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Official 2024 -2025 Lower School Handbook
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 Trinity Christian Academy

Lower School Handbook (Grades PK-5)

2024-2025 School Year

Leah Claire Hall, Lower School Principal 


Trinity Christian Academy

10 Windy City Road

Jackson, Tennessee 38305


Lower School Handbook Table of Contents

Mission Statement        5

Vision Statement        5

Philosophy of Christian Education        5

Trinity Christian Academy is a Covenant Christian School        5

2024 - 2025 School Verse        6

Non-Discrimination Policy        6

Board And School Governance        6

Administration, Faculty & Staff        6

Statement of Faith        9

Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality  (TCA Bylaws, Article 3B)        9

Educational Statement        11

Matthew 18 Principle for Parents and Students          14

Attendance Policy/Guidelines        15

Importance of Regular and Punctual Attendance        15

Checking In and Out of School        15

1. Excused Absences (AE)        15

2. Unexcused Absences (AU)        17

3. School Related (SR) Absences        17

Excessive Absences/Academic Credit Risk        18

Tardies         18

Consequences/Disciplinary Process for Non-Adherence to Tardy Policy        18

Early Dismissals        18

Missed Assignments Due to Absences        18

Missed Assignments Due to a Suspension        19

Family Trips or Other Special Activities        19

Extra-Curricular & Athletic Participation        19

Athletes Participating in Summer Sports        20

Emergency Closing of School        20

Field Trips        20

Change of Address        21

Medical Release Forms        21

Health/First Aid/Medications Policy        21

Illnesses during School Hours        22

Immunization Policy        22

Lower School Peanut Free Policy        22

Outside Visitor Policy        23

Lower School Dress Code        23

Parent and Student Expectations for Dress Code        23

NOTE: Dress Code Policy Changes and Updates for the 2024-2025 School Year        23

Process for Non-Adherence to Dress Code         24

Girls Dress Standards        24

Boys Dress Standards        26

Boys & Girls Spirit Days        27

Outdoor Play Dress Guidelines        27

Non-Uniform School Days         27

Guidelines for Student Behavior        28

Discipline        29

Corporal Punishment Policy        30

Physical Violence Policy        30

Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy        32

Spectator Code of Conduct for Athletic Events        34

Child Abuse Reporting Policy        34

School Safety        35

Classroom Interruptions        36

Contacting Faculty and Administration        36

Content of Textbooks        37

Distribution or Display of Materials        37

Grading System        37

Homework        37

Wednesday Night Homework        38

Report Cards        38

Standardized Testing        38

Textbooks        38

Permanent Records        38

Lost and Found        38

Library Services        39

Lost Library Books/Materials        39

Lunch Program        39

School Pictures        39

Parties        39

Personal Property/Cell Phones        40

School Calendar        40

Policy for Responsible Use of Technology        40

Expectations & Rules        40

Online Behavior        40

Privacy        41

Use of Technology Resources        41

Obscene or Inappropriate Materials        41

Copyright & Plagiarism        41

Personally Owned Equipment & Devices        42

Limitation of Liability        42

Google Accounts        42

1:1 Initiative        42

REACH/RISE Program        43

Volunteer and Chaperone Policy (Adopted August 3, 2018)        43

Student Grade - Level Retention Factors        44

Student Non-Re-Enrollment Factors        44

Withdrawal Procedures        45

Withdrawal Policies        45

Mission Statement

God has called Trinity Christian Academy to assist Christian families and their churches in providing a Biblically directed, academically excellent education that equips students to be Godly leaders and servants in their homes, churches, and communities.  (Adopted 2003)

Vision Statement

Our vision is to train young champions for Christ who are equipped to serve the Lord by being prepared spiritually, academically, and physically.

Philosophy of Christian Education  

God calls His people to raise their children in a context where love for God and communication about Him are present in their homes and lives.  God has revealed Himself to man, and His revelation is central to all of life and learning.  Christian education teaches and applies the content of Scripture to help students see the world and all academic disciplines from the viewpoint of the Creator.  Our basic philosophy is succinctly stated by Romans 11:36, “For of Him and through Him, and to Him are all things; to whom be glory forever.”

Trinity Christian Academy is a Covenant Christian School

Trinity Christian Academy was formed in 1985 as a covenant Christian school in Jackson, Tennessee. Parents who choose TCA for their children are assisted in a covenant partnership of Christian discipleship and education along with their local Bible-believing church. At least one parent or legal guardian must be a professing believer in Jesus Christ and a regular part of a Christian church body of believers.

TCA is a nondenominational school not connected to a particular church or denomination, with no more than 1/2 of its Board of Directors from a single denomination or church at any time. The school’s Statement of Faith (Statement of Foundational Doctrines) outlines the Biblical beliefs on which TCA is based. Should doctrinal questions or concerns arise, students will be referred to their family, their church, and the Bible for final authority.

At TCA, we strive alongside our families and their churches to help teach our students to see themselves and all things from a Biblical perspective. Bible instruction is a part of TCA’s curriculum and weekly chapels are held beginning with our two-year-olds. Biblical truths are integrated into all subjects with meaningful discipleship as an ongoing goal. Our greatest desire is that TCA students will develop and deepen a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and allow Him to lead and transform them throughout their lives.

Children being raised in a Christ-focused home, church, and school are collectively encouraged beyond a salvation message towards lifelong transformation as a seeker and follower of Jesus. We pray our students come to love God with all their hearts, souls, and minds, and their neighbors as themselves throughout their lives.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”  Deuteronomy 6:5-9

2024 - 2025 School Verse

“I am in them and you are in me, so that they may be made completely one, that the world may know you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me.”  (John 17:23 - CSB)

Non-Discrimination Policy

Trinity Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, handicap, or national origin in its dealings with employees, students, the general public, applicants for employment, educational programs, activities, or access to its facilities.  

Board And School Governance

Trinity Christian Academy is governed by a Board of Trustees thats primary function is to act as the guardian of the school’s mission, to develop and guard major institutional policies, to hire and manage the Head of School as its single employee, and to be responsible for the financial viability and stability of the school.  

Administration, Faculty & Staff

Trinity Christian Academy’s administration, faculty, and staff are called by God to serve Him through the Christ-centered ministry of TCA.  Thank you for allowing us to serve your family and for respecting the mantle of responsibility that comes with striving daily to be transforming educators for God’s glory for each child in our care.

Trinity Christian Academy Staff

Purpose Statement

(TCA Bylaws, Article 2)

Trinity Christian Academy exists to:

  1. The Bible as God’s inerrant, infallible Word
  2. The fact that Jesus Christ is not only the Savior of men, but is also the Lord over every area of life, including our minds, bodies, finances, possessions, and family life.  

“And He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.   For in Him all things were created both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through Him and for Him.  And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together”. Colossians 1:15-17

The Trinity Difference

Trinity offers Christian parents a partnership of biblical truth and discipleship with their child’s formal education, their local Bible believing church, and their homes. Christian Education at TCA recognizes that God’s word is the measure of all things, the scale on which His people are to weigh all issues of life. He is the foundation of true education. “In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Col.  2:3

Our goal is that TCA students grow in their faith and love for the Lord and that they seek and serve Him throughout their lives. We work to strengthen our students’ knowledge and application of biblical Truths and the transformational salvation of Christ so that their life’s foundation and peace is found in Him, and not in the ever-changing standards of culture and the world.  

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

“And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.Ephesians 4:11-16

“The second (commandment) is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39


Statement of Faith

Doctrinal Statement

(TCA Bylaws, Article 3)

The basis of Trinity Christian Academy is the infallible Word of God, written, known as the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testaments, as they are interpreted in the historic, evangelical confessions of Christian faith. In accordance with these confessions, we hold unreservedly to the sovereignty of God as taught in Scripture and as specifically revealed in the Lordship of Jesus Christ over the world and thus over every department of human activity, thereby recognizing these Scriptures as the supreme and final standard for life. Trinity Christian Academy is not a church nor is it subject to any ecclesiastical organization but works with and through such bodies to aid and benefit both this school and such church bodies with which it may be associated. Therefore, the school is committed to and subscribes to the following articles of belief:

THE BIBLE - We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be inspired by God, inerrant in the original writings, and accurately maintained over the ages by God’s Spirit.  They are the only supreme and final authority for the rule of faith and life for all men.

GOD - We believe in only one living and true God, Who externally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, having one substance, power and eternity, perfectly sovereign, holy and unchangeable and infinite in being.

MAN - We believe that man and the universe were created by an immediate and direct act of God. Also, we believe that man was created in the image of God, but he chose to sin and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death which is eternal separation from God and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and become sinners in thought, word and deed. All human beings stand accountable before and to God for their sins.

JESUS CHRIST - We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born to the Virgin Mary, and is truly God and truly man, yet one Christ, the only mediator between God and man. Also, we believe that He was crucified on a cross, died and was buried and resurrected by God. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest, King and Savior of His Church.

SALVATION - We believe that the Lord Jesus died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice and that all who believe in and trust in Him alone are justified on the grounds of His shed blood and perfect, righteous life. We further believe that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again by the Holy Spirit, and thereby, become children of God and are being sanctified by God.

SECOND COMING - We believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will personally return and set up His Kingdom wherein He will rule and reign in righteousness.

FINAL RESURRECTION - We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just to eternal blessedness according to the pattern of Christ’s own glorious body and the bodily resurrection of the unjust to eternal punishment.

Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality  (TCA Bylaws, Article 3B)

Consistent with the Bible and TCA’s Foundational Doctrines, we believe the following:

In consistency with TCA’s Foundational Doctrines and Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality, students and employees will dress in conformance with one's biological sex (with the exception of school-sanctioned school spirit events) and use restrooms, locker rooms, and changing facilities conforming with one's biological sex. (Added July 2021)


Educational Statement

(TCA Bylaws, Article 4)

Section 1 - Preface. The presupposition upon which the educational philosophy of Trinity Christian Academy is based is that God as described by the Bible exists. Thus, we believe that there are absolutes and that these absolutes imply antithesis. Upon no other foundation can a system of logic or reason which will yield a meaning for life be built.

God’s word is the measure of all things, the scale on which His people are to weigh all issues of life. He is the foundation of true education. As we see it, the purpose of education is to train the child to be a faithful servant of God, to seek to be holy as He is Holy, and to be equipped to fulfill God’s cultural mandate and the Great Commission.

As Christian parents, we have the God given responsibility to educate our children. God has set the basic center of learning; the church and school are but an extension of the Christian home. Since indeed this is true, then we logically believe that Christian education should extend not only through the church but also the school.

Believing that all truth is a manifestation of God’s sovereignty in creation, we desire to establish and maintain a school, which in its ultimate purpose glorifies and reveals God. Man, made in the image of God, is responsible to God in all things, therefore, his education must enable him to understand and use the created universe and to live by the precepts which God has established for Godly living. Knowing that man has chosen to glorify himself and worship his own works rather than worship and glorify God, we understand that our students have a nature which hinders them from achieving the objectives which we have named. However, knowing that the Lord, himself, has provided a way for these children to reach their full potential through His payment for sin on the cross, we realize that each child here has a unique and valuable place in the plan of God and must be highly esteemed and respected.

It is therefore important that our ministry to the student must be well-rounded; introducing him to the redeeming work of Christ, helping him to appreciate himself and his fellow man, and enabling him to take his proper position in creation as one who bears the image of God and exercises dominion over created reality.

Our basic philosophy could be succinctly stated by Romans 11:36, “For of Him and through Him, and to Him are all things; to whom be glory forever.”

Section 2 - Education. Therefore we believe that Christian education is necessary not only for the believing child to nurture him the hours he is away from home. Furthermore, we believe every opportunity should be made to provide Christian teachers concerned with the spiritual growth of the child in which the Holy Spirit may work in an unbelieving or a believing child to draw him to Himself.

Education at Trinity Christian Academy will cover the four areas in a child’s life based on Luke 2:52 - “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” These four areas are academic, physical, spiritual and social.

Section 3 - Academic Education 

  1. Our academic objective is to provide a well rounded curriculum that meets the scholastic needs of all students.
  2. The key to quality academic instruction is the teaching staff. Teachers in all academic subjects should be highly qualified teachers who have a clear Christian testimony both in word and deed; and be truly concerned for the spiritual well being of the child as an individual and collectively as part of the body of Christ.
  3. The size of the classroom is also important and we will strive to keep the teacher-student ratio low.
  4. In addition to academic subjects, we will also offer Bible as a required course. We will also have a strong emphasis on instruction in patriotism, respect for authority, and the free enterprise system.
  5. Every course will be taught from a Christian perspective in order to teach the student that God plays a most important role in every area of our lives.  
  6. Our objectives are supported by the following listed scriptures:

Colossians 2:3 - “In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:8 - “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.”


                Psalm 111:10 — “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Section 4 - Physical Education 

  1. We believe that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and thus we will teach our children how to take proper care of the bodies the Lord has given them. This should involve instruction in proper eating habits, rest and exercise.
  2. We want to have a strong intramural program for both boys and girls. At all levels, we will strive to reward effort and dedication to build Christian character as well as rewarding ability.
  3. Corporate or individualized sports will be given according to the needs of the students.
  4. Our objectives are supported by the following listed scripture:

I Corinthians 3:16,17 - “Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you. If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are.”

Section 5 - Spiritual Education 

  1. We believe that the single most important thing a child must learn is to have the proper relationship with God. Everything we do at our school is done with this basic foundation. Matthew 22:37 - “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

  1. We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. We will stand firm on our Doctrinal Statement, (Article 3). We will not take a dogmatic stand on mode of baptism, eschatological issues or the special gifts. II Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.”

  1. We believe that our children should be equipped both for spiritual battle in this world and to function in the body of Christ learning to die to self and live unto Christ. Our objectives are supported by the following scriptures:

 Ephesians 4:11-16, “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

Philippians 3:8- “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ.” 

Ephesians 6:10-18 - “Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Out in the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything to stand on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.”

  1. Although our basic function is to provide instruction in the Christian doctrine and Christian living, we believe the most healthy spiritual growth comes from a program involving output as well as intake. Consequently, we will involve the students in some type of Christian outreach, such as personal evangelism, group evangelism, Bible studies, prayer groups, neighborhood bible clubs, summer Christian camp programs, etc. Our objectives are supported by the following listed scripture:

Matthew 28:18-20 - “And Jesus came up and spoke to them saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Parent Communication and Conflict Resolution

Trinity Christian Academy is a school and community that seeks to honor God and others.  Christ-honoring resolution is our goal in all situations. Parents are to partner with the school respectfully and avoid creating division in the TCA community.

TCA expects its parents to:

Matthew 18 Principle for Parents and Students  

Trinity Christian Academy seeks to be a light for Christ in our community.  If conflicts should arise, we ask that each member of the TCA family apply Matthew 18 Principle, which encourages us to go directly to the one with whom we have conflict to seek Christ-honoring resolution. If the conflict can be resolved, it ends at that level. If it is not resolved, the parties are then encouraged to seek the next step of resolution by meeting together with the next person in authority. 

TCA’s Lower School students are encouraged to communicate with their teachers with concerns either before class, after class, during a teacher’s planning time, or by email. Students should communicate concerns with their teacher in an appropriate and respectful way; if needed, the parent, after the student has communicated with their teacher, should then communicate respectfully with the teacher on behalf of their child.  When a conflict begins in the classroom that requires parent involvement, the parent(s) should approach the teacher first and the area administrator second if needed.            

TCA is blessed with an abundance of students and parents who strive to respectfully honor God, each other,  and the school in word and action.  When anyone in our school community does not strive to do that, it can affect our entire school culture negatively and potentially hinder our goal of being a Christian witness in the community and to our own children. Thank you for partnering with TCA respectfully as we all seek to honor the Lord together.  

Attendance Policy/Guidelines

Lower School Attendance:

Importance of Regular and Punctual Attendance

​​Using instructional time productively is a priority at Trinity Christian Academy. Regular and punctual attendance is critical if the re­sults of the teaching and learning tasks are to be maximized. It is essential that each student recognizes the sequential nature of instruction and that any unnecessary and/or excessive absence severely impedes the educational process. Therefore, TCA attendance regulations have been established with the best interest of Trinity Christian Academy and the students/parents in mind.

Contact the Attendance Office Regarding All Absences

Checking In and Out of School

Lower School Attendance is taken​ ​daily​ ​by​ ​​the ​classroom​ ​teacher. To check a student’s attendance record, follow these steps:

Student absences from school (for all or part of a day) fall into three categories – Excused, Unexcused, and School-Related.  

1. Excused Absences (AE)

TCA understands that there are legitimate reasons for being absent from school. A parent or medical appointment note must be turned in to the attendance office by the day the student returns to school in order for the absence to be excused. The following list, although not totally inclusive, details valid reasons for student absences.

*If a student checks out during the school day, the school must be provided with a note detailing the reason for the absence. The reason for being absent for those missed class period(s) must fall into one of the categories above in order for it to be excused.

2. Unexcused Absences (AU)

All student absences not declared as Excused Absences (AE) will be recorded as Unexcused Absences (AU). Examples of Unexcused Absences include, but are not limited to, the following:

*Please remember – declaring a student to be unexcused absent or truant is an administrative right of appropriate school personnel, not a student/parent prerogative. Therefore, just because a parent calls TCA or sends a note to report a student’s absence, that does not make the absence excused.

Consequences/Disciplinary Process for Non-Adherence to Unexcused Absences Policy for grades K - 5

In compliance with Tennessee state law (49-6-3007) applying to all state of Tennessee independent schools, when a student accrues five (5) unexcused absences from school, written notice will be given to the student’s parent or guardian and disciplinary action will be taken. If the parent or guardian fails to rectify the absenteeism, TCA is required by law to report said absenteeism to the appropriate local governmental authorities.

3. School Related (SR) Absences

Excessive Absences/Academic Credit Risk


Students should plan on leaving early enough that under normal circumstances they would arrive at school ten or fifteen minutes early.  There are times when there are excusable reasons for tardiness. In such cases, the parent should communicate with the Attendance Office at the time of the tardy.

Students Arriving Any Time After 7:45 am Bell Rings Should: 

  1. Report to the Attendance Office to receive a slip to enter class. 
  2. Parents should call or email the attendance office on the day of the tardy explaining the late arrival to avoid being assigned an unexcused tardy to class.

Consequences/Disciplinary Process for Non-Adherence to Tardy Policy

Early Dismissals

Missed Assignments Due to Absences

Missed Assignments Due to a Suspension

Family Trips or Other Special Activities

Extra-Curricular & Athletic Participation

All students are expected to be in attendance during the regular school day to be eligible to participate in extra-curricular, Fine Arts, and/or athletic activities for that day. For a student to be considered eligible for practice or competition they must be in school for at least half of the school day (3 hours/2 blocks). If the Upper School Director/Principal or designee grants an excused absence in advance for a pre-scheduled activity or an unforeseen emergency, the student may participate on that day.  

Only fully enrolled students may practice with any athletic team. Being admitted to TCA does not constitute enrollment. Enrollment must be verified in writing through the Admissions Director prior to allowing any student to practice any TCA sport at any time of the year.  Parent and/or student communication does not verify enrollment.  Each coach must have verification of full enrollment from Admissions prior to allowing any student to practice or participate in any TCA sport.

Students on suspension are not allowed to participate in or attend extracurricular activities including athletic practices and games.

Students who fail a class for the quarter grading period are put on probation for 2 weeks from the end of the grading period. During that time, the student may continue to practice with the team, but may not play in JV or Varsity contests. The student must have a passing grade in the new quarter after the 2 week probation period in order to be reinstated for athletic competition.

Athletes Participating in Summer Sports

All athletes who participate in summer workouts, summer team camps, summer sports teams (i.e., baseball, softball, volleyball, etc.), practices and games must be ENROLLED as a TCA student.

Emergency Closing of School

In case of bad weather, TCA will announce an emergency closing of school through the news media and text messaging. TCA will not necessarily follow the Jackson-Madison County School system regarding closings. On the days when there is a question regarding the weather, students and parents can keep posted by listening to the local TV and radio stations. Unless the announcement is made that the school is closed, students should assume that the school will be open.  When a decision concerning a closing is made, an announcement will also be placed on the website and communicated through a FACTS Parent Alert.

Field Trips

Field trips are an important part of the educational process. Trips are carefully selected and planned according to their relevance to the curriculum and the needs of the group attending. Parents signed a permission notice during the enrollment process for students to participate. It is the responsibility of the parent to communicate with the teacher and/or Lower School Principal prior to the trip if their child requires any special medical, dietary, and/or travel considerations.  Unfortunately, there will be times when the considerations cannot be met and it will be the parents’ decision on whether to allow their child to attend.  If students do not attend academic field trips, they may be required to complete reports or other work in their place.

Cooperation and responsibility from both students and parents are crucial to the success of a field trip.  Students are expected to behave in a manner that reflects positively on TCA. Failure to do so will result in a disciplinary response that may include the loss of the privilege of attending subsequent field trips. Parents and/or adult sponsors involved in chaperoning field trips shall assume the responsibility of seeing that the students conduct themselves properly. They shall also cooperate with any policies and guidelines established by TCA and the venues being visited. Many field trips require advance reservations and payments. Therefore, teachers and administrators will have the discretion to determine the number of chaperones needed.  Field trips are considered school events; therefore, siblings may not attend.

Change of Address

Please update your contact information in FACTS if you have a change in address or phone number. Otherwise, mailings containing important information may be substantially delayed and may lead to communication problems. All changes should be confirmed with the lower school secretary.

Medical Release Forms

Every student must have a completed and signed Medical Release Form on file in FACTS.

Health/First Aid/Medications Policy

TCA has a full-time school nurse with a designated area to serve our students.  

Students are not allowed to possess or dispense medications at any time to themselves or others without the permission of Administration (for example: in the rare case of insulin or Epipens). Teachers and assistants are also not allowed to dispense medication. Medication, including prescription, over the counter, asthma inhalers, etc. must be brought to and kept locked in the office.

 If your child requires medication to be dispensed at school the following guidelines must be followed:

  1. The medication must be in the original container and include the dosage instruction label.
  2. All medications must be kept locked in the office.
  3. Parents are responsible for bringing medicine to the office and picking up empty containers.
  4. A State of Tennessee Medication form must be signed by both the parent and the physician and kept in the office files for prescription medications
  5. Over the counter Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen are kept in the office at all times and may be given to students with a parent's verbal or written permission.  A school form for over the counter medication may be obtained and signed if requested by the parent from the office.

School personnel can administer basic first aid to your child. Emergency situations will be dealt with as the situation dictates, and only until we are able to contact the home or follow the designated procedures prescribed by the student’s parents.  

Please do not send your child to school if they have the following conditions: Fever, Chicken Pox, Conjunctivitis, Measles, Impetigo, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Lice. Children should be free from the above symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school. This includes being fever free without medication for 24 hours.  

If your child is running a fever, the parent will be contacted to pick up the child from school. It is important that the school has emergency contact telephone numbers in case your child needs to leave for any medical reason.

First Aid - Minor Injuries

Those students receiving minor injuries will be sent to the school office. If appropriate, treatment will be given by a staff member. If it is more serious in nature and requires professional assessment and care, a parent or emergency contact (someone who is available and could be easily contacted by TCA) will be called so the student can be taken to a medical facility.

First Aid - Major Injuries/Serious Illnesses

In the event of a serious injury or illness, TCA reserves the right to call emergency personnel to assist in the care of the individual. Every attempt will be made to contact the parent before doing so.

Illnesses during School Hours

Students who become ill during the school day will be sent to the school nurse and we will call parents to come for the student if deemed necessary. When neither parents nor the emergency contact listed can be reached, the student who is too ill to attend class will remain in the nurse’s office until someone can be contacted. Specific pick-up instructions will be provided.

Immunization Policy

The state of Tennessee requires all students to have an updated immunization form on record. To remain compliant with the state of Tennessee, a completed copy of the Certificate of Immunization form for your child must be sent to school before the beginning of admission, Kindergarten and 7th Grade . The completed form must be on file before the beginning of the school year.  If you are claiming religious exemption, Section 1a on the form must still be filled out and signed by the doctor. Please submit all forms to the school nurse, Erin Rager (

Lower School Peanut Free Policy

Peanut allergies represent a health and safety hazard, which can have serious consequences for those who have such an allergy.  In order to protect those students, staff, employees, visitors and guests from an environment that may be harmful to them because of such an allergy, and because of possible harm to personal well - being Trinity Christian Academy Lower School is peanut free. This includes infants through 5th grade students. A child with a serious peanut allergy can suffer a reaction merely by touching a peanut-containing food or surface. Strict avoidance is the only way to prevent a life threatening allergic reaction. We are asking for your help as we work to provide all students with a safe school environment.

Please adhere to the following safety guidelines:

Outside Visitor Policy

On campus visitors will be limited in the school building without a previously scheduled appointment.  

Parents or visitors are not allowed in the cafeteria to eat lunch at school. Outside lunches or food may be left at the front desk.

Lower School Dress Code


TCA’s dress code supports the school’s mission and serves to:

Parent and Student Expectations for Dress Code

NOTE: Dress Code Policy Changes and Updates for the 2024-2025 School Year

TCA Logo Uniforms:

Misc. Updates:

Process for Non-Adherence to Dress Code           

*Dress code violations concerning hair length will be expected to be corrected by the next day or have a clear documented time of an appointment. **If a student has the same clothing violation twice, the student may not be allowed to wear the item in violation for the remainder of the year.

Girls Dress Standards

K – 5th Chapel/Special Assembly Uniform

Plaid Dress – The plaid dress may be worn by girls in grades K–2nd grade.

Skort/Jumper - Plaid Skort may be worn by girls in grades K-5th; Jumper for grades K–3rd

All dresses/jumpers/skorts are to be past the fingertips with the students arms relaxed by their side while standing.

Blouse - White or black short or long sleeve with logo.  The white blouse is required for all performances. Undershirts or camisoles may be worn under blouses.  They must be solid white with no visible logo or writing when worn under the white shirt. Sweatshirts are not allowed on chapel day. 

Socks/Tights - Students may wear socks outside of school colors with no derogatory or disrespectful images or words of any kind. Tights must be only the following solid colors: purple, white, gray, or black.


Shoes - Any shoe or boot with a heel not to exceed two inches. No backless shoes, but sandals, clogs, and crocs with a heel strap are acceptable.  Athletic shoes are required on P.E. days.

Chapel dress is NOT required for PreK

PreK – 5th All Other Days Mix and Match Options

Blouse/Shirts - White or black short or long sleeve; white 3/4 sleeve; purple, black or white short/long sleeve Uniform Source knit or dry fit all must have a logo. Undershirts or camisoles may be worn under blouses/shirts.  They must be solid white, black, purple, or gray. Shirts worn under a white shirt cannot have a logo or writing.

Jumper - Plaid; khaki

Plaid Dress - (PreK – 2nd)

Knit Dress - Solid black or purple

Skorts - Plaid; khaki

Shorts - Khaki

All dresses/jumpers/skorts/shorts are to be past the fingertips with the students arms relaxed by their side while standing.

Pants/Capris - Khaki

Socks or tights  Students may wear socks outside of school colors with no derogatory or disrespectful images or words of any kind.

Shoes - Any shoe or boot with a heel not to exceed two inches. No backless shoes, but sandals, clogs, and crocs with a heel strap are acceptable.  Athletic shoes are required on P.E. days.

Accessories - Black v-neck pullover with logo; black cardigan with logo; black v-neck vest with logo; fleece jacket with logo; nylon jacket with logo.

Sweatshirts - TCA offers crewneck sweatshirt options for Monday - Thursday (non-spirit days). No other sweatshirts may be worn Monday - Thursday. All other TCA spirit sweatshirts may be worn on Fridays.  

Coats/Jackets -

Jewelry - Rings, necklaces, and earrings must be tasteful. Use common sense and take into consideration the many activities in which lower school students are involved. Studded jewelry, collars, or hair scarves are prohibited. Earrings are to be worn in the ear lobe with a maximum of two per ear while at school. Body piercing is not permitted.

Hats - Hats may not be worn or carried around school.

Hair - Hair should be neat, clean and combed. Extreme hair colors and styles are not permitted. Hair colors need to be limited to natural shades. This includes purple.

Make-up - Make-up is not permitted in lower school. No tattoos.

Boys Dress Standards

K – 5th Chapel/Special Assembly Uniform

Shirt - White or black oxford short or long sleeve shirt with logo.  The white shirt is required for all performances. Undershirts may be worn. They must be solid white with no visible logo or writing when worn under the white shirt. Shirts must be tucked in. 

Pants/Shorts - Khaki (flat front or pleated) *Pants may be required for special programs.

All shorts are to be past the fingertips with the students arms relaxed by their side while standing. 


Socks/Shoes Students may wear socks outside of school colors with no derogatory or disrespectful images or words of any kind. No backless shoes. Athletic shoes are required on P.E. days.

Belt - Black or brown belt in grades 3rd–5th.

Chapel dress is NOT required for PreK

PreK – 5th All Other Days Mix and Match Options

Shirt - White or black short/long sleeve oxford with logo; purple, black or white short/long sleeve UniformSource knit or dry fit with logo. Undershirts may be worn. They must be solid white, black, purple, or gray. Shirts worn under a white shirt cannot have a visible logo or writing.

Pants - Khaki (flat or pleated).

Shorts - Khaki

All shorts are to be past the fingertips with the students arms relaxed by their side while standing.


Socks/Shoes  Students may wear socks outside of school colors with no derogatory or disrespectful images or words of any kind. Athletic shoes are required on P.E. days.

Belts – Belts are NOT required. If boys in 2nd grade and under prefer to wear a belt, the magnetic clasp type is recommended.

Accessories - Black v-neck pullover with logo; black cardigan with logo; black v-neck vest with logo; fleece jacket with logo; nylon jacket with logo.

Sweatshirts - TCA offers crewneck sweatshirt options for Monday - Thursday (non-chapel/non-spirit days). No other sweatshirts may be worn Monday - Thursday. All other TCA sweatshirts may be worn on Fridays or designated dress down days.

Hats - Hats may not be worn or carried around school.  

Hair and Sideburns -  Young men should be clean-shaven each day. Hair should be neatly groomed and clean. Hair should not extend over the eyebrow or extend past the bottom of the collar. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted (man buns, ponytails, headbands, mohawks).

Jewelry - Earrings may not be worn to school or any school function.  Necklaces must be tasteful.  

Boys & Girls Spirit Days

Each Friday will be TCA Lion Spirit Day​ (Go Lions!) unless posted otherwise. Students may wear any TCA sweatshirt or TCA t-shirt with uniform bottoms on Fridays.

MISSION PRIDE DAY - One Friday per month will be designated as Mission Pride Day. Students may opt to wear jeans, solid (black or gray) athletic pants (no exercise pants, leggings, or tights), or knee-length athletic shorts (black or gray) with their non-uniform issued TCA sweatshirts (without a hood) or TCA t-shirts for a $2 donation to support alumni missionaries or other mission endeavors.

Outdoor Play Dress Guidelines

It is important for our children to get outside every day that the weather permits. Please make sure that your child has appropriate outerwear for playing outside for 30 minutes each day. Students may also need a hat and/or gloves. We will use wisdom and common sense in determining when it is appropriate to go outside. Please label all jackets, coats, hats, gloves, & scarves.

Non-Uniform School Days 

There are occasions when students will be allowed to wear clothes other than the school uniform to school as a means to inspire school spirit, provide a break from uniform days, and/or promote interest in a specific activity or event. On these occasions, students are to follow the guidelines and themes provided with an attitude of respect. Clothing must be modest and respectful at all times, including Spirit/Theme Days.   


Items not permitted at school-related events without documented prior permission from Administration, whether on or off campus and including Spirit/Theme Days, include, but are not limited to: 

In consistency with Trinity Christian Academy’s Foundational Doctrines and Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality, students and employees will dress in conformance with one's biological sex (with the exception of school-sanctioned school spirit events) and use the restrooms, locker rooms, and changing facilities conforming with one's biological sex. (Added July 2021)

Guidelines for Student Behavior

The primary task of a TCA student is to receive a Christian education. When each student is admitted, he/she becomes identified with the school, and his/her conduct should reflect favorably on them and the school. Guidelines provide boundaries for security and freedom, and we expect each student to follow them both in attitude and behavior. We anticipate cooperation and a great year, but TCA reserves the right to discipline, suspend, or expel a student who is guilty of serious misconduct occurring on or off the school campus. Listed below are serious offenses that will not be tolerated. Any one of these could lead to immediate dismissal.

Abusive or Obscene Language

Curse words, swear words, racial slurs, and suggestive language are not appropriate for the spiritual and academic environment of our school, whether printed, spoken or recorded.

Alcohol and Drugs

Possession or use of alcohol or un-prescribed drugs of any kind are not allowed on campus or at school-sponsored activities. This includes coming on campus or attending school-sponsored activities under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Students who violate this policy may be terminated from the school. Prescription drugs should be used only under the direct supervision and knowledge of lower school office personnel. It is prohibited to sell, give, or otherwise transfer prescription drugs to another student or individual.


Cheating is defined as any act of deception or fraud that results in representing someone else’s work as one’s own or in affecting one’s grades or any act that aids another student in such a deception.


Students are expected to submit to the authority of their teachers and administrators in all situations and under all circumstances, showing proper respect in both attitude and actions. Students will, in turn, be treated with respect by their teachers and administrators.


Plagiarism is passing off a source’s information, ideas, or words as the student’s own by omitting to cite them, and it is an act of lying, cheating, and stealing. Since the student also claims that it’s their own work and uses it to get credit for work they haven’t really done, the student also lies and cheats. The student cheats their source of fair recognition for his or her efforts, and cheats the other students who have completed the same assignment without plagiarizing.


Stealing is the taking or borrowing of another’s property without permission on each occasion. This includes textbooks, uniforms or equipment, and personal items.


A destructive act against the school facility or equipment is an act against all of our students, faculty, parents, and friends who strive diligently to provide a clean, decent environment that honors God. At minimum, students will be required to pay compensation for all damages.


TCA takes its responsibility to protect all of our students very seriously. Therefore, if a student brings a weapon to school, or to a school function, or has a weapon on his/her person, the school may terminate the student.


Trinity Christian Academy, like any community or organization, must have a basic set of rules for behavior that promotes self-control, character and an environment where learning can take place. Students are expected to behave in a manner which demonstrates a respect for self, others, and recognition of the responsibilities of being part of a Christian educational community.  

It is imperative that the classroom environment is conducive to learning. Teachers have a discipline plan to promote this environment. They use discipline methods which draw on their own strengths for effective results. In the vast majority of cases, these methodologies achieve their intended purpose; however, there are students who, despite the best efforts of the teacher, continue to be disruptive. Stronger steps must be taken to assure compliance with acceptable standards of behavior.

When a student is involved in a disciplinary incident, parents will be informed. If parents have questions, concerns, or comments concerning the incident, they are encouraged to contact the teacher directly involved in the incident. If parents have additional concerns after contacting the faculty member, they should contact the Lower School Director/Principal.

Significant Infractions - The student will be removed from class and taken to the Lower School Office. Conferences will be held with the student, the teacher, and an administrator to discuss the incident. Parents will be notified.

Subsequent Infractions - The student will receive consequences agreed upon by the team which may include: parents, teachers, administration and the student. Parents will be contacted regarding the incident and involved in the restoration.

Corporal Punishment Policy

Pre-Kindergarten - Twelfth Grade

Employees shall not employ corporal punishment against any student for misconduct or for violation of school rules. School employees may use reasonable force when deemed necessary to restrain a student. School employees may use such force as is necessary to protect himself or herself from attack, to prevent injury to others, or to prevent damage to school property.

Disciplinary Options

The following methodologies are options available to teachers and administrators as they work with students concerning problematic behaviors.

Voluntary Withdrawal from School – Occasionally in severe cases it may be in a student’s best interest for parents to take action before the school does and withdraw their student voluntarily.

Physical Violence Policy

We understand that tempers flare occasionally and a child may express acts of violence against another child (or adult). “Acts of Violence” include ALL acts of physical violence (hitting, kicking, biting, pinching, etc.) that cause harm to other students or teachers. These acts are a form of communication and are almost always a response to the child’s needs not being met or coping with a challenge or stressor. At Trinity we believe by understanding the developmental stages of the children in our care and their individual needs, we can proactively prevent many behaviors by the environment which we create for the children.

Trinity has developed the following plan of action to be used if and when these events occur in our school.

When a child is hurt:

For the child that did the act:

  1. The student is immediately removed with no emotion, using words such as “biting is not okay – it hurts.” We will avoid any immediate response that reinforces the incident or calls attention to the student that did the act. Caring attention will be focused on the child who was hurt. The child will be talked to on a level which he/she can understand. “I can see that you want that car, but I can’t let you hurt him.”
  2. The child will be redirected to other work/play.
  3. Staff will complete an incident report and notify the family of the incident when the child is picked up for the day.

For the victim:

  1. Staff will separate the child who was hurt from the child that did the act.
  2. Special attention will be given to comfort the child.
  3. Staff will administer appropriate first aid.
  4. Staff will then complete an incident report to notify family of the incident.
  5. Classroom staff will confer with the director to review the context of the incident.

When the same act continues:

  1. Classroom staff will meet with the director on a routine basis for advice, support and strategy planning.
  2. In a biting situation, Staff will “shadow” children who indicate a tendency to bite, in order to head off biting situations before they occur.
  3. Staff will work together as partners with the parents of both the child doing the act and frequent victims to keep all informed and develop a joint strategy for change.
  4. Teachers will hold a conference with the parents of the child doing the hurting to develop a written plan of action. Schedule follow-up meetings or telephone conversations as needed.
  5. If hurting others continues, the student may need to be removed for a period of time from the classroom.
  6. If it is deemed in the best interest of the child, school, and other children, termination of the child from Trinity for the duration of the biting, hitting, etc. stage may be needed. Written warning will be given to the families before this action will be taken. Regular tuition would be expected during the child’s absence.


Bullying includes three important components:

  1. Bullying is threats and aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions.
  2. Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time.
  3. Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength.

Bullying will not be tolerated.

Students will be encouraged to be a leader in God’s eyes, not a bystander if they witness bullying.

Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy


Bullying and harassing others will not be tolerated at TCA. Students are entitled to have an educational environment that is free from humiliation, oppression and abuse. Every person who is a part of TCA has the responsibility to support and care for each other and to behave in a pleasant and non-threatening fashion.


Bullying and harassing is any persistent, willful and deliberate action done by an individual or a group, to hurt, distress, upset, frighten or threaten another person or persons. It is not an isolated incident of argument or aggression between students.

Bullying can be:  

Aims of the Policy 

  1. To ensure that all students, staff and parents know what is meant by bullying, and to know that it is unacceptable behavior
  2. To create an atmosphere where bullying is not accepted
  3. To empower victims of bullying to seek appropriate help
  4. To ensure that faculty respond consistently and appropriately to bullying
  5. To develop procedures for reporting, investigating and dealing swiftly with bullying behavior when it occurs
  6. To develop a program of support for those affected by bullying behavior and for those involved in such behavior


As a school community, we expect all incidences of bullying to be reported. This requires students to:  

The school recommends that parents:  

  1. Watch for signs of unusual behavior or distress in their child, such as not wishing to attend school, missing equipment, requests for extra money, damaged clothes or bruising.  
  2. Advise their child to tell a staff member about any incidents of bullying.
  3. If possible, parents should allow the student to report and deal with the problem. If the child will not report the incident, parents should inform the school.
  4. Keep a written record of the bullying (who, what, when, where, why, how).  
  5. Discourage their child from retaliating.  
  6. Attend interviews at school if their child is involved in any bullying incident, either as the offender or the recipient.
  7. Inform the principal of suspected bullying even if their child is not directly affected.

The faculty and staff will:  


Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-6-4503 requires that every school district have a policy prohibiting bullying and harassment as well as procedures for investigating reports of bullying and harassment.

Spectator Code of Conduct for Athletic Events


All students are considered community representatives of Trinity Christian Academy. Students are expected to act in an appropriate manner at all times when attending athletic events. The following behaviors are inappropriate and will not be tolerated: fighting, profanity, possession, use of, or being under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, unsportsmanlike conduct, rude or disrespectful behavior on and off the field/court, taunting opponents or officials, destruction of property, obscene gestures, derogatory or degrading comments. Students who exhibit any of the above behaviors or any other inappropriate behavior will face appropriate consequences, pending further investigation. The Director of Athletics, Dean of Students, and Lower School Principal will determine these consequences.  

Parents and Other Spectators

All parents are considered community representatives of Trinity Christian Academy and representatives of Christ. Being a parent of a student-athlete is intended to be a great experience. Parental participation and support is very important to student-athletes, our school, and community. Everyone associated with an athletic event plays an important role in seeing that standards of sportsmanship are upheld. Parents and other spectators are reminded that their sportsmanship and behavior reflect upon the reputation of Trinity Christian Academy and of Christ. To make this experience honorable and the most rewarding for all concerned, the following are expectations for being a supportive parent or spectator of athletic events:

Coaches and/or on-site administrators and officials who observe inappropriate behavior from our parents and/or other spectators will address it personally and inform the Director of Athletics of such behavior.  Inappropriate conduct may result in being removed from the venue and subject to further action.

Child Abuse Reporting Policy

In accordance with Tennessee Law, Trinity Christian Academy acknowledges its responsibility to require employees to immediately report cases of verified or suspected child abuse and neglect. Individuals who have reasonable cause to know or suspect that any child has been abused or neglected are, by statute, responsible for immediately reporting such suspicions directly to the Department of Children’s Services.

All TCA personnel are required to immediately report suspected child abuse or neglect. The information should include, to the extent known by the reporter, the name, address, telephone number of the child and parents or guardian, birthdate (age) of the child and present whereabouts of the child, if not at home. The following procedures for reporting cases are designated:

1. Reporting Procedures

a. Suspected child abuse and/or neglect by someone other than a TCA employee.

(1) The employee must immediately report the suspected child abuse or neglect to:

(a) The Department of Children’s Services (DCS) or an appropriate Law Enforcement Officer.

(b) The school principal, head of school, or other appropriate school administrators.

b. Suspected child abuse and/or neglect by a TCA employee.

(1) The employee must immediately report the suspect child abuse or neglect to:

(a) The Department of Children Services (DCS) or an appropriate Law Enforcement Officer.

(b) The school principal, head of school, Human Resources, or other appropriate system administrators.

c. Additional requirement if the abuse occurred on school grounds or while the child was under the supervision or care of the school:

If the abuse occurred on school grounds or while the child was under the supervision or care of the school, then the principal or other person designated by the school shall verbally notify the parent or legal guardian of the child that a report pursuant to state statute has been made and shall provide other information relevant to the future well being of the child while under the supervision or care of the school. The notice shall be within 24 hours from the time the report is given to the Department of Children’s Services or appropriate law enforcement officer. In any event the notice shall not be given to any parent or legal guardian if there is reasonable cause to believe that the parent or legal guardian may be the perpetrator or in any way responsible for the child abuse or child sexual abuse.

Once the notice is given, the principal or other designated person shall provide to the parent or legal guardian all school information and records relevant to the alleged abuse or sexual abuse, if requested by the parent, with the information redacted to protect the confidentiality of the identity of the person who made the report and any other person whose life or safety may be endangered by the disclosure and any information made confidential pursuant to federal or state law. The information and records described herein shall not include records or documents of other agencies.

By law, the person reporting in good faith shall be immune from any civil or criminal action and his/her identity shall remain confidential except when the juvenile court determines otherwise. In cases of suspected abuse and/or neglect, the law requires the school system to provide all school records to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services, juvenile court judge, or the police, if requested. This includes any surveillance videos depicting suspected child sexual abuse instances on TCA property, on a school bus, or at TCA-sponsored events. Parental permission is unnecessary as the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) creates an exception for information released “in connection with a health or safety emergency.” The alleged perpetrator of the child abuse or neglect should not be notified that a report of abuse has been made or that there is a pending investigation unless compelling reasons exist to do so.

Legal References: 1. T.C.A. §.37-1-403. 2. T.C.A. § 37-1-403(h). 3. T.C.A. § 37-1-419. 4. T.C.A. § 37-1-410. 5. T.C.A. § 37-1-605. 6. T.C.A. § 37-1-605(d)(1). 7. T.C.A. § 37-1-602(d)(2). 8. T.C.A. § 10-7-504. 9. Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, 34 CFR § 99.31 (a)(10).

School Safety

TCA Safety Requirements


Anything illegal

Fake weapons - a toy that resembles a weapon to include, but not limited to, knives or guns (including water guns)


Classroom Interruptions

Aside from emergencies, classroom interruptions are intentionally avoided to preserve instructional time. Class changes, advisory periods, and e-mails are generally used to communicate messages with teachers and students. As needed, front office staff or school administrators may:


Contacting Faculty and Administration

Faculty and administrators are more than willing to assist students and parents with their needs and concerns and will make time in their schedule to accommodate them. Every effort should be made to do this during normal school hours. After or before school hours, a message can be left on voicemail or sent by email. Every effort will be made to respond within 24 hours of the message. Faculty and administrators should not be called at home or text after school hours except in the case of extreme emergencies.

Teachers are not available to meet between 7:30 - 8:00 or 2:30 - 3:00 as this is an extremely busy time due to afternoon dismissal when teachers are still supervising their students.

Content of Textbooks

TCA uses a wide selection of textbooks and other reading material. Use does not imply acceptance of all its contents. Scripture will be the final authority in all areas of instruction.

Distribution or Display of Materials

All materials must be approved by sponsors or the administration prior to being distributed or displayed. This includes all school related materials regarding events and activities. On rare occasions, the Lower School Director/Principal may consider posters or announcements from other sources that would be of important concern for our faculty and students.

Grading System

The following system is used for TCA Lower School:

Objective Grades         Subjective Grades

93-100                A         E    Excellent

85-92                B         G    Good

75-84                C        S     Satisfactory        

70-74                D        N    Needs Improvement

69 and below        F        U    Unsatisfactory  

A Basic Skills Checklist will be used in Little Lions, PreK, and Kindergarten as an additional component to determine promotions and retention.  Students in Kindergarten-2nd grade who have a final failing average in any one (1) of the core subjects will not be promoted to the next grade. These core subjects include Phonics, Reading, and Math.  Students in 3rd-5th grade who have a final failing average in any two (2) of the core subjects will not be promoted to the next grade. These core subjects include Reading, Math, English, Science, and History.


Homework teaches responsibility, time management, goal setting, and self-discipline. Therefore, homework is an integral part of the school program at the appropriate level. Homework will benefit the student and credit will be given. Parents should sign any assignment pads/sheets each night. Any homework for Wednesday and Friday nights will be incomplete seatwork, studying for quizzes, or completing long-term projects. While homework is basically the student’s responsibility, it does require family cooperation, supervision and some assistance. Parents should help children choose a time and place free of distractions to prepare school work. Homework must be completed neatly and presented on time.

Assignments will be recorded in a planner, Plan Ahead, or in Google Classroom.

Wednesday Night Homework

  1. Routine Math homework may be given every day.
  2. To meet unusual schedule constraints, occasional tests may be given on Thursday with the approval of the Lower School Director/Principal.
  3. Thursday tests may be given by any teacher during the last week of a nine-week marking period.

Report Cards

Report cards for PreK through 5th Grade will be sent home every nine weeks. PreK - 1st grade report cards should be signed by the parent(s) and returned the following day. 2nd - 5th grade report cards will be emailed through FACTS. Report cards will be withheld if any part of the families’ financial account is not current.

Standardized Testing

Trinity Christian Academy administers standardized tests for students in 2nd through 5th grade. All students in grades 2nd-5th grade must participate.  No absences for family trips or special activities will be excused during the achievement testing period. Students will not be able to make-up standardized tests. Results will be sent home at the end of the school year or at the beginning of the following year depending on when the results are reported to TCA.


All textbooks belong to TCA and are loaned to the students for use during the school year. Textbooks are distributed by the classroom teacher. The name, number of the textbook, and its condition are recorded by the teacher.  If a book is lost or damaged beyond use, the student must pay for its replacement before he/she can be issued another text. If the book is found within a two-week period following the student having purchased another text, the money will be refunded. Students are responsible for the textbooks issued to them. Any loss of a book should be reported immediately to your teacher.  Textbooks may be checked out by parents during the summer to assist with tutoring for their student providing they are returned by August 1 or arrangements have been made with the Lower School Director/Principal.

Permanent Records

Permanent records for students in Little Lions through 5th grade are located in the Lower School Office. Included in the records are results of achievement tests, ability tests and grades.  Health and immunization information and a copy of the student’s birth certificate, when supplied by the parent, are placed in the file. With the parent’s consent, any special psychological educational test reports that supply information helpful to the teachers and students are included in the records. Some disciplinary reports are also included. Records may be viewed by parents upon request. Administrators will be happy to assist parents in test interpretations and ability-achievement correlation. It is best to call and set up an appointment.

Lost and Found

All lost items, except books that are found in classrooms, will most likely be taken to the office at the end of the school day. Unclaimed clothing and shoes will be sent to the Goodwill Center several times a year. Valuables, such as watches, jewelry and glasses, will be stored by the lower school administrative assistant.

Library Services

The Library provides a place where students, faculty, and parents can come to access information and materials for personal and academic use. It is a place where students can study, enjoy leisure reading and receive help in finding answers to their questions. Although quiet conversation is allowed, an atmosphere conducive to study and reading is essential. Each student is responsible for helping to maintain an academic environment.

  1. All materials taken from the Library must be first checked out at the circulation desk. Students who remove materials from the Library without checking them out are subject to disciplinary action.
  2. Circulation Policies- TCA Libraries do not charge late fees or overdue fines for library books that are turned in late. However, students may not checkout further library materials until current library books/materials have been checked in. We appreciate students returning library books and materials in a timely manner.

Lost Library Books/Materials

If library books/materials are thought to be lost, these items need to be replaced. Therefore, full replacement cost is to be paid for lost library books/materials. Or, parents have the option to replace book/material provided replacement is of the same type (e.g., hardback for a hardback).

Lunch Program

TCA’s lunch program is through a third party vendor. Menu options will be made available on our school website and through email. Little Lions will eat lunch in their classroom. PreK through 5th grade students will eat in the main cafeteria. All lower school students will have lunch accounts set up through the vendor. Parents are to load their child’s account. Students may also bring their lunch from home. Parents should include all necessary items such as napkins and eating utensils. Please remember to include a drink. Microwaves will be available for 3rd-5th grade students. 

School Pictures

Individual and class pictures will be taken during the school year. These dates will be announced.


Teachers and administrators have discretion to schedule parties according to school policies. All parties (other than a student’s birthday) are considered school events; therefore siblings may not attend. Refreshments for a student’s birthday are permissible with the classroom teacher’s approval. No special decorations or favors may be included. Please schedule such activities well in advance with the student’s teacher. Parents are asked to be sensitive to the feelings of classmates when planning any party outside of school. Invitations to outside parties may not be given out at school unless the entire class is invited. The method and time of distributing invitations will be determined by the teacher. The Lower School office will not accept any deliveries for students from florists, gift shops, friends, or family members.

Personal Property/Cell Phones

Students should use discretion in the personal property they bring to school. Items such as laser pointers, artificial noisemakers, personal electronic devices (unless specified by the classroom teacher), and other similar devices tend to invite misuse and often cause classroom distractions and interruptions. Leave them at home. Students should also avoid keeping large sums of money in their purses, wallets or pockets.

Students may possess cell phones at school; however, students may not use them at any time during the school day to take pictures or video, to make or receive calls, or to send or receive text messages without their teacher or administrator approval.  

Cell phones & smartwatches must be turned off and stored in a purse, book bag, or classroom storage pocket at all times from 7:30am - 3:00pm.  

Students are allowed to contact parents using the school phone in the Lower School Office in the event of an emergency.  Parents are also able to leave messages for students by calling the office.  Parents and students should avoid using cell phones to communicate during the school day.

School Calendar

The 2024 - 2025 School Calendar can be accessed at the following link: TCA School Calendars

Policy for Responsible Use of Technology

TCA provides technology resources and also allows students to bring other approved technology.  We seek to facilitate access to educational tools and resources, to encourage innovation and collaboration, and to partner with parents to help students learn to manage personal technology in a manner that is honorable. Trinity expects students to exercise personal responsibility and respect in their use of resources and with technology as a whole.


Expectations & Rules

Online Behavior


Use of Technology Resources 

Obscene or Inappropriate Materials

Copyright & Plagiarism

Personally Owned Equipment & Devices

Limitation of Liability

Google Accounts

Trinity Christian Academy is a Google school. We use the Google Workspace for Education applications for classroom projects, communication, homework, quizzes, tests, and other school-related tasks.  

All TCA students, starting in Pre-K, are given a email account. Their account credentials allow them to sign-in to their Google Workspaces applications and login to Chromebooks.


1:1 Initiative


TCA’s REACH Program (Resources Empowering All Children) allows students with diagnosed learning or medical disabilities to receive both individual need-based classroom accommodations and a pull-out, small-group learning lab for daily assistance with homework. REACH PLUS allows a student to take a replacement class for one or more subjects if the Family Education Plan (FEP) Team determines, along with the family, that the student’s need is greater than regular accommodations can meet. Plus classes are self-contained with small student/teacher ratios and address specific areas of need within a student’s current grade level.

TCA’s RISE Program (Raising Independence and Success in Exceptional Learners) provides an inclusive Christian education to students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) or high level of impact of an Autism diagnosis. The focus of RISE is to teach students with qualifying diagnoses in the core subjects of reading and math at their individual ability levels, while also providing inclusive opportunities for other subjects, auxiliaries, chapel, discipleship, and extracurricular activities. RISE assists students academically, behaviorally, and socially at their intellectual and developmental ability levels.

Volunteer and Chaperone Policy (Adopted August 3, 2018)

TCA teachers and staff are responsible for vetting and securing volunteers and/or chaperones for overnight field trips by providing advanced requirements and expectations that include, but are not limited to, adherence to the following:  

While volunteering or chaperoning, whether students are present or not, all TCA volunteers and chaperones are required to:

The designated leaders will be held responsible by Administration if volunteers and/or chaperones are allowed to continue any known action or conduct that is not in agreement with the Volunteer and Chaperone Policy if no attempt of correction, re-direction, or proper reporting to school officials is made. Designated leaders of chaperones or events are required to report any misconduct to their Lower School Director/Principal writing (email is acceptable) within 24 hours of the occurrence.

The event and/or field trip coordinator is required to provide their area Lower School Director/Principal a list of all chaperone and/or volunteer names, phone numbers, and an individually signed required form at least two weeks in advance of the trip to allow time for background check clearance.

As mandatory reporters and guardians of our students, families, and school, TCA may report all known illegal actions of school leaders, school volunteers, and or chaperones, including those actions that directly and/or indirectly affect students and/or minors, to either local law enforcement or other required entities.  

Student Grade - Level Retention Factors

Factors used to identify students at risk for grade-level retention include:

Student Non-Re-Enrollment Factors

Factors used to identify students at risk for non-re-enrollment eligibility include:

Withdrawal Procedures 

Submit a written request for release on or before May 15 to the TCA Admissions Office, in person at 10 Windy City Rd., Jackson, TN 38305 or via United States Postal Service or by emailing

  1. If your family has opted for tuition insurance, a separate form will need to be completed in order to complete the withdrawal request. The Admissions department will send a copy of this to you once a written request for release has been received.
  2. If the student is withdrawing during the course of the school year an additional form will need to be completed to ensure all textbooks, athletic uniforms, electronic devices, and library books have been returned. The Admissions department will send a copy of this to you once a written request for release has been received.
  1. Submit requested documentation as listed above (if applicable) to the TCA Admissions Office, in person at 10 Windy City Rd., Jackson, TN 38305 or via United States Postal Service or by emailing

Please note: All student accounts must show a zero balance in order for records to be transferred to another school. To request your child(ren)’s records, please email

Withdrawal Policies 

  1. TCA, like all independent schools, must take the position that no refund of tuition paid, or cancellation of tuition due, can be made in the event of absence, withdrawal or dismissal of the student after May 15th. TCA families are obligated to pay all tuition and fees listed in the contract for the full academic year unless a written request for release is delivered on or before May 15 as noted above in “Withdrawal Procedures.”  The enrollment fee of $100 is considered non-refundable.
  2. The Tuition Refund Plan is required of all families who opt for the monthly payment plan. This is included in the 3.4% monthly installment fee. It is not required, but strongly recommended for families choosing one-time pay. The Tuition Refund Plan provides families with contractual protection in the event the family leaves the school before year end.
  3. The plan pays 60% of the unused tuition fee for withdrawals for any student who has attended TCA more than fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days. The family is responsible for 40% of the unused portion of tuition at the time of withdrawal. TCA will make a claim on behalf of the families with TRP and collect any payment due, crediting the account of the family with any amounts owed to TCA, and paying the excess, if any, to the family. A family only receives TCA discounts (financial aid, multi-child, pastors, etc.) on the used portion of the tuition.