
Pokeclan lived in a crystal cave. Their worst enemy was Necrozma, who wanted their whole territory and could summon dark crystals that exploded. In Pokeclan there was a warrior who was the deputy of the clan until Necrozma banished the leader, Solgaleo, to the cursed realm. As the new leader, Lycanroc, decided to take the clan on a journey to find a new home. The next day, Lycanroc summoned the clan for a meeting …

Chapter One

 “All clan members gather at the high rock for a clan meeting,” howled Lycanroc.

In a few moments, the clan including the kits were assembled.

“For the safety of the clan, we must travel to a new home,” said the leader. “Any—”

The new deputy, Charizard, roared, “Where?”

The leader replied, “I only know that we have to move, I don’t know where we need to move. We will head to the mountains first. You have until dusk to prepare.”

When it was time, Pokeclan headed for the mountains, carrying their food and medicine supplies.

Chapter Two

In a forest across the mountains lived the four clans: Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Windclan and Riverclan.

A Thunderclan patrol was catching freshkill, when a badger attacked them. It lunged at Birchpaw, one of the apprentices. Birchpaw’s mentor, Ashfur, protected his apprentice and unsheathed his claws. Ashfur and Birchpaw started fighting the badger, when a second appeared. The dark brown tabby shape of Brambleclaw clawed the second badger’s nose. While Brambleclaw had the second badger’s attention, Birchpaw clawed the creature's flank, driving it off. Outnumbered, the first badger ran away.

“Good job, Birchpaw,” said Ashfur. “Would you like to report this to Firestar?”

“Yes please!”

“Then run back to camp and report,” instructed Ashfur. “We’ll bring the freshkill—” but the apprentice had already raced off.

Birchpaw ran as fast as he could, with the wind brushing against his fur. He told the clan leader that he had something to report. Birchpaw was shocked when Firestar invited him to come and eat with him. The young apprentice took a mouse from the freshkill pile and entered Firestar’s den. “ … but we drove them off,” Birchpaw finished.

“Actually, you drove them off, Birchpaw,” came the meow of Ashfur.

“Birchpaw, tomorrow you and I will go on a hunting and border patrol,” meowed Firestar.

The next day, the two cats went on patrol, and on the way back to camp Firestar meowed, “When we get to camp we will hold your warrior naming ceremony.”

“Thank you!”


“I, Firestar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Birchpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?”

“I do.”

“Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name: Birchpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Birchfall. Starclan honours your courage.

“Birchfall!  Birchfall!” The clan chanted the new warrior’s name.

Chapter Three

Rayquaza saw a thunderbolt halfway to the ground. In this thunderbolt she saw the clan travelling. In a full thunderbolt she saw the clan with cats in a forest. The elders were telling cat kits about the journey and about what she was seeing! The warriors were training apprentices that weren’t pokemon. Charizard was talking to a cat named Birchfall. She realised this must be a dream sent by Starclan about their new home. Pokeclan was going to join another clan. She woke up and said, “I must tell Lycanroc.”

Rayquaza described her dream to Lycanroc. When she had finished, Lycanroc said excitedly, “Charizard, go into the air and find a forest. Take a moon if you need to, we’ll be waiting.”

“Good luck!” the clan called after the deputy, who flicked his tail to show that he had heard.

Chapter Four

“You may end your vigil now that the clan is waking up,” Firestar meowed to Birchfall.

“Thank you. I will go and catch some freshkill.”

“Aren’t you going to eat and rest?”

“I’ll catch something for myself and sleep when I get back.”




“What’s wrong Brightheart?” asked Cloudtail.

“I wanted a rabbit.”

“Sounds like I’m back just in time,” meowed Birchfall, who dropped some prey (including a rabbit) on the freshkill pile.

The new warrior went to sleep and got woken at sunhigh by Firestar calling the clan for a meeting.

“Leafpool, tell them about your dream.”

“I saw the clan, everything was normal, but then I noticed strange creatures—”

Birchfall raised his paw.

“Yes, Birchfall?” meowed Firestar.

“That was the name, Birchfall! The same name from Raquaza’s dream sent from Starclan,'' came a voice.

“Show yourself!” Firestar howled.

“Do what my leader says or I’ll rip your fur off,” threatened Birchfall.

“More like rip my scales off,” came the voice.

One of the creatures Leafpool had seen in her dream and that Birchfall had seen, flew down and landed before the cats …

Chapter Five

“My name is Charizard. I am the deputy of Pokeclan, a master of air and a master of fire,” he roared.

“Why are you here?” meowed Firestar.

“I’m here because of a dream one of my clanmates had from Starclan. That dream was about my clan joining another clan. In the dream was a cat named Birchfall. Are there any other cats called Birchfall here?”

“No,” meowed Birchfall, “I’m the only cat named Birchfall in Thunderclan.”

“Did you say Thunderclan?” asked Charizard, his eyes full of curiosity.

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“Well, a monster called Necrozma drove us out of our home,” said Charizard. “I was interested in the clan’s name because an ancient prophecy says that Necrozma died long ago but he couldn't join Starclan. Instead he became the destroyer he is today, but when three very different clans join together and form a special peace he will change back to his former self and join Starclan.”

“What were the names of the clans?” asked Birchfall.

“Thunderclan, Pokeclan and Monsterclan.”

“How do we know he’s not lying?” asked Dustpelt.

“I’m not lying!” roared Charizard.

“I’m not believing a word you say without evidence that you’re telling the truth, '' spat Dustpelt, his fur rising with hostility.

“Stop this at once!” ordered Firestar, but Dustpelt didn’t listen.

Dustpelt launched himself at Charizard, but Charizard dodged easily. Charizard grabbed Dustpelt and threw him into the thorn barrier, but Dustpelt recovered with ease.

Chapter Six

“Stop!” Leafpool howled.

Dustpelt was stunned. Leafpool was never this angry. I should do what Leafpool says, she is a medicine cat, thought Dustpelt.

“In my dream, a voice told me the prophecy Charizard just told us,” meowed Leafpool.

“How do we know he isn’t lying about everything else?” asked Dustpelt, allowing his fur to lie flat.

Charizard flew into the air and unleashed his flame into the cloudy grey sky, burning away the clouds to allow the sunlight to reach down to the ground and warm the pelts of the cats.

“Sorry, I thought you were lying,” apologised Dustpelt, a hint of guilt in his eyes. Dustpelt turned his head away because he didn’t want anyone to see his guilt.

“I’ll go and get Pokeclan,” said Charizard. With his wings spread out, Charizard soared through the green new leaf forest.

Chapter Seven

Lycanroc was excited when he heard Charizard’s news. He told the clan they were going to move out.


“Go as fast as you can, everyone,” instructed Charizard, who picked up speed.

In a few moments they were at the entrance to the camp.

“I think Lycanroc, Raquaza and I should go first,” said Charizard. “We’ll tell you when you can come.”

Charizard led the way and Lycanroc took the rear.

“Hello,” said Charizard

“Hi,” meowed Birchfall, who felt as if he had a friendship with Charizard, unlike the rest of Thunderclan.

“My name is Raquaza, and I received the dream from Starclan about my clan joining your clan.”

“I’m Lycanroc, the leader of Pokeclan.”

“Nice to meet you,” meowed Firestar. I’m the leader of Thunderclan, Firestar.”

“Is it okay if we call the rest of the clan?” asked Charizard, eager for his clan to start settling in.

“Of course,” replied Firestar.

“Come on, everyone,” said Charizard.

“Firestar, is it okay for my clan to rest until sunhigh and then get shown around?” asked Lycanroc.


Lycanroc walked out of camp to look around and while he did so he thought to himself. Well, that's the first part of the challenge over. Now for the harder part … settling in.