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Jewellery Estimate Billing Documentation
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Jewellery Estimate Billing v2.0.0


Jewellery estimate billing is a free app that lets jewellery owners and staff print estimate bills showing the price of the jewellery and its breakdown amount.

The app also has the option to calculate and print more than one product. It also supports entry of jewellery sold by the customers to the jewellers.


The app is relatively simple to use.


Once you open the app click on the top-left menu icon and go to Settings

Enter your Jewellery information and the print by dialog option or Bluetooth printer [beta] or the printer’s IP address. [Check printer support heading for more information regarding the thermal printer that is compatible]

Save it and you will be back to the homepage of the app.


In the main app screen, you will see your Jewellery name, printer information, select product option and the Selling, Buying and Total button.

The selling and the buying button are used to enter the product you are selling and buying respectively. .

Once the data are entered click on the Add button at the bottom of the selling and the buying screens to add it to the calculation list. You can enter unlimited number of selling and buying.

Click the Total button to see the cumulative of all the inputs and the calculation available.

Scroll to the far right of the Selling total list and you can see the Asking button.

Click on the asking button to calculate the percentage you receive for the customer’s asking price.

Click estimate to show a popup of how your bill would look like.

You now have the option to either share the estimate bill via WhatsApp, SMS, email or print the bill using the printer.

--- Happy Billing ---



You can use any network-enabled thermal printer. We do recommend using a 3-inch thermal printer eg. Epson M30 network thermal printer. The paper size can either be 58mm (2 inches) or 80mm (3 inches). This IP address needs to be entered in the settings screen of the app. Make sure the print options dialog is not checked.

The following network thermal printers are compatible with our app

Kindly email us your printer model number to if you can print the estimate bill. It will help others too.


You can now use bluetooth printers for printing your estimate bills. The paper size can either be 58mm (2 inches) or 80mm (3 inches). Check the box for the bluetooth printer in the settings and choose the printer's paper size.

When you click Print in the estimate, you will be taken to the bluetooth scan to choose the bluetooth device to print the estimate bill.

Currently, we don’t have any specific listing for the bluetooth thermal printers that are compatible with our application.

Kindly email us your printer model number to if you can print the estimate bill. It will help others too.

ANDROID PRINT [save as pdf]

In the print option dialog printing. The estimate bill will be sent to the Android print system and you can print the bill via any printer that you can use with your android phone. You also have the option to save the estimate bill as a PDF document.

Please Note: The print layouts in the print dialog are optimised for 3-inch thermal printers and not for regular printers.


Drop us an email at or WhatsApp us at +91 9843344330 if you require support in using our app or for buying thermal printers.

We would love for your feedback to improve our app and help you in your jewellery operations. Thanks