Name: ____________________________

The Art of the Interview

According to acclaimed journalist John Sawatsky, good questions are like clean windows. "A clean window gives a perfect view...When you put values in your questions, it's like putting dirt on the window. It obscures the view.”

#1 Ask neutral, open-ended questions

Open-ended questions start the flow of narrative. As a result, they are more useful to the interviewer who wants to elicit stories.

Give an example of this type of question: _______________________________________



#2 Start questions with what, how, and why

These questions demand the most from sources, requiring them to describe causes (what happened?), processes (how did it happen?) and motivation (why did you do it?).

Give an example of this type of question: _______________________________________



#3 Less is More

The more information journalists put into questions, the more information sources leave out. Short questions produce succinct, dramatic, focused responses. Long rambling questions get long rambling answers or curt, confused replies. Strategize. 

Give an example of this type of question: _______________________________________



#4 Focus follow up questions

To focus questions, pick a key phrase the source mentioned and repeat it in an open-ended question. If, in describing his service, your interviewee says, "We've had difficult times," respond: "What do you mean by difficult times?"

Give an example of this type of question: _______________________________________





  1. Test and begin your recording equipment
  2. Conduct your interview
  3. Take MANY portrait photos of your interviewee (so you may choose the best one)