45 Meet-Up Circle, Theme-Related Activities

9:45-10 Experiments or Creative Stations

10-10:15 Snack and Closing Circle

Diapering and Toileting

Children have access to use the toilet as needed throughout all classes. Classes longer than 75 minutes take group bathroom breaks throughout the class. However, students may use the bathroom any additional times throughout the class and at any time during a class shorter than 75 minutes.

For all classes, it is helpful if families take their child to the bathroom before each class starts.

Students in diapers will be changed as needed. Our diaper changing policy is as follows:

If your child is toilet learning while enrolled in our programs, please know that we are happy to support. We believe that toilet learning varies from child to child and we are happy to work with you on your child’s toilet-learning plan.  Our guidelines for toilet learning during our program include:

We encourage you to discuss with us any concerns or issues you have, tell us when you are sending a child in underwear for the first time, etc. so that we can best assist your child. Your child does not need to be toilet trained to attend our preschool program.


Children are supervised at all times during class time while participating in program activities to ensure the health and safety of each child. It is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to supervise children before and after class time while in the Ready, Set, Kids building.  

The Director is responsible for the daily operation of the program including the safety and well being of the children, supervision of staff, and parent communication.  If you have questions or concerns about a policy, a Lead Instructor, an Assistant Instructor or any other Ready, Set, Kids affiliates, please make an appointment with the Director to discuss your concerns.  

Closing Time, Late Fee and Snow Day Policies
If the Arlington Public Schools are closed, the Ready, Set, KIDS programs will be closed.  Families are encouraged to listen to and check the news for school announcements.  

There will be times that school is dismissed early due to severe weather conditions or hazardous road conditions. If the Superintendent of Schools cancels all PM activities or dismisses school early, Ready, Set, Kids may close early. If snow develops during the course of the school day, parents are urged to arrive to pick up their children as early as possible.  

Emergency and Evacuation Procedures

Attendance is taken, children and teachers line up at the nearest exit and proceed outside and eastward to the end of the block on Broadway and in the case of inclement weather, to the designated evacuation site, the fire station.  The director and designated staff will check hallways and bathrooms.  

Medical Emergencies

The signing of the Emergency Medical Authorization Form gives the Program full parental authorization to have a child transported to the hospital should an accident occur.  All attempts will be made to contact parents/guardians as soon as possible, while a member of the program staff escorts the injured child to the hospital.  Parents/Guardians also give their permission to have authorized hospital staff begin emergency treatment as it is deemed necessary.  In less serious cases, parents/guardians will be contacted before medical treatment is ordered.

Illness and Attendance Guidelines

Children who exhibit symptoms from the following types of infectious diseases, such as gastrointestinal, respiratory and skin or direct contact infections may be excluded from care at school, if it is determined that any of the following exist:

If a child becomes ill (persistent cough, fever over 100 degrees, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) during the preschool day, the child must be picked up immediately after notification of parent/guardian by staff.  In all cases, the Director’s judgment must be respected as he/she bears the responsibility for all children at the program.  It is important that parents/guardians keep phone numbers up to date at the program so that they may be reached if a child is ill. If your child becomes ill while at the program, we will provide a quiet area where he/she can rest while we contact you to come and take him/her home.  

Children may return to school 24 hours after diarrhea, vomiting or fever have subsided. Children with persistent symptoms (diarrhea, cough, runny nose, rashes) or children who have been excluded from the program due to an infectious disease may be asked to bring a note from the doctor assuring the staff that they are no longer contagious and healthy enough to return to the program.  

Plan for Infection Control

Children and staff will wash their hands after using the bathroom, playing outside, coming into contact with bodily discharges or fluids (ex. wiping noses) and before eating.

Tables and high-touch surfaces are disinfected daily. Toys are cleaned and disinfected daily after use, or immediately if they have been mouthed.

Injury Prevention

Staff members check rooms and equipment daily to insure safety. Staff is directed to inform the director of any unsafe equipment or classroom environment.  If an injury occurs, an injury report is written and shared with parents if applicable.

Notification Immediately or at Pick Up

The standard procedure for immediate notification to parents by phone will be under the following circumstances:        

        An injury or illness requiring immediate medical attention, such as:

                eye injuries, fever or vomiting, headaches/head injuries, and/or

                inappropriate/unsafe behaviors


        An injury that will be reported at pick up:

                bloody nose (that has stopped bleeding), bruises and/or scrapes,

(that may require First Aid treatment), observation that a child just “does not seem like him/herself” and/or unsafe behaviors

The Director will use discretion to determine appropriate notification to parents in instances of illness, injury or behavior issues.

Medication Policy 

If your child requires medication to be administered during class time, we will establish a plan for dispensing medication during the enrollment process.  All teachers have completed a medication administration training.  We will work to meet children's individual health care needs, including allergie regarding dispensing of medication. We will work with each family on a case by case basis to determine the plan that works best for their child including but not limited to EpiPen administration.

Individual Health Care Plan and Students with Disabilities

We plan to allow parents, with the written permission of their child's health care practitioner, to train staff in implementation of their child's individual healthcare plan.

We plan to ensure that all appropriate specific measures will be taken to ensure that the health requirements of children with disabilities are met, when children with disabilities are enrolled.


All staff members must report any and all suspicions of child abuse or neglect to the Director, DCF (Department of Children and Families) and the Department of Early Education and Care (ECC) immediately by telephone, followed by a written report within 48 hours.  As childcare providers we are mandated to report serious concerns and should have written documentation to present for review.

Referral Services

Referrals for further appropriate social, mental health, educational and medical services including but not limited to dental check-up, vision or hearing screening for their child, will be provided should the program staff feel that an assessment for such additional services would benefit the child.  The director will observe and record the child’s behavior and review the child’s record prior to making a referral.  A date and time will be agreed upon to meet with parents to notify them of the program’s concern.

The Director will inform the parent of the availability of information. A current list of referral resources including the contact person for St. 1972, c. 766 and Early Intervention Program referral will be maintained in the office.

Notification by Parents of Changes in Critical Information

Parents are responsible to notify the Director of any changes in information contained in the registration forms for their children.  This includes changes in: address, home and work phone numbers, emergency contact phone numbers, who may or may not pick up the child, health status, etc.  

Authorized Pick-Up

Family Information Sharing Policy

The Ready, Set, Kids programs take lots of photos throughout classes. These photos are for internal use to help teachers reflect upon the students’ learning, as well as to share the learning with families. The photos will never be shared on social-media or any advertising materials without explicit permission from parents/guardians.


Ready Set Kids program always accepts donations of clean recyclable or reusable materials or toys: cardboard rollers, egg cartons, etc.  Check with the director to see if they have any specific needs.


Updated April 2021

Ready, Set, KIDS! is committed to keeping our community space safe and healthy. We are proud to say that a lot of careful thought has gone into planning a space in which children can continue to thrive in our enriching environment, despite some new changes. These changes may feel strange at first to the grown-ups and the kids who have been to our programs before, but children are so resilient and we are confident in our team to make it a positive experience for everyone. Schedules may look a little different. Some of our programs will be adjusted in order to keep teachers and groups of children from mixing. Drop off and pick up will look different when it happens at the front door, and our play space will take some time to “breathe” from being a great community space after class, but the quick, smooth transition will likely be one that also becomes a nice routine for everyone.

Like anything new, with practice, confidence can be gained to ease the stress of uncertainty. Staff will be practicing our new routines and we’ll even test out our plans with small groups of children before we begin.

So, in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts guidelines, here are the precautions we are taking and preparations we are making to minimize any possible effects from or spread of COVID-19.

Staying Updating on Health Information

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have remained up to date with information coming from the Department of Early Education and Care and the Town of Arlington Health Department, so we can make informed decisions on how to proceed.

Medical Team

We have hired a medical consultant, a local Nurse Practitioner to review our plans, including any adjustments for students with special medical needs, and to be on call for medical questions. All staff are required to take a COVID-19 related safety course, with instructions on how to properly wear PPE and identify symptoms of the virus.

Closed Community

Only registered students and staff will be permitted in the building. Parents will not be permitted inside the building except for baby and toddler classes (parent-participation classes), parent meetings, or other unavoidable reasons. Parents will drop off and pick up children at the front door, and parents may not enter the building. Parents must wear masks at drop off and pick up times.

Daily Screening

In order to have a strong community, trust and collaboration is key. We rely on you, the families, to be honest with us about your health and exposures.

We will screen all staff and children before they are permitted to enter Ready, Set, KIDS! using the following requirements:

Health and Safety Procedures

Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Measures

In addition to our regular daily cleaning process,

Parent Communication

We commit to keeping families in touch with any contagious illnesses that arise within our community so they can be on the lookout for symptoms in their own child, make decisions about sending their child, and know if we expect any closures. In the event of a COVID-19 case in any of our programs, we will contact the Town and State health departments and we will communicate any positive cases within our students, family members, and staff members as soon as we are able, and the plan for any subsequent adjustments to the schedule.


In the event of another mandated school closure or in-program outbreak, we will provide the same fun and engaging online programming in our online Ready, Set, KidsCast. Tuition may not be refunded.

“Ready, Together”

We are excited to open and share our creative plans with your kiddos, but we need your children to be ready too! Please take a few moments to calmly and confidently speak with your child about school. You may want to tell them that the teachers are so excited to see them! You can tell them that teachers will be doing a few things to keep people from getting sick. You can let them know that teachers will be wearing a mask and other kids may also wear masks. Tell them that we’ll be saying goodbye to mom and dad at the front door and the teachers will show them where to put their things and what stations are open that morning to play in. You can tell them that most of the other routines will be the same. The teachers and staff that they know and love, and toys and materials that they love playing with will be here to play with.

This may be hard for children (and parents!) at first, but it is important that the children see confidence in their parents during this transition. We are all building resilience! As they say, we are in this together.

2021-2022 CLASS CALENDAR - coming soon

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