AI Art Generators - Free - Architecture Focus


Jutka Czirok - Teacher Leader @ Room203

Written Jan 27, 2023

StarryAI - an idea for Architecture and Spatial & Urban design - idea and inspiration generation

“Bus shelter design for public use, in the style of Frank Gehry”

And I uploaded the image above as a visual prompt

With this prompt image it recreated the building instead of a bus shelter: With Cinema 3D filter.

Without the visual prompt, however still not a bus shelter, but an interesting outcome nevertheless

Evolved this image and added watercolour filter !

Used up all my credits for the day!

Next test for this - input a simple bus stop image and use the same statement.

It takes the prompts literally - but there are some ideas - going to try to evolve it.

This has not really worked as I had hoped!

Going to evolve using one of the AI images from yesterday!

The final image; it went off in another direction! But created some cool forms.

Feedback welcome.