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MacArthur Park Positive Behavior Plan
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MacArthur Park ES VPA

Positive Behavior Support Plan

School Mission

The aim of MacArthur Park Elementary School is to prepare students to be College-Prepared and Career-Ready responsible and productive citizens with strong critical thinking and academic skills by providing a rigorous, dynamic, comprehensive curriculum delivered in partnership with the community, family, and a competent, qualified staff in a safe and caring environment.

Teachers and staff work hard to provide the best educational experience for students. Parent partnership is a high priority and is essential for student success. MacArthur Park Elementary provides a sound, standards-based education, while promoting high moral character of all students.        

Discipline Philosophy

Through our individual actions we affect one another and the quality of our learning community. Providing a safe, supportive, and respectful environment ensures students’ equal access to the curriculum and enables them to achieve to their fullest potential.


MacArthur Park VAPA has established clear expectations for behavior within the school environment in order to support the learning community. These behaviors fall into the three categories that define MacArthur Park’s philosophy: safety, respectfulness, and responsibility.  Adherence to these expectations contributes to a positive and effective school community in which children are able to succeed and grow. Please refer to the attached chart of specific rules and expectations.

Instruction in Conflict Resolution

At MacArthur Park VAPA students regularly participate in violence prevention curriculum, Second Step. Second Step “is a classroom based social skills program designed to reduce impulsive, high-risk, aggressive behaviors,and increase children’s social-emotional competence and other protective factors.” Teachers utilize both CHAMPS and the Class Motivation from the district handbook in the classroom.  The school has a variety of awards assemblies through which students are regularly recognized for modeling.Restorative Justice is another practice that teachers can leverage to encourage collaboration, respect amongst peers, community building.

Another resource available to our school community is the service of Ms. Perez, our PSW and Ms. Villar, our PSA. Both the PSW and PSA work in conjunction with our teachers to guide students through SEL and in developing appropriate behaviors with their peers.

MacArthur Park’s Rules

Our Student Code of Conduct

Role of School Stakeholders


The teachers at MacArthur Park VAPA must maintain an unwavering commitment to providing a sound educational community for all learners. This commitment includes both comprehensive and effective lesson planning and instruction, and the establishment of a positive classroom environment with clear expectations for student behavior. At the start of each school year, teachers are responsible for establishing, with the input of their students, a clear set of positively stated classroom behavior expectations. Further, they are responsible for establishing and consistently applying a set of clear consequences for behaviors—both positive and negative—in the classroom. Teachers are expected to demonstrate regular focus and attention to developing these behaviors in students. They will provide a model of appropriate behavior, as well as provide explicit instruction in the school expectations on a weekly basis utilizing multiple teaching strategies including, but not limited to, role-play and simulation. Teachers must accept responsibility for guiding the behavior of ALL children within the school setting, not just the children enrolled in their classes. Finally, teachers are expected to communicate with parents and students on a regular basis about student performance and behavior in the classroom, and to document these interactions.

Other School Staff: 

All other staff at MacArthur Park VAPA, including administration, coordinators, paraprofessionals, office staff, and custodial staff are also expected to maintain an unwavering commitment to providing a sound educational community for all learners. To this end, other school staff members are expected to be familiar with the school wide behavioral expectations and must take responsibility for guiding the behavior of ALL children in the school environment in a positive and consistent manner.


Students at MacArthur Park VAPA are expected to be familiar with all behavioral expectations, both school-wide and in their respective classrooms. Students must take responsibility for their own learning and their behavioral choices. Students must comply with all school staff member requests and make behavioral choices that contribute to their safety and the safety of others. They are expected to abide by these guidelines in all that they do on the school campus in order to create a peaceful and productive learning environment.


Parents at MacArthur Park VAPA must be familiar with the school’s expectation for student behavior and related consequences. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children arrive at school each morning in a timely fashion, ready to learn. The school expects parents’ support in reinforcing behavioral expectations, in communicating regularly with their children’s teachers, and in receiving and reading all school related information that is sent home. When consequences for inappropriate student behavior must be implemented at school, parents should follow up at home to be sure the behavior does not reoccur.

Example Behaviors


        The following is a list of example behaviors that will result in consequences. All referrals to the office must be accompanied by a referral slip with the student’s first and last name. Office referrals serve as a record, and provide data regarding school wide behavior trends. Students will be provided with an opportunity for due process by either writing about or, in early grades, discussing with an adult what occurred during the event.


The following are examples of behaviors that, unless persistent and dangerous, will be addressed in the classroom by the teacher, and if necessary the parent:

The following are examples of behaviors that are considered major offenses and will result in administrative intervention:

Discipline System of Support

Tier I—Universal

All Students: Behavioral expectations are taught to all students in the same manner as any academic subject, including a reward system for positive behavior.

Sample strategies may include:

Positive behavior expectations are clearly defined, modeled, and taught, with an opportunity for all students to practice the skills, in all school environments, (e.g. classroom, hallways, cafeteria, etc.) A school-wide system for acknowledging and rewarding positive behavior is implemented (e.g. “Bucket Fillers, Cheetah Points”). Cheetah Points provided to classes for (1) lining up on time and in place and (2) for modeling correct sportsmanship for their area/game.

Tier II—Selected

Selected Students: A small group of students will require additional intervention in order to follow behavioral expectations consistently.

Sample strategies such as parent/student conference, reflective behavior journaling, behavior contract, and small group social skills training may be included.

Tier III—Targeted/Intensive

Targeted/Intensive: Highly specialized and individualized alternatives to suspension for

students documented as unresponsive to Tier I and Tier II. This is usually handled by Administration and or Dean of Students (secondary).

Sample strategies may include:

Individualized positive behavior support plans, individual counseling with focus on

emotion management and empathy building, Interim Behavior Response Plan (IBRP), crisis intervention, threat assessment, and restitution.



Addressed By Staff


Tier 1

Low Severity

Tier 2


Tier 3


Inappropriate Language/Content

Adult conferences with student

Teacher note home/or

Parent/Teacher conf.

Parent conference with Administrator

Minor Fighting (Pushing, Shoving)

Adult conf. w/ student; written warning sent home

Parent/Teacher Conference

Parent conference with Administrator

Disrespectful to adults/peers

Adult conf. w/ student; written warning sent home & apology note written to other individual

Parent/Teacher Conference

Parent conference with Administrator

Congregating for Inappropriate Conduct

Adult conf. w/ student

Reflection Time, Behavior Modification Contract and/or Note sent home

Parent/Teacher conference

Inappropriate Clothing

Call home requesting change of clothes

Parent/Teacher conference

Parent Conference with Administrator

Running in Hallways

Verbal warning

Reflection during play time

Teacher/Parent conference

Initiating or Spreading Rumors

Verbal warning

Teacher note home/

Parent/Teacher conf.

Parent conference with Administrator

Taking Others’ Belongings

Adult conferences with student

Note Home; Parent/Teacher conference

Parent conference with Administrator

Not Following Directions

Adult conf. w/ student

Note Home



Talking in Class

Adult conferences with student

Note Home

Parent/Teacher/Administrator Conference

Not completing assigned tasks

Adult conferences with student & assignments are completed during recess/lunch

Teacher note home & assignments are completed during recess/lunch

Parent/Teacher Conference

Disruptive Behavior

Adult conferences with student

Communication with the Home (written or verbal)

Parent/Teacher/Administrator Conference


Addressed by Administration


First Offense

Second Offense or Severe Behavior

Improper Touching (Sexual)

Parent/Administrator Conference

Per District


Threatening Bodily Harm

Major Fighting

Selling on Campus

Defacing School Property

Weapons on Campus

Severe Harassing or Bullying

Behavioral Expectations

Our School Rules:

Be Safe

Be Responsible

Be Respectful


  • Walk
  • Sit at your assigned table
  • Keep food to yourself
  • Wait patiently in line for your food
  • Clean up all trash
  • Stay seated until dismissed
  • Use quiet voices
  • Follow directions
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  • Keep your food in your tray


  • Stay in assigned area
  • Walk to and from area
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself
  • Use bathroom and get water before the bell when the whistle blows
  • Bring all equipment needed to the yard
  • Follow rules of the game
  • Play fairly
  • Everyone can play


  • Flush toilet and wash your hands
  • Keep your feet on the floor
  • One person to a stall
  • Use the bathroom and then leave
  • Return to your classroom promptly
  • Conserve supplies (toilet paper, water, soap)
  • Give people privacy
  • Keep bathrooms clean


  • Walk in the hallways
  • Walk up and down stairs holding the handrail
  • Watch for opening doors
  • Go directly to class
  • Stay out of the hallways unless you need to be there
  • Use quiet voices
  • Hold the door for people behind you


  • Walk
  • Sit with feet on the floor
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself
  • Stay seated until dismissed
  • Listen actively to the presenter
  • Follow directions
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself

Safety Valet

  • Use the crosswalk
  • Wait behind the orange safety cones
  • Wait for adult to open car door
  • Have all your HW materials with you
  • Wait with your class behind the gate
  • Listen for your name to be called
  • Wait patiently
  • Help the younger students

Staff Notes

Students Involved:        _________________        __________________________________        _________________        _________________________________________________________

Location of Incident: _______________________________________________

Type of Incident:

spreading rumors












Parent Contacted:

Date/Time: __________


Date/Time: ________

Incident Journal Grades 2-5

Student’s Name: _________________________        Date: ___________

Teacher: ________________________________        Room #: ________

Describe what happened in your own words:







What part of this is your responsibility?





What will you do next time?






Incident Journal Grades K & 1

Student’s Name: _________________________        Date: ___________

Teacher: ________________________________        Room #: ________

Draw a picture and/or write to show what happened:


Draw a picture and/or write to show what you should do instead:


Parent Note

Date: ______________________

Dear Parent/Guardian of _________________________________,

This is to notify you that your child was observed breaking a school rule today. S/he was:


As a consequence, s/he is receiving:

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher at (213) 381-7217.



Staff Signature

Please sign and return this form to your child’s teacher tomorrow, and counsel your child appropriately. We appreciate your cooperation.


Parent Signature

Nota para la Familia

Fecha: ______________________

Para los padres/tutores de: _________________________________,

Esto es para notificarle de la observación/reporte que su hijo/a no siguió una regla escolar. El/Ella:


Su consecuencia fue/sera:

Si tiene más preguntas o inquietudes, comuníquese con el/la maestro/a de su hijo al (213) 381-7217.



Firma del empleado

Firme y devuelva este formulario al maestro de su hijo mañana, y aconseje a su hijo/a adecuadamente. Apreciamos tu cooperación.


Firma del familiar

Supporting Documents: