Life is like a clock...

It goes for a long time. Every morning I wake up to a light shining in my face my mum says that's the easiest way to wake me up I just think  she's cruel. Than I walk and my door to hear Blair unpack the dishwasher and because i'm so tired it takes me about 15 minutes which is dumb. Than I get dropped off  at the bus stop which I wait at for 10 minutes. Then I get onto kids yelling and screaming everywhere. Finally I got to KIS Where I wait for the school bus which is pretty much the same.

Than I get to school wheres not to much to complain about plus the worlds best sister works next door.

We go on to about 2:30 to which I just do the other thing like catch the school bus to my other bus than go home. Than I walk through the door to have a nice sit down but no I get a waterfall of jobs and what feels like one million years later I finally get just sit down and go to sleep. But wait I have baby twins who wake up all throughout the night which means hard luck.Than I just do everything else forever and ever until I move out.

By Blair McDonald