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Icefall 1 guide
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Understanding Icefall 1

An overly-wordy guide by Sletch


        Icefall is a two-part epic- this guide will cover the first half, IF1, which is more mini-game themed. You may die early and often when first starting out with this epic, as there is some unavoidable prog damage at various points. Thankfully it’s easy to join late when the group finishes each section and still complete the run. I personally found the progression from “Oops, I popped to a single sentinel hit” on West, to slowly seeing more of the epic as I grew stronger to be very rewarding. As you see more of the run, there is some fun ASCII art, unique games, and a good dose of not-taking-itself-too-seriously humor throughout the area.


IF1 recommended stats and prep


Maxed SH stats, as much HP as possible and a sturdy shield/sanc aura.

(Chance of dying regardless- join the fun anyway at 15k-20k+ HP)

At least 5k mana for the command “energize fountain” - mandatory.

Optional’ but encouraged- 10k / 25k moves for fight back / unleash power during the Flux fight.

If you want to be a baller- 25k/50k/75k mana for ice bomb.

Party heal (pheal), rescue, aim, cure blindness, incomplete healing

Dispel magic/dampening field, reverse align, petrify

Stock up on pills not potions, for healing in noquaff rooms.

rt tao;run 2ne- Little Jade Pill. Check potsearch heal pill for more options

Starting room: rt icefall

There is no door mob generally set for this epic- feel free to set your own d from rt icefall.

There is a portal to the area as well, but it is very difficult/expensive to acquire. See rewards section.

Generally speaking for epics set:

Autoassist ON - Autoloot ON - Autosac/consume OFF

(Leader may call for autoassist ON/OFF for various epics)

Standard disclaimer: Be prepared to die in epics. These areas are designed to be difficult, the mobs hit hard and there are sometimes other environmental or mob prog factors at play. All epic area rooms are flagged ‘morgue’ so that when you die, no corpse is dropped. You will be at 1 hp, but wearing your equipment. Do not complain about deaths in epics, it’s just a part of the game. Each epic varies on how and when you can rejoin.

For IF1, no need to heal if you die in the first 3 sections. Head back to the starting room of the current section and be ready for the leader to call the command join late. For the final boss, you may want to heal up a bit before rejoining, say 30-50%, before you ascend pillar;n at Orbury. Party heal hard when you get back to the group.  If the group wipes on the last boss and you hear calls to “regroup”- quickly, run back to the area and watch for directions on where to meet and pheal. Generally at Orbury (2s), or just after ascend pillar.


Goal information


From the start of the area, run 2s, listen Orbury. The rest of the tasks will finish as you complete a run. Finishing the goal opens up the shops south of Orbury, where you can buy epic gear, Icefall weapons and helper items, and some consumables/cheaper slopes passes/pupping related stuff.


Running the epic



4 sections, first 3 can be run in any order, at one of 3 difficulties- Normal, Hard, or Extreme


        Icefall 1 has a ‘difficulty select’- the leader can choose from Normal, Hard, or Extreme when starting each side, and everyone will receive a respective Token for finishing. Normal is capped at 15 people, Hard is capped at 30, and Extreme is up to 50 people (maximum party size). The damage progs and timings, spawned mob health/amount/variety, and total earned IF points for completing the run scales with the chosen difficulty. The most commonly run mode is Hard, so I will be writing the guide with that in mind as the ‘default’ difficulty. I may revise or add sections later on to detail the various differences.

        This epic is also unique for having many ‘helper items’ to use during a run. See the rewards section at the bottom for more information on these. Most importantly are the Icefall weapons. When wielded, these will do extra damage to many of the bosses in the epic and are key to tackling some of the harder difficulties. This bonus damage does not apply to the smaller mobs, so you will hear the leader calling to switch to IF weapons/ice on or aard on/normal weapons. If you don’t have one yet, don’t worry- but learn to watch for these calls.

        Through these sections, some prog damage is unavoidable. Wear a shield/hold item and sanc aura, and always try to stay topped off on HP. If we lose too many people during a section, the group may need to reset and start the side over again. Please do not AFK through these sections as the leader runs you around. Things you can do to stay engaged:

Note: During the minigames on W, you will be unable to cast or quaff. Stock up on pills instead - Tao, Pyre, a few clan shops sell these so you can still heal to full.  Use potsearch heal pill.

Important locations, from center of Icefall, “Calm Air” (38701):

        run wnwws - Start of Hide and Sneak (West)

        run eseen - Start of Ice Sliders (East)

        run nennwu - Start of Avalanche Slalom (North)

        run 2s - Orbury, start of the final boss section (Talon)

        Generally the run order is West - East - North - Talon. Check the group name (e.g. IF1 WEN), listen for the call on where to be, or ask if you’re unsure. The group can do the first 3 sections in any order, but having a W runner generally makes or breaks a run so it’s prioritized first. Finishing North gives a full restore to the party, so it’s best done right before tackling the final boss.


Hide and Sneak (West)


        West side is a test of reflexes and clean movement through a series of maps. Read sign at the starting room for some info:

How to play



    | $   !   #         |    # - You are here

    |    ---     ---    |    $ - Sentinel

    | ! |   |.@.|   | ! |    ! - Ice barrier

    |    ---     ---    |    @ - Advance to next stage when finished

    | !   !       !   ! |


Navigate all rooms while avoiding the sentinels ($).  The ice barriers will melt automatically when you enter each room.

One person leads the party around three maps/‘layers’, avoiding roaming opulent sentinels ($) while visiting every room to break ice barriers (!). Once they are all broken, the group needs to clear 1/2/3 ice sentinels before advancing to the next layer. After the third layer is cleared, Shadow will spawn in the arena.

Although only one person is leading at a time, it is important that we have a backup runner as well in case the leader dies. The movement process is very demanding and precise, and it’s much harder to heal to full while also leading the group around. You can party heal or otherwise cast freely during the first 3 layers and during the actual fight parts with Shadow.

If you are interested in learning to run this side, please let me (Sletch) know. You can practice the first layer solo any time after the area has repopped, before the epic is run- Create a group, be the leader, type play [normal / hard / extreme] at the start of west. I strongly recommend creating a macro for map on a button like F1 or F2, and using numpad 8/6/2/4 for NESW movement. The sentinels all move at once, on a consistent delay based on difficulty. Spam map to watch the $ move and time your movements around that. Never stand still 1 room adjacent to a sentinel, diagonal is OK for the 3rd layer.

For the Shadow fight: Icefall weapons on, reverse/dispel Shadow, petrify, and either blast or party heal. 3 times during the fight she will interrupt the group with one of 3 minigames-

There is some randomness to the birthday balloon prog here, and based on the difficulty sometimes Shadow will bring all of 1 color balloon together and spawn inferno wyrms/frost drakes/lightning dragons as she leaves. These mobs also may (will?) spawn from any red/blue/yellow balloons left alive once Shadow returns to pop the remaining balloons. Listen to the leader, but generally flee out and prioritize clearing the other balloons first if this happens. If things are dire the leader may call to ignore the green balloons, which only heal Shadow when popped instead of spawning more bad dragons. After the small balloons are handled, the leader calls to regroup in a corner of the arena, then tackles these baddies with the full group before heading back to the Shadow fight. Icefall weapons/shield back on for Shadow.

Once Shadow is finally dead, and the leader advances once final time, anyone who died during the section can type join late at the start of W to rejoin the group. Be ready for this command- the leader will usually prep the group for it after Shadow’s last mini game. The area is on a timer, if you don’t join late in time you may get left behind.

Leader will free Psarden. Your command to finish the section is energize fountain to receive a Hide and Sneak [Normal/Hard/Extreme] token, full HP restore, and tele back to the center of Icefall.

Note: You must spend 5k mana for this command to work- this is the only hard requirement for the run. Same for the other energize fountain on East.


Ice Sliders (East)


        East side is more of a puzzle than reflexes, but you still need to be quick as there is a 5 minute timer per phase to find Slick. As this section progresses, Slick will send people at random away from the main group. It’s extremely important to have a couple people who can run this puzzle on backup, in case the leader is sent. You can practice this puzzle solo any time the area is repopped, before the epic runs. Create a group in game, and as the leader type slide [normal / hard / extreme]. I also have a spreadsheet ‘sandbox’ that is useful for practicing:

IF1 E Practice spreadsheet:

Mudbin paste of some statue turning and solving, with commentary:

At the start of East- Read sign to get an overview of the puzzle:

How to play


Slide across the ice tiles to find Slick in one of four rooms.  The crank stations can rotate the wind statues to redirect your path along the ice.



Glance - View a full map of Ice Sliders (must be standing still).

{A|B|C|D|E} {CW|CCW} - Rotate an entire column of statues CW or CCW.

{2|3|4|5|6} {CW|CCW} - Rotate an entire row of statues CW or CCW.

For example, BCW rotates column B clockwise, 4CCW rotates row 4 counterclockwise.

Rotate crank - Attempt to uncover Slick in one of his four locations.

then once the leader has started, type glance to see the map




    |^#^ ~>~ ~v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ^|     6

    |                       |

    |^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ^|     5

 ---|                       |

|[?]|~ ~ ~ ~ ~<~ ~v~ ~ ~ ^ ^|     4

 ---|        ---            |---

    |~ ~ ~ ~ ~>~ ~^~ ~ ~ ~ ~|[?]| 3

    |                       |---

    |~ ~ ~>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~>~ ~ ~|     2

    |                       |

    |^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^|     1




      A   B   C   D   E   F



^ ^ rooms are rocks, ~ ~ rooms are ice. The wind statues will spawn on the ice in one of a few preset patterns, with random orientations. Specific leader commands in the corner rooms will rotate all the statues in a specific row or column, clockwise or counterclockwise. (acw, 3cw, dccw, etc) The leader can move the group freely on the rocks before sliding. Once they move onto the ice, the party will continue sliding in the same direction until you hit a wall, rocks, or a wind statue. The goal is to aim these wind statues to guide your path across the ice and end up in the [?] rooms to search for Slick (turn crank/rotate crank)

In the diagram above: The puzzle is currently solved for the W hiding room. The leader can step onto the ice east from the NW corner (A6->B6), will get pushed east > to C6, redirected south v to C5, continue sliding into C4, pushed west < to slide across B4, A4, and finally into the west [?] room.

If the leader wanted to aim for the north room instead, they could type 4cw twice. That would rotate C4 to east > and D4 to north ^. Same starting path as above, but at C4 east > to D4 N ^, slide thru D5, D6, to [?]. This can be hard to visualize in text- glance often to see the patterns change between commands.

At each [?] room the leader will turn crank to check if Slick is hiding there. If he isn’t, you are treated to a short cutscene of the walls closing in and squishing the whole party for a large chunk of damage, then returned back to the puzzle to a random corner and a new layout of statues.  The cranking stations and ^ ^ rock rooms are nocast/noquaff, but you can cast while sliding and in the edge rooms. Pheal lots during the slide and in the [?] rooms to offset this damage!

Because the initial ‘seed’ is randomized, not all maps and starting positions enable you to hit every [?] room. The leader may call that they are ramming- repositioning the group to a different corner to get a new layout and hopefully better starting point to reach a specific side. Starting from the NE corner will always allow you to reach any edge room. The group will take a big chunk of damage when they crash into the rocks- on the next slide, be sure to pheal.

When the group finds Slick, he picks 1/2/3 people (based on difficulty) and sends them to fight mobs in a room away from the party. If you get sent- switch to normal weapon+shield, and aim bomb to make sure any of those mobs die first. If you don’t clear the bombs quickly, they will explode after a timer and deal damage based on their remaining health. Clear all the mobs, rescue anyone who gets low, heal up, and wait for the next batch of people to be sent in. This process will happen a total of 5 times. This is the final room of the section, if nothing seems to be happening just wait. Eventually everyone will join you here.

Extreme run: Wear absorbers for the lightning dragons.

If you aren’t thrown from the Slick fight- icefall weapons on, reverse, dispel, petrify Slick. After he loses ~25% hp, he will run and hide in a new edge room on the map, sending the group back to the sliding puzzle. The [?] room where he was found is now “done” and Slick won’t hide there again.

The leader repeats the statue+ice puzzle until finally finding Slick in each of the 4 edge rooms. On death, he will send the whole party to the last room with more mobs and ice bombs. Aard on, aim bomb. If you died- do not join late yet until the leader calls! You can join late at any point after Slick is killed, but it will trigger any remaining bombs to explode instantly. Leader will usually call “bombs clear, join late” when it’s safe.

Extreme run: Wear absorbers or frost knuckles

Once the room is clear and all return, the leader will free Galerradus - your command to finish the side is energize fountain. Same as before- you receive an Ice Sliders [Normal/Hard/Extreme] token, full HP restore, and you are sent back to the center of Icefall.


Avalanche Slalom (North)


On Normal and Hard difficulties, this side is the most straightforward. The group gathers at the pinnacle of the Slopes pup area. The leader will ride (normal / hard / extreme) and take the group through a one-way path of rooms with mobs, clearing them on the way down to Flux. These mobs all have sanc, and a couple have debuff progs to try and slow the group down. Biggest targets are generally the Owls which will blind most of the group. aim owl whenever these are present. Watchmen clan sells a staff of cure blind which is extremely useful to counter these. On an Extreme run, in order of most to least dangerous- watch for Inferno Wyrms / Lightning Dragons / Frost Drakes at various points along the path. There are Icefall helper items to help mitigate these dragons’ nasty progs- details in the rewards section. Aard on for the slopes, dispel mobs, pheal, rescue people if you’re tanky or healthy enough. In the room before Flux the leader will call for Icefall weapons- wear a shield if you need to, then dual them if you’re not tanking the boss.

North slope Extreme rooms- 1: Owls  2: Drakes  3: Dragons  4: Wyrms  5: Owls  6: All three (Priority- Wyrms/Dragons/Drakes) 7: Drakes  10: Owls'

Over the course of the fight, Flux will trigger a few Quick Time Event style reaction commands and a bunch of ASCII art to go with. The first few QTEs are a form of Rock-Paper-Scissors- one person spends 10k mvs to type punch, kick or uppercut. Flux will counterattack, and if your attack lands you deal severe damage to him. One of the Icefall weapons, Maelstrom Whip, has a special dizzy wrap command that will guarantee these attacks will connect. Once Flux’s hp is low enough, he gives one more ‘joke’ QTE - lose, beg, fail, bargain.

I don’t believe any of these options matter- if you type one, or keep fighting and his HP drops to a critical level, he interrupts the fight with more ASCII and launches a massive attack at the party. Ahead, there are a series of short windows of time to type specific commands to finish the section. If you don’t have enough MN or MV, for the commands just keep phealing.

Orbury shows up at the last second and tosses you an inactive ice bomb- One person needs to charge this by spending 25k/50k/75k mana on the command ice bomb.

Once charged, the group needs to launch the ice bomb counterattack at Flux with the command fight back. This command takes 10k moves to use and requires 5/10/15 fight backs total from the group to succeed, based on difficulty. (Definitely 10 on hard, need to confirm others) You can fight back multiple times if you have the MV pool for it.

After fighting back, you have time for 2-3 c party heal to restore moves to the group before the next command. Flux will attempt to overwhelm the group’s counterattack with his own. 5/10/20 people need to unleash power to spend 25k moves and finally wipe him out. Same as before, if you have the MV you can unleash power multiple times. If any of these final steps fail due to not enough moves spent/commands entered, the party will wipe and will need to start again from the beginning of the slalom.

If successful, the leader moves down to the final room with Rimultan. Join late now, if you died along the slalom or to Flux. Once the leader types free Rimultan, your command to finish the section is say yes. You will receive Avalanche Slalom [Normal/Hard/Extreme] token, a full HP/MN/MV restore, and a free trip back to the center of Icefall.


Forging Tokens


Before challenging Talon, you need to bring the 3 tokens from W/E/N to Orbury (2s) and type forge (difficulty) to merge them into Icefall [Normal/Hard/Extreme]. If you end up joining a run late, or have to leave early- save your tokens! Tokens are somewhat interchangeable as long as they are used for the same difficulty or lower- but be sure you forge them for the difficulty of the run you’re on.

Example- you have a spare Extreme token from E and W, and joined a run in-progress to get a Hard token from N. You could use those 3 tokens to forge hard, or even forge normal - but you would need 3 Extreme tokens to forge extreme. This also means the prog will not check if you try to forge a lower difficulty by mistake- do not forge hard if you are on an Extreme run! Some people have an alias for ‘forge extreme;forge hard;forge normal’ to make sure they always forge the highest difficulty possible. This is really a rare case and only worth describing if you have spare tokens floating around, or if the group size drops over the course of the run and forces a lower difficulty. Watch for the leader’s instructions.


Final Boss: Talon


Once the leader types hoist the sword at Orbury, the final arena with Talon will open up. Your command: ascend pillar, to arrive in a room south of Talon. This room is generally safe to retreat to during the fight if you get low, or to regroup and heal up before heading back in if you die. When rejoining, as soon as you are around 30-50% hp head north to pheal with the main group. If you hear calls to regroup- Do not go into Talon’s room alone! Get to this room and pheal quickly. The leader will move the whole group in when ready. Once the group is all together after ascend pillar, the leader will bring the group N to start the fight with Talon.

Talon will spawn waves of enemies when he hits certain HP %. Mob variety and amount will vary based on difficulty. I will flesh out the details as best I can and update with normal/extreme variations when possible. autoassist off, aard on for the Talon fight, and aim any mobs called- the group needs to clear these added mobs quickly, and autoassist off means you are less likely to accidentally hit Talon when your target is dead. If too many people are on Talon, you may trigger the next wave early which only makes the fight harder.

Normal: With a full group of 15 people and a good # of IF weapons, generally the group will ignore all progs and just blast talon from 100%. If it’s a particularly small group, you may want to follow the Hard strategy, listed below.

Hard: At 90% hp, Talon spawns 3 mobs in the room south- A reinforced catapult, an icicle ballista, and a cauldron of oil. The catapult and ballista mobs will do huge damage to the group in Talon’s room after a timer, and the cauldron will tip over and damage the S room. Similar to the bombs on E, this damage scales with the mob’s remaining health. A group of people will typically sit after ascend pillar to tackle this first wave of mobs, and announce when they are clear. If you are N- dispel, reverse, petrify Talon. A few people can help tank Talon- watch for rescue calls, Retreat S as needed, otherwise pheal and stay off Talon.

At 70% hp, Talon spawns another set of mobs in the room south, as well as 8 or so Cactus Imps in his room. If you are in Talon’s room- Kill/aim imp and clear those mobs. If you are in the south group, clear that room quickly and announce, then move N to help kill the imps.

At 50%, things get interesting. Talon will spawn 2 sets of mobs in his room- Freed Trolls and Flame Priests. The trolls are mostly ignored and cleared as collateral damage- the priests however, will constantly cast regeneration on Talon, healing him 5000 hp per round. If you try to kill the priests, they briefly jump high into the air, becoming untargetable for a round before returning. Make sure autoass off and kill/blast these priests as soon as possible. With the Lost Ruby Sword icefall weapon, one person can hoist the sword to spend 25k? mana to cast a freezing blizzard. This reduces the priest’s healing to 3750 per cast and mitigates some of Talon’s flame breath prog damage. It will also do big damage to Talon, and heal the player who cast it for ½ of the damage dealt. It’s generally left for someone who is tanking, but the main benefit is slowing the priests’ healing. You cannot hoist again until the active blizzard crumbles.

Once the priests are all clear, typically the leader will call Ice on, blast talon. No phealing- just your strongest attack spell/skill on Talon. At 30%, Talon spawns another wave of mobs north and south like the 70 wave, and then another big wave of priests and mobs N/S at 10%. With enough focused fire and Icefall weapons, the group can out-DPS the healing and kill Talon before the 30% wave south bombards the group.

If this strategy fails- due to too many people dying to added mobs, and/or not enough IF weapon damage- the 30% wave catapults finally firing will likely wipe most of the group and the Icefall dragons will make short work of the rest. Regroup south of Talon (rt icefall;run 2s;ascend pillar) The priests are constantly regenerating Talon so be quick returning. If done quickly enough, the leader may bring everyone in for another attempt to blast Talon. If this fails, or if the group is too slow to regropu and heal, the leader will direct specific mobs to clear when they move in. Aard weapons on- Priority is typically: aim and blast any wyrm/dragon/drake in that order, then the priests, then finally IF weapons to kill Talon.

Extreme: More mobs and especially the harder Wyrm/Dragon/Drakes will spawn during the various Talon waves. A Lost Hero of Icefall for the last wave will cast a nasty hoist of their own, draining the party and healing Talon. The helper items become much more useful on Extreme to help resist the effects of the IF dragons and the Hero. If you’ve made it this far into the guide you should already know: Follow the leader’s directions- clear all waves.

Talon Extreme waves:  

Once Talon is finally dead, all remaining mobs will despawn. The full group assembles in Talon’s room, and the leader will nod for the Icefall mystic. (If you have a fancy Icefall Ring- wear it now!) Your command to finish the run is pull lever. You will receive 3/6/10 Icefall points based on difficulty, plus a flat 1/2/5 points based on your ring. Congratulations! You also will get a full restore and be sent back to the center of Icefall.




Erikson’s Icefall equipment Q&A:

        Once you complete your first run and finish the goal, you can now access the shops south of Orbury:

First prize room: S of Orbury is where you can purchase rank4 and rank5 gear, cheaper passes for pupping on the slopes, and some other consumables/QOL stuff for use in Icefall outside of the epic. The rank gear pieces all have a minimum run count requirement- either 75/130 total runs of either IF1 or IF2 depending on the piece. Because of those limitations, you’ll have plenty of points to spend on the weapons and helper items below before you can buy the really good stuff.

Second prize room: SE of Orbury is a shop with ‘helper’ items to wear during IF1/2 runs. There is a huge variety of items here. Many of these are only situationally useful, but extremely powerful in their niche. Of note in this shop is the upgradeable Blue/Red/Gold Ring: The first ring costs 500m gold and gives you +1 IF point every time you pull lever to complete a run (only while worn- don’t forget to equip!). Another 500m gold will upgrade that to net +2 points per run. And for just another 1b gold, you will earn +5 points per run. This may not seem like a lot for the gold investment, but these points will add up over time. The sooner you can purchase it, the more IF points you will accumulate, and ultimately more gear and helper items you can use, or the ability to sell rank gear to others.

Third prize room: SW of Orbury is the shop with all of the Icefall weapons used during the run. Once you have enough points to afford one, this should be a priority purchase. Mystic Staff+Stiletto is a great first combo for dual IF weapons. If you’re gold-rich and points-poor, the Meteor Bomb Axe costs 500m gold and has the one of the highest prog damages. The Abyssal Storm Sword does slightly more prog damage and only costs 10m gold, but it crumbles after 1 day. Some people will often front this cost for newer players to use on IF2 runs until they can buy a permanent weapon of their own. The Lost Ruby Sword is forged from 3 rare drops from the Heroes throughout the epic- a Hilt during IF1 Extreme Talon, a Jewel during IF2 Shade fight, and a Blade during IF2’s final boss’s pseudo-’enrage’, if the fight goes on past the last timer.

“List” in each shop room:

Epic rewards masterlist:

I will update both this and the IF2 guide with a supplemental that goes in depth on the many items in these shops, down the road 🙂 Refer to chat log with Erikson above for most common FAQs.

Example of a full run, for reference:

(to be added)

This page:

All my guides so far: