I have a DREAM

Short description - 1000 characters

Type the description of your project, be clear and use keywords to help people to find you

I have a DREAM is an eTwinning multidisciplinary project aimed at secondary school students. The aim of the project is to bring students together so that they can practise their communication and ICT skills and develop a positive attitude towards the world, their own present wellbeing and the future. The DREAM of the title presents the ideas we wish to focus on: D - design of the ideal future world, R - respect for the past, human rights and copyright; E - empathy towards another human being and our planet; A - actions undertaken to raise awareness of important local and global issues; M - motivation aroused through meaningful challenges organised by our international Dream Team. Thus, the project will start with the following driving question: ‘How can I dream big and show that I am an engaged dreamer who acts to make my dreams come true?’ We hope the ‘dream project’ will allow students to come up with solutions to problems that matter to them and ‘hide’ the learning in the process.

Exactly 1000 characters

AIMS - 1000 characters

Try to be specific, particularly in terms of competences and skills you hope your pupils will gain through this project. Refrain from stating too abstract concepts such as "European Dimension of education" or "Intercultural communication".

The project aims to develop communication in the foreign language (English), digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression.

Students will:

- raise awareness concerning eSafety and Media Literacy by e.g. participating in SID2022

- become active, responsible and tolerant citizens and netizens

- enrich the knowledge of partner countries by sharing European Heritage and developing cultural exchange

- develop creativity, collaboration, communication skills, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership and responsibility

- raise awareness of the importance of one’s good health and wellbeing

- become familiar with STEAM and take part in EU Code Week

- realise the significance of building human relations and positive emotions, especially in the light of difficult situations like the Covid pandemic

WORK PROCESS - 1000 characters

State how you intend to work with your partner schools and how responsibilities are shared. Give an approximate calendar of activities, state how frequently you will work with your partner; indicate how you intend to involve your pupils; if you intend to create teams of pupils of different schools, and other relevant information.

September - project  and participants’ introductions/ European Day of Languages; creating international teams of dreamers

October - They had their dreams - focus on the past/ celebrating Eu Code Week;

November - Everybody has the right to dream - focus on tolerance

December - Christmas dreams

January - New Year’s/ new world dreams

February - eDreams - SID2022

March - Happy dreams

April - Dreams for the Earth

May - Wake up call! + evaluation

EXPECTED RESULTS - 1000 characters

Indicate here if you are planning a final product such a public Twinspace or other resources. You might envisage instead the improvement of a school practice, or new knowledge.

The project outcomes (posters, games, presentations, recordings, videos, pieces of writing, etc) will be shared on TwinSpace, part of which will be made public. Participants will use various ICT tools to complete the tasks and create the main external result - Our Dream eBook. We hope that active participation in the project will enrich the students’ knowledge as well as develop all the competences and skills mentioned above that will prepare the students for their future life and careers and turn them into open-minded BIG DREAMERS eager to take up new challenges.