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Wildcard VI
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Wildcard VI

United Center- Chicago, Ill


The crowd goes nuts as the camera fades into the ring and the wrestlers standing around the ring. Inside stands Bobbi D'Antoni. The fans finally notice the man as they boo him hardcore for letting go of Danielle Lopez.

Bobbi D’Antoni- Ladies and Gentlemen, The network has decided that do to the release of Danielle Lopez from on screen appearances, that a Commissioner needs to be appointed to make decisions. We have had a few people in mind and finally decided on a certain individual. That person is:

“Extreme Days” by TobyMac cues up as the fans turn to the curtain as most are shocked to see Miss Data walk out. She is given a mixed reaction as she enters the ring and shakes the hand of Bobbi D’Antoni as she is handed the mic.

Miss Data- Surprise? Yes I did have a meeting with The Network to become a Commissioner of WWA and just like that, things will get interesting yet again. Tonight Wildcard VI,  the WWA will continue and no one *looks at D’Antoni” will take us down.

Data throws the mic to the announcer before leaving the ring and walking to the back.

Ashley Rose and Morgan Simmons vs. Fierce Royalty (Christina Fierce, Michelle Ryder, and Sarah and Sandra Lively)

Rose and Morgan stayed out in the ring along with Fierce Royalty as they try to figure out who will wrestle. They finally decide it will be Michelle and Christina. Ashley and Morgan seem to work well together and dominate the match. Ashley set’s up Michelle for Morgan who ends up getting the pin after hitting Synn-Full Ride to Hell. Christina pulls Michelle out of the ring as the members of Fierce Royalty talk outside the ring.

The longtime rivals guard the ring, but Christina and company decide to just retreat instead.

SS: Wise move on the part of Fierce Royalty! They have gotten their asses handed to them one too many times by these veterans!

DM: Thing is, is Christina is also a veteran! She knows Morgan and Ash very well, having for many years been an ally of Morgan's through the Synnfull Devils and Toxic!

As Fierce Royalty is now gone, Morgan and Ashley begin to shift their attention towards one another. The two longtime rivalrs are face-to-face as the intensity can be felt throughout the arena, and for seemingly the first time ever in this rivalry, fans are behind both wrestlers.

DM: I can tell you in all of my years covering this rivalry, never has the fans been in support of both! Like early 2000's, they booed Ash... but from 2005 on, they booed Morgan!

SS: And now they're two battle tested veterans who while don't like one another, the people respect what they have done! Can't wait to see them go at it one more time!

DM: You and me both Taint!

Crystal Hilton vs. Kate Steele

Hilton comes out as Kate is already in the ring. The two stare down one another before the bell rings. It starts out with both of them just exchanging fists left and right. Neither one backing down. Kate ends up hitting a floating neckbreaker and almost gets the 3 count but Crystal kicks out at the last second. They continue to go back and forth until Hilton gives a finger to the eyes and ends up hitting Power Absorption and Katie tries to break out of it and when that doesn’t work, tries to go for the bottom rope but finally taps out.

Joanna vs. Maria Salvatore vs. Megan Enders - WWA Hardcore Championship

Maria and Megan team up at first to take on Joanna. Joanna fights back but the numbers are to much for her at first. Suddenly though, Joanna throws Megan into Maria, who ends up on the outside of the ring. Joanna then rolls up Megan for the 3 count to get the surprise win and keeps her Hardcore Title.

The Ninja Squad (Lethalclaw and Lethalkill) vs. Demons of Death (Kijo and Legion) - WWA Tag Team Championship

Demons of Death are the heavy favorites in this match and the crowd loves them. The match goes back and forth for a while. Legion and Kijo turn the tables at the end until Lethalkill throws Kijo into Legion. Obviously an accident in the eyes of the fans, but Legion after getting up walks back over to Kijo, who is about to hit Lethalkill with Doomsday Kiss when Legion grabs her from behind and blows a red mist into her face. Lethalkill nails Killshot getting the pin.

DM: I don't believe this! Legion has turned her back on Kijo and joined the damn Ninja's!

SS: What's to say she even had Kijo's back all along?

Lethalclaw, Lethalkill and Legion are beating the tar out of Kijo, who's trying hard to fight back... but it’s proving to be very futile at best. The three of them are pouncing on Kijo like a piece of meat, and the former WWA World Champion is at her wits end here. Lethalclaw and Lethalkill get Kijo up, and together, they and Legion hit Kijo with their signature Ninja Bomb.

DM: Dammit! That Triple Powerbomb was effective!

SS: The Ninja's are only getting stronger Desiree! This attacked proved just that!

Aubrey Cassidy grabs one of the Tag Team Title belts and presents it to Legion. Legion accepts it, eyes it and a wicked smirk comes across her face as she stands alongside The Ninja Squad. The fans boo hardcore over the group adding yet another powerful force to their ranks.

DM: This is disgraceful! Legion is now a member of The Ninja Squad! How could this be?

SS: I don't know what the motivation was, but Legion made the right choice in joining a group of winners!

We open up backstage, not long before the big six woman tag team match between The FTN and The Killswitch Knockouts is scheduled to take place. Reyna Carter is warming up, doing her final stretches for the match at hand...until both Eavan Maloney and Molly Hatchet walk up, wearing matching FTN t-shirts.

Reyna Carter: Are you two as ready for this as I am?

Eavan Maloney: We're more than ready.

Molly Hatchet: I just want to kick somebody's ass, yeah?

Reyna Carter: That we will do. The Knockouts are Network based drones, and you know...FUCK THE NETWORK!

Eavan Maloney: It's as I said earlier in the week, this is no longer a case of our catchy little slogan. No, this is a goddamn war and we have a ton of warriors on our side.

Molly Hatchet: Boss lady got removed from Television. Knockouts will pay.

Molly takes a swig of whatever it was that's in her flask, with Reyna and Eavan looking on.

Eavan Maloney: Do we actually drink before matches?

Molly Hatchet: It gets my adrenaline pumpin'. And you know Jameson is my favorite type of whiskey.

Reyna Carter: I'm still on that bloody mary and Long Island Iced Tea kick, but I'm straight and good to go. Fuck it, pass the flask Molly.

Molly passes it to Reyna, who takes a drink.

Reyna Carter: This is some good shit. Eav, you want some?

Eavan Maloney: I'm good right now. Let's go kick some Network ass.

The three of them pound fists before they begin to make their way to the gorilla position, all fired up for the match.

The Ninja Squad (Aubrey, Bullet Saw and Red Blade) vs. Insanity Patients (Ella Lopez, Harley Green and Cora Quinn) vs. Lola and The Thompson Sisters (Beth and Amy Thompson) - WWA Trios Championship

This match is strange from the start. Ella, Harley, and Cora seem to not want to fight as it looks like they have joined forces with The Ninja Squad to take out Lola and The Thompson Sisters. Aubrey looks a little confused as to why but Ella just laughs and yells for her fellow patients to leave the ring. The Ninja’s just shrug their shoulders and pin Beth Thompson for the win.

After the match, at the top of the stage stands Mya, Lilith, Yasmeen, and Casey as they point to The Ninja saying they are coming for the titles next.

We pan backstage where Crystal Alvarez was watching the monitor where The Ninja Squad retained the Trios Championship. Knowing they are at three wins and zero losses for tonight has to at least weigh in on the champ's mind.

Crystal Alvarez: I realize in full that The Ninja Squad is up three to nothing for tonight! I realize that there is a chance they could have the clean sweep when this night is over...

Crystal sighs.

Crystal Alvarez: ... but I'm not to allow that to happen. I have to do everything I physically and mentally can to ensure that my WWA World Championship stays in my grasp. I have to dig down deep to make sure Mariah does not walk out champion.

Crystal is focused.

Crystal Alvarez: Mariah, you made your choice by aligning yourself with the clowns from The Network. You made your choice to be brainwashed by Leon Lonewolf. You made this personal when your cronies had a hand in having Danielle removed from WWA television. Your VERY COUSIN REMOVED from HER SPOT.

Now Crystal is angry.

Crystal Alvarez: You cast the ultimate sin. You turned your back on the two people who would have taken the fatal bullet for you. We would stand by you through thick and thin. Hell when everybody else around here was criticizing you and severing ties with you over your actions this past year, Dani and I stuck by you. You are her blood, you were/are my best friend. We're the most loyal people around... yet you stab us in the back and for what? For people who once the gravy train runs out, will just as easily stab YOU in the back far worse than what you did to us.

The champ is still in anger with both CCP and WWA World Titles on her shoulders.

Crystal Alvarez: Tonight, I exact revenge for what you did to her. I exact revenge for what you did to me, this company and the people. You and your wife are the reason why The Network is snooping around the place. Aubrey ain't shit to be quite honest, she's no factor. You are my main target, and you will be punished. The question I pose for you, is will you Tap? Or will simply DIE at the hands of The KO Queen? That is your call, Mariah. The champ will see you in that ring.

Crystal walks away as the monitor is still playing.

Eavan Maloney, Reyna Carter and Molly Hatchet vs. Killswitch Knockouts (Denton, Lilith and Yasmeen)

As the camera was backstage with Crystal, The members of FTN attack the Killswitch Knockouts. They fight throughout the arena before Eavan pushes Yasmeen in the ring and locks in The Warrior Lock as Yasmeen screams out in pain. Mya tries to make it in the ring but she is grabbed by Molly and Reyna as Yasmeen finally taps out.

Talia Skye vs. Athena [Match Seven in Best of Seven Series]

Another back and forth match that the fans can’t seem to get enough of or know who to cheer for. Both Talia and Athena want the win. The two fight back and forth and go to the 20 minute limit as either get the win. The crowd chants for 5 more minutes, which brings out Commish Data out to ask both Talia and Athena if they are up for it. They both agree and the match goes on for another 5 minutes and as Athena hits Goddess Cutter and goes for the pin, the clock runs out on over time. Miss Data consults the time keeper before getting on the mic.

Miss Data- As much as I hate for it to end this way because both of you absolutely killed it, there is no clear cut winner and the match ends in a drawl.

Talia stands up along with Athena as they stare each other down before Talia offers her hand to Athena. Athena looks down at it and shakes it as Talia is seen mouthing to her, “Welcome to the Mafia”

Talia Areano vs. Melissa Evans - WWA TV Championship

This is a hard match to deal with as all fans have no idea who to boo or cheer for. Areano takes the control early but not for long when Evans goes back to fighting. After about fighting for 10 minutes, Talia hits Slice of Heaven getting the pin on Evans.

Crystal Alvarez vs. Mariah Lopez - WWA World Championship

Crystal and Mariah went after each other hardcore. Mariah was determined to win her title back and Crystal just wanted to keep it at any cost. At one point, Aubrey and the Ninja Squad came out but Mariah yelled at them No and sent them away. She turned around and Crystal nailed her with her finisher but Mariah kicks out. Crystal looks shocked but hits her finisher once again getting the pin.