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Bitcoin Private / Ledger Nano Guide
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Bitcoin Private / Ledger Nano Guide

  1. If you have not already, setup your Nano via the device’s LCD screen
  2. Plug it into your computer
  3. Launch the Ledger Manager Chrome Application (if you do not have it already, you can install it within your Chrome web browser at: )
  4. If your Nano LCD screen is saying that your MCU is outdated, keep your Ledger Manager app open. Unplug your device, hold down the left button (the one nearest to the USB port), then plug it back in- Ledger Manager should indicate that it is updating your MCU.
  5. Use the Ledger Manager Chrome App to check for a firmware update- if one is available, apply it (you may need to re-insert your device into your computer with the right button pressed).

  1. Use the Ledger Manager Chome App to install the “Bitcoin Private” Nano App onto your Nano device.

  1. Once installed, use the left or right buttons on the Nano device to navigate to the Bitcoin Private app via the device’s LCD screen- then press both left and right buttons simultaneously to launch the app.

  1. Launch Electrum BTCP version 1.1.0 or higher (download the latest release at )
  2. Create the wallet
  1. If this is your first time launching:

  1. Setup a new wallet (if you are already an Electrum BTCP user, use the File Menu > New/Restore Menu Option to create an additional wallet)



  1. Name your wallet

  1. When asked about Creating your wallet, choose “Standard Wallet”

  1. When asked about “Keystore”, choose the “Use a Hardware Device” option.

  1. When asked about “Hardware Keystore”, choose the first option listed (in some cases you may see two options; nevertheless, choose the first option)

  1. When asked about Derivation, continue with the default values and simply press “Next”

  1. The Electrum main window should open; select the “View” > “Show Addresses” Menu Option to view the public addresses associated with your Nano!


Make sure your Nano is awake (i.e. not showing the scrolling screensaver) and unlocked with your PIN in order for the device to be recognized.

Make sure the Bitcoin Private Nano app is already launched on your Nano device.

Make sure your Nano is awake (i.e. not showing the scrolling screensaver) and unlocked with your PIN

Open Windows Settings, navigate to Devices, find the “Nano S” device and remove the device. Unplug the device and then plug it back in

Visit our Discord channel for further help and troubleshooting!

Recovering BTCP from BTC at the Fork:

Create a new wallet and on step 14, use this derivation path

Create a new wallet and on step 14, use this derivation path

To send the funds, open the Coins tab on the main page

Click spend and send to an address on your main BTCP enabled wallet

Spend the whole amount minus the transaction fee and click preview

(You should only have 1 output and it should be the original Coin amount minus the transaction fee)

Sign and broadcast the transaction