The Opheim Youth Organization (OYO) strives to create and promote opportunities for the youth of the Opheim Community. The amount of funds available is dependent on the amount of available funds in OYO account and amount of requests properly submitted to the OYO board. Grants will be awarded on a first come first serve bases. The board will be diligent to make timely decisions that are fair and assure every individual, group, applicant is getting adequate support when needed. Best efforts will be made to evenly distribute the amount of grant monies available.
Requirements are that the funds meet the OYO mission statement: “to provide programs, educational opportunities, technology, and leadership to enhance the youth of the Opheim community, to help alleviate financial stressors on our rural community, and to expand the positive and safe educational environment currently being provided for our youth.” The grant request does not need to be submitted by an adult but must be supported and supervised by an adult. Applicants must submit a written report on success of awarded funds to the OYO board upon completion of project or objective.
Thank you for taking an active, positive role in the life and environment of our developing youth.
Application date:______________________________
Application details:
Title of project/objective and brief description:
Target Audience and approximate number of youth to benefit:______________________________________________________________________________________
Classroom Educational vs. Extra-curricular (please circle one)
Goal of Project:
How will success of project/objective be evaluated or monitored?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please identify any school-community partners involved (if any) and their respective role(s):
What is the anticipated time line of project/objective? (ex. indefinite, 5-10 years, 2 months.)
Have funds been requested from any other sources for the purpose of this application? (ex. Has the school been contacted before you requested OYO funds?)
Yes or No ?
AMOUNT REQUESTED: ____________________
Please include itemized list of expenses.
Granted by OYO: Yes No: reason
_______________________________ OYO signature & date