
walk with me down this long and curving road,

watch the trees sway above, water rush below

see the sky shine diamonds as the sun sweeps the earth


wonder at this world so different from our own

here there is no famine, here there is no bondage

wonder at this freedom, through many now our own


stand valiant when the monsters come,

with swords of scorn and spears of mock

beware their tongues, inferno aflame, worlds of evil among their slain


stay with me when the fires roar,

watch the mountains blaze and the castles flame

of prejudice, of hatred, of what consumes all


now unleash your strength and endurance, your arms of persistence

retrieve your shields of assurance and belts of trust

charge with flags of courage and banners of change


ride with horses of love and armies of peace,

charge onward for the King above all kings

in all things let us be more than conquerors


we celebrate with banquets of peace and toasts of joy

let us progress our nation and prolong our land

our children’s pride, the land of the free


take up your arms and crests of peace

now stand with me and change this world

from sea to shining sea