7 - Column Thought Record Worksheet
Please answer the questions in the table to explore the connection between the event that happened to you and the accompanying thoughts and emotions.
What happened? Describe the activating event in detail. | How did it make you feel? Describe your emotions. | What thoughts were going through your mind? | What evidence do you have that supports those thoughts? | What evidence do you have that is against those thoughts? | Can you think of an alternative, realistic thought that could have been more beneficial in this situation? | How would you feel or behave as a result of the alternative, realistic thought? |
Cully, J. A., & Teten, A.L. (2008). A Therapist’s Guide to Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Houston: Department of Veterans Affairs South Central MIREC.
You can download more Mental Health worksheets here.
Please note: There may be a more up-to-date and editable version of this worksheet available here which may be more suitable to present to clients if you are a therapist or to use in a classroom as a teacher or guidance counsellor.
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