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10.11.2021 Executive Council Agenda

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Associated Students of Boise State University

Executive Team Meeting

October 11th, 2021 3:30-5:00 pm

Zoom Link

Fishbowl Room in Student Involvement

  1. Call to Order

  1. Attendance
  1. Team check-in
  2. Team Member of the week

  1. Approval of Minutes
  1. 10.4.2021 Minutes

  1. Updates
  1. Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs 
  1. Associate Vice President of Student Organizational Affairs
  1. 29 student organizations have been funded so far!!
  2. There will be 6-7 direct grants heard on Friday October 8th
  3. The Believe Committee met with Danielle (Title IX Coordinator) and is beginning to form projects regarding gender based violence
  1. Administrative Director
  2. Government Relations Officer

Discussing possibly creating a University student/alumni lobby network with Andrew.

  1. Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence
  1. Resiliency Room Update
  2. Indigenous Day
  3. Coalition Building
  1. Communications Officer
  1. Comm committee has very large aspirations, which will likely delay work on other projects like website and branding.
  2. The instagram will be getting a major revamp, including 6 posts a week, new bio, archiving of all old posts, plus new designs.
  3. I’m working with Cody Gouglerin athletics on getting ASBSU promo’s on the big screen, though will likely not happen this season.
  4. I have a meeting with Leigh Ann Dufurrenasometime soon on possible ASBSU/BSU collabs.
  1. Ethics Officer
  1. New attendance sheet, I will start regularly checking attendance in all applicable meetings and recording it there.
  2. Agendas must be posted for Joint Assembly/Senate meetings by Monday at 11:59 PM (3.III.B.8), Executive by 9:00 AM the day of the meeting (5.III.B.3), and IESC by 9:00 AM on Monday (7.III.B.2). Make sure to give Eric enough time to do that, we also may want to discuss later down the line putting in a code change that unifies when agendas have to be posted so it’s easier to get into a routine.
  1. Vice President
  1. The Dining Services RFP is almost ready to go. We are waiting to hear back from Dr. Whipple and Dr. Tromp for final approval before it is released.
  2. The Bronco BEAM app is ready to go! Two years ago ASBSU funded an app through the GIMM program and they let Emily Hester and I know that they are ready to launch. It will be mostly centered around the food pantry until catering is restarted.
  3. The spring Mobile Food Pantry has been moved to be hosted during Bronco Giving Day (March 3rd and 4th).
  4. The fall Mobile Food Pantry is Wednesday, October 20th. We need everyone to volunteer for this so please sign up when you are able to. Also share with your branches and friends!!
  5. The Aramark President of Higher Ed Services reached out to Kenny and I to set up a meeting to discuss the resolution. That will be taking place later this week.
  1. President
  1. Ethics Code Change Presentation. This will be presented this week to the Assembly and Senate. If they approve it, it will be up to be voted on in the Executive Council next meeting. Taite and I wanted to provide this presentation to you all before seeing it in the Joint meeting to ensure you weren’t caught off guard, and for you to provide recommendations if you see fit.
  2. Eric and I got in touch with Lauren Griswold to work on obtaining email addresses for our Senators-- piloting whether or not it should be pursued for the Assembly members as well.
  3. I reached out to Dr. Buckwalter to ask about Graf being regularly invited to the Dean’s Council meeting so we have insight at each level in the University about what is happening in each space.
  1. Update: Dean’s council has declined the seat, but encourages us to request a time for us to present in their meetings when things come up-- vice versa as well.
  1. JFAC met Thursday and approved Eric’s Canva Bill and the Mental Health Committee Bill. They will be up in the Joint meeting this week.
  2. The Mental Health Committee has planned to throw a Veterans Day celebration this past week. It will include food trucks and a therapy animal petting zoo in the Quad
  3. Reintegration committee: Central district health is overwhelmed with cases and their contact tracing team isn’t capable of reaching out to positive cases until after their recommended quarantine period has already concluded. The city has started advertising that Boise State is the place to go for testing and Public Health is seeing a large increase in the number of community members wanting tests from us.
  4. The Helmet cart had a maintenance issue, it’s since been fixed but it did cost $250ish. The existing line item budget covered the cost, but to refill the gas tank it will most likely require a bill.

  1. New Business

  1. Old Business

  1. Open Floor / Announcements
  1. Kenny- Next meeting will take place in the Fishbowl Room of Student Involvement at 3:30 pm Monday, October 18, 2021.

  1. Meeting Adjourned