Rhymes of the Sea

Xu Zhimo, 1925


“Maiden, lonesome maiden,

        why are you lingering

        by the seaside at dusk?

Maiden, just go home, maiden.”

“Oh, no; home I will not go,

        for I love the evening breeze: ” —

        On the sandy beach, in twilight's mist,

a maiden with windswept hair—

                        wandering, wandering.


“Maiden, windswept-haired maiden,

        why are you hesitating

        by the desolate sea?

Maiden, just go home, maiden.”

“Oh, no; listen to me sing,

        Great Sea, I’ll sing, you accompany: ” —

        Under starlight, in the cold breeze,

a young girl’s clear voice rings—

                        high and low.


“Maiden, courageous maiden!

        Dark curtains drawn over the sky,

        a violent storm is brewing—

Maiden, just go home, maiden!”

“Oh, no; watch my airborn dance,

        learn from a seagull skimming waves: ” —

        In the depth of night, on the sandy beach,

spun a slender silhouette—

                        twirling, twirling.


“Listen! The wrath of a mighty sea.

        Maiden, just go home, maiden!

Look! Waves like ferocious beasts.

        Maiden, just go home, maiden!”

“Oh, no; the waves are not here to consume me,

        I love the turbulence of the mighty sea!”

By crashing tides, by glittering waves,

        a panicked girl in a foaming sea,

                        stumbling, stumbling.


“Maiden, where are you, maiden?

        Where is your clear voice?

Where is your slender frame?

        Where are you, oh, courageous maiden?”

Dark night swallowed the starlight,

        the seaside lost its radiance;

Tides engulfed the sandy beach,

        the maiden nowhere to be found—

                        nowhere to be found!

Original (Sim. Chinese)























































[1] Source: http://www.artsdome.com/books/xzm/022.htm