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Camping etiquette
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Most likely you will be camping with others; either sharing your site or others around you in their own sites. First of all, it does make it a lot more fun! But it can also be overwhelming when people don’t follow these simple yet important “hidden” rules. Here are some guidelines for a pleasant experience for ALL:

#1 Do not walk through other peoples' sites: just like most people do not like other’s walking on their grass back home, that is their home for the day/night so we need to respect that.

#2 Clean up after yourself RIGHT AWAY!: most likely you will not have the same water pressure to clean dishes and cooking items like you do at home so doing it right away will not only make it easier to clean it off, it will be eye candy for those around you.  

#3 Do not use other people’s things without asking: you would think this is common sense but…. It’s not :/ and Always, Alway return it right away in their hand or where you found it. Use what you brought as much as you can first, this includes using your own chair too!

#4 Excessive: use of profanity, alcohol consumption, or smoking: If it changes your behavior or your behavior starts to affect others, that’s when it has gone too far. Please be mindful of your entire surroundings.

#5 ALWAYS observe the quiet hours: This is a big one! Most campgrounds have quiet hours, usually from 10 PM to 7 or 8AM. During these hours, voice level and music level needs to decrease so EVERYONE can get a great night's sleep.

City Lights Escape  2021