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Che Community Meeting - 26th October 2020
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

7:00 AM Pacific Time, October 26th, 2020

Che Community Meeting 


Upcoming events (conferences, meetup, hackathon...)






Che plugin registry: keep only latest (and optional next) versions

Florent( + Eric)


Precreated namespaces demo 

Sergii Kabashniyk


Teams updates:

  • UXD (Beau)
  • Hosted Che (Ilya)
  • DELETE user API, should stop running workspaces instead of failing with 500 error #18000 / #18136
  • Replace Thorntail stack with Quarkus on Eclipse Che website #17961
  • [telemetry] Creating Woopra / Segment sidecar plugin #17543
  • CRW addon release process setup with the QA team
  • [WIP] As an Admin, during the Eclipse Che installation flow, I want to have a possibility to optionally install the kubernetes-image-puller for faster workspace startup #18133
  • EclipseCon booth / session
  • Platform (Sergii)
  • JWT Proxy auth procedure doesn't work if secure server has a non-root path
  • Namespace normalization does not work with `namespace.allow_user_defined=false`
  • Allow users to define worksp        ace deployment labels
  • Workspaces namespaces should be labelled
  • POC: OpenShift k8s API proxy as HTTP gateway for DevWorkspace operator
  • Deploy (Anatolli)
  • [chectl] Added auth:login/logout/use/get/list/delete commands #16415
  • [chectl] Detecting issues while deploying Eclipse Che #908
  • [chectl] server:update provides an ability to update Che Server configuration #923
  • Controller (Sergii -> Angel)


  • Dashboard Next is now available on
  • Dashboard now is deployed in a separate deployment in helm chart PR#18093

In progress:

  • Dashboard Next missed parts: creating a workspace from URL #16644
  • WTO 1.1


  • POC Plugin model in devfile 2.0
  • Plugins (Eric)
  • Editors (Artem)
  • Adapted Che Theia to the breaking changes come from the upstream Theia che#18151
  • Continue “Multi-root Che Theia Workspaces, by default” che#17212
  • Basic support IntelliJ IDEA as a Che editor che#17790
  • Documentation on how to integrate other web-based IDEs (on the example of IntelliJ Che Editor) RHDEVDOCS#2161
  • Improving new user flow (with a focus on Quarkus) che#17985
  • Disabled tasks output scanning che#17970
  • Updated Debug main menu according to VS Code theia#8603
  • Open the File Explorer when workspace is loaded che#17969
  • Removed File -> Share command che#17287
  • Upstream Theia community PRs review
  • Devex (Mario)
  • Documentation (Fabrice)
  • Customizing the registries back to Administration Guide, aligned on airgap
  • Modularized examples for Go and Python (tsmaeder)
  • Move uninstallation procedure to examples
  • QE (Radim)
  • Che CI & Build Process Updates (Prod Team) (Nick)
  • Dashboard release job on GH actions merged (WIP on quick fix)


  1. Sun Tan
  2. Florent Benoit (taking notes)
  3. Anatolii
  4. Angel
  5. Artem
  6. Beau
  7. David
  8. Dmytro
  9. Eric
  10. Fabrice
  11. Ilya
  12. Katerina
  13. Mario
  14. Mykhailo
  15. Mykola
  16. Nick
  17. Oleksandr Shmaraiev
  18. Rick
  19. Sergii
  20. Tom
  21. Vlad



Chat room snapshot:

Me3:01 PM

Hello welcome to the Che community call, feel free to add topics to discuss to the agenda:

Angel Misevski3:20 PM

The 7.18 plugin registry is still available at, even with the change

Florent Benoit3:23 PM

I can hear it very nicely

I can even hear it twice with a delay :-)

Archived community call notes and minutes