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Wizard's Bet Part II
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Your body immediately begins to pant, taking deep inhales and exhaling with a moan. Your thighs tremble as you pick up the two foot long dildo with both hands, and you try to not lick the tip as your arms bring the purple plastic to your mouth. You’re too turned on though, and let your tongue roll out as drool dribbles down it. Your lips curl into a smile as the tip of your tongue circles the head, and you squeeze your plush breasts together as you open your lips wide.

Your tongue is pressed to the bottom of your mouth as your body shoves the large phallic piece down your throat, forcing you to breathe through your nose as your neck bulges. Suddenly Wally comes bursting out of his bedroom, demanding to know what all the noise is about. His jaw drops and he grows erect as your eyelashes flutter in mock shame, and your body begs Wally for his cock as it struts over to him.

He claims to be too tired, but you catch his eyes lingering. He watches in awe as the long dildo comes pouring from your mouth, and you bring your lips to his as it falls to the ground. He grabs your ass and brings your waist close to his cock, making you whimper as your legs turn to jelly. He easily supports your weight with his right hand squeezing your ass, and grunts into your mouth as he grabs the tender part of your right thigh with his left hand.  

You undress him quickly, excited enough to squeal when you unleash his thick monster. His throbbing cock rests against the hood of your pussy as you passionately make out, and you try to lift your hips enough to let him penetrate your desperate folds. He senses this and chuckles into your mouth, vibrating your face and making you moan euphorically back into his mouth. You know he’s just teasing you at this point, keeping his cock high enough to not let you sit on his girthy member.

“Please, Daddy! I need your cock in my pussy, it’s- it’s…” You trail off as he grabs your face, silencing your desperate begging as a bit of precum dribbles onto your waist.

His tongue dances with yours, and you feel defeated as you willingly lick him. All your body wants is more Wally, but he knows just how much hornier not fucking you is getting you. Finally, and without warning, Wally lowers his arms ever so slightly, letting him slide his cock into your womanhood without you noticing at all. Silence fills your mind as he fills your pussy, and time slows down as your breasts bounce upward.

Then it all comes crashing down on you, in one euphoric moment of ecstatic bliss. Wally pumps in and out like a machine as your body instantly begins to plump up, and his lips leave yours before he quickly begins whispering commands into your ear.

“You’ll spend the rest of the night thinking this is happening, but even now… I’m just standing next to you…” Wally trails off, a sharp tap on the back suddenly making your vision glitch.

You can feel Wally thrusting inside you as you close your eyes, and smell his cum as you melt into his body. But when you open your eyes there’s nothing happening, Wally is just whispering into your ear while fully clothed. Each blink gives your body convulsions, and eventually you just keep your eyes closed.

“When I wake up you’ll be dressed as my maid, and feel nothing but discomfort from every spec of dust in the house. The only thing to stop it will be dusting and cleaning, which will give you orgasmic sensations like you’ve never experienced. You’ll clean every inch of this house while hornier than you’ve ever been, and more desperate for my touch than anyone in history.” Wally laughs into your ear, but you barely hear him as your imagination fucks you dry.

You don’t know when Wally left, but you spend the night basically dreaming about him fulfilling your every fantasy. In the morning he wakes you up in a puddle of cum, and helps you stand up as a tiny maid’s outfit wraps around your body. An itch begins in your head before suddenly your entire body feels uncomfortable, and you suddenly crave to rid the house of dust.

The squeezing tightness of your outfit makes it a bit weird to walk around, but none of that matters when you finally grab the duster. Just holding it fills you with happiness, and you run around the house jiggling with a smile as you remove every spec of dust. With control of your fingers you’re able to throw the duster away, but you know that would just make you feel horrible…

After a few hours you wish you could escape, or at least stop dusting! You can’t even see the dust anymore, but your body still knows it’s there. That’s when your legs begin to walk to the patio, and you feel sudden hope that you’re able to escape. Your body struggles with the stuck door as your boobies jiggle, and you pray for a miracle as your high heels make you stick your ass out more than you want to.

Finally the door opens!!

Your body smiles and you expect it to walk forward, but it immediately turns around and grabs a couch cushion to dust outside.

You know you’re about to inhale a bunch of dust, but the feeling of cleaning the pillow helps you ignore the intense coughing. Even when the house is eventually rid of all dust, your body decides to do all the laundry and dishes. Wally is delighted that the house is noticeably spotless, and he rewards your beaming face with a kiss.

“Please change me back!” You beg with smiling lips, curves jiggling as Wally caresses your hips.

“There’s no changing back yet…” Wally trails off as your body grinds into his, “But if you don’t want to have sex with me today, you don’t have to…”

You know you’ll lose the bet if you go along with that, and your aroused body immediately reacts to his threat by kissing Wally convincingly. You don’t engage your tongue with his, making him a bit mad as he plays with your breasts. He lets your body impale itself on his cock and mount him as you beg for him to call off the bet, but he just sits down with his hands on your hips so you can really ride him.

“This is embarrassing! I- Oo fuck! My fucking pussy is- No! This is so… Mmmmmm…” You find yourself losing control as Wally’s cock bulges into your folds, and your eyes glaze over as you feel control come back to your legs!

You immediately stop hopping up and down as your hips expand, but you’re not expecting for Wally’s fully inserted cock to explode inside you. The hot cum shoots up inside you as your breasts swell, making you moan involuntarily as your legs quiver and lose all their strength. He finally lets your wide hips go and you try to run, but you just collapse to the floor in a puddle of cum.

Wally throws a new uniform at you, as the one you have on ripped from the extra weight you just put on. It takes a few minutes for your body to gather enough strength to stand and undress, your legs feeling surreal as you pull off your sheer leggings and thong. You refuse to put on any panties again, and Wally just laughs as he pulls a tiny dress over your shoulders.

“If you bounce in place for a minute, I’ll let you take off that dumb uniform…” Wally laughs, staring down your cleavage as your torso bounces involuntarily.

“Okay fine, but you have to stop making me so ditzy. I think it’s bad for my brain…” You trail off, rolling your eyes up as Wally starts a timer.

“Start now!” Wally says as you start hopping, “Fine, you don’t have to be ditzier, but you’ll feel immeasurable happiness when you do…”

You shiver as your mind changes to Wally’s command, “Please don’t do this to meeeee- O shit, this like, OMG I can’t stop, my brain feels totally fuzzy!” You giggle involuntarily, happiness clouding your thoughts and accelerating your mannerisms as you bounce in place.

“Thirty seconds left…

Whenever someone stares at your tits you’ll smile and show them off, even in public and for people you hate. O, and you’ll get mini orgasms from your boobs moving; the more they jiggle, the better you feel!

Okay, times up!!” Wally chuckles, snapping his fingers as his commands warp your brain.

Your outfit disappears as you stop bouncing, but you now feel constant orgasmic stress from your boobs moving in the slightest. This isn’t enough to cloud your cleaning instincts though, and you begin to feel bothered by dust as the afterglow of Wally’s cock fades.

“I would- errr… O man, I can’t remember what I was…” You trail off as the craving to clean increases, but you feel weird asking for some type of underwear.  

“Not only does talking ditzy feel good, you’ll feel really awkward speaking any other way. So just go with the flow, beautiful.”

You swallow hard as you fight, but give in to the curiosity and pretend to be a bimbo. “I like, totes- Wow- this feels fucking fantastic, o the more ditzy I talk the better it like, O! This is so totally sexy, daddy!! Oo, that’s amazing! I need more!! Totally, like, omg I need bigger boobies and a-” You cut yourself off even through the building euphoria, getting too caught up in the character as your pussy pulsates. Wally raises an eyebrow at your request, then smirks and snaps his fingers. Instantly you grow a cup size, making your boobs jiggle even more and making you moan. Your moans become more and more ditzy as you give in to the feeling, and soon you’re too horny to think about cleaning.

“Like, make me your dream bimbo…” You giggle, letting your breasts bounce as you approach Wally with a smile.

He just laughs and walks away, going to bed as you ditzily beg for his magic. Once he’s gone you stop talking, and it only takes a few minutes for all the built up pleasure to disappear. You feel the craving in your body to penetrate yourself with the dildo, but with control of your legs you’re able to decide to wait for tomorrow. You don’t want to change more than necessary, so you go to bed and ignore your ravenous body.

Well, not ignore… It’s impossible to sleep with your body wanting sex so badly, but you eventually pass out. The intense need for sex wakes you up after a few hours, and you try to eat breakfast before just giving in and waking up Wally.

“I… My body needs- Hmm… I forgot how awkward you made all this talking…” You trail off, blushing as you feel anxiety run through your veins.

“You want my cock? Act like it. Talk dirty to me, baby.” Wally commands, his growing erection making your mouth water as your lips involuntarily shape into an O.

“I’m not even showing you this thing till you promise to suck it, but do it like the slutty bimbo you know you are.”

You try to hold back the rush of words that climb up your throat, but it’s too hard to concentrate as you stare into Wally’s eyes.

“Please let me suck your big, fat, like, juicy… Mmmmm… My brain feels so cloudy, I totes forgot how like, juicy and thick- no wait, no… I forgot how amazing this feels!! Omg!! O and your cock is tasty looking, Daddy!” You giggle as Wally pulls out his erection, your pussy gushing as Wally pulls you into his bed.

You jump onto his lap ready to insert his cock in your pussy, but he pushes your shoulders back. Your arms pull you back and leave your lips inches from his cock, letting you smell his morning musk as you drool into his crotch. You try pushing back with your legs, but that just pushes your ass into the air as your arms hold onto Wally’s waist.

“I just want you in my puss- Eeeeee! Fuck…” You trail off, finally succumbing and wrapping your plump lips around Daddy’s shaft.

You hadn’t meant to speak like a ditz, but your brain is conditioned to prefer that. You used to have to focus on using a slutty voice, but now you need to focus on talking normally. Even your moans are more girly than they really are, it just feels better that way. Wally suddenly smacks your wiggling ass, making it jiggle as you deepthroat his member.

You feel it bulge in your mouth as Wally grabs your hips, and suddenly he’s lifting you into the air. He impales your ready pussy on his throbbing cock, making you whimper helplessly as your legs split open. He bounces your plump body up and down, making you squeal euphorically as your bubble butt inflates.

Wally pulls you in for a passionate kiss as your waist cinches in, and your boobs press into his chest as they swell. Your pussy tightens as precum dribbles into it, and you feel tingling in your torso as you gain control of it.

With control from your head to neck your body no longer craves sex, and you pull your head up as Wally bulges inside you. It’s too late though, and you cry out euphorically as your womanhood is filled.

Your brain is flooded with hormones and chemicals that make you feel high, and you smile goofily as Wally pumps you full of cum.
