Pourquoi Story

LI: To write a pourquoi (tell me why or how) story that follows the structure and paints a picture in the mind of the reader.

Your Challenge:

Use the story starters in the box (or choose one of your own) to practise using the language features found in a pourquoi story

A great pourquoi story has…

These story starters will help you to hook in your reader:

  • Back, far back, in the mists of time when the world was very young...
  • It is said that...
  • It is told that long ago...
  • Many hundred years ago in a country across the sea, there lived...
  • Somewhere, some place, beyond the Seven Seas...



Why the Megaladon don’t exists



This sets the scene, creating a picture with words to describe the setting (where it takes place), atmosphere (it's scary, peaceful etc) and time of the story.

Characters are introduced as well as clues about what is about to go wrong.

Somewhere, some place, beyond the Seven Seas, once lived the giant megalodon. An angry beast who spent his days viciously attacking any creature who crossed his path. He was feared by all. He might have been friendless, but his command was to attack. Tane Mahuta broke Tangaroa’s rule, which made Tangaroa irritated. So Tangaroa sent a brutal beast to teach Tane Mahuta a lesson.


This is where a problem happens that affects the setting, time or characters. Remember to use dialogue between characters to show what is happening.

Tane Mahuta broke the rule of he and his brother, Tangaroa, to never send branches or other land or plants out to sea. Tangaroa got mad, he requested a new creature, one of the biggest ‘the megalodon’ to teach Tane Mahuta a lesson. This was a big problem, because if Tane Mahuta found out, he would get so mad, and this would start a war between the two.

Sequence of events:

This is where you describe what is happening in time order. Start a new paragraph for each new idea you are developing. Use a time connective here to link your ideas.

Tangaroa, however, has no control over this creature. Everytime when the gods' creations get damaged, it warns them. This mad megalodon started pulling in land animals close to shore, and killing them. Tane Mahuta soon realised what was going on, and started a war with Tangaroa. Tane Mahuta started blowing and throwing sticks at the creature, forcing it to swim back deep in the ocean, panicing. Tangaroa was furious when he received the sign of war from Tane Mahuta.

Sequence of events:

This is where you describe what is happening in time order. Start a new paragraph for each new idea you are developing. Use a time connective here to link your ideas.

Tangaroa wasn’t going to stop this war, and was never going to apologise. Tane Mahuta started throwing trees into the ocean, which just sink to the ocean floor. Tangaroa was cross, and sent a flood on it’s way. Tane Mahuta and his creation was ruined, and Tane Mahuta was weak. Then, the Megalodon made its way through the forest destroying everything in its path, which is it’s command. Tane Mahuta was very ill, and couldn’t do much.

Sequence of events:

This is where you describe what is happening in time order. Start a new paragraph for each new idea you are developing. Use a time connective here to link your ideas.

Tangaroa then realised what his parents told him and his brothers, to help each other out and to look after each other. He knew that if he failed this, then he wouldn't be trusted and wouldn't be a good brother. Tangaroa was still thinking about what Tane Mahuta did to Tangaroa. He then thought revenge was not the answer to solving the problem.


The problem is solved and the story ends.

Tangaora then decided to help Tane Mahuta, by receiving the flood back, but left the Megalodon, as a sign of end of war. Tangaroa then left. The megalodon later dies, and rots into the ground. Some people are trying to find the megalodons bones

Lesson Learnt:

This is the message you want the reader to learn from what happened.

The lesson in the story is that revenge isn’t always the answer or solve a problem.