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Paris Travel Photography Workshop 2 (PTP2)
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Dear Travel For Teens Travelers and Parents,

We wanted to let you know about important trip specific information.  Please take the time to read the information below thoroughly and in detail.  After taking time to read this content, please take the time to complete any necessary actions.

1. T-shirts

TFT partners with a distribution company to mail every traveler a Travel For Teens t-shirt! Our t-shirts are meant to be worn on travel days.  Every t-shirt is unisex adult sizing, so if you need to change your size, please just reply to this email to do so.  T-shirts will be received a couple weeks before your departure day.

2. Vaccinations

Please click this link for details on vaccinations for the specific countries and locations you will be traveling.

Vaccination Information Here

3. Visas

The country in the itinerary issues tourist visas upon arrival for US passport holders.  If you hold a passport outside of the USA, please check to see if you have different requirements.  If you need any documents from Travel For Teens, please reply to this email and we will be happy to provide them.

4. Participation Lists

The first full week in June we will be sending out lists of contact details so that travelers can reach out to their fellow travelers before the trip starts.  Please note these lists are sent directly to teens, and not the parents.  They include, names, email addresses, and state of residence. If you would like us to not include the contact details of your teen, kindly reply to this email and we will keep their contact information private.

5. Optional Excursions

Please click this link for details on optional excursions information.  You can sign up for excursions through the MyTFT portal.  All excursions are optional, and not a requirement.

Excursions Details Here

6. Paperwork and Flights

All paperwork and flight arrangements are now due! If you haven’t taken care of these items, please do so ASAP to avoid late fees.


TFT Office


Phone: 484-654-1032

Hours: Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm EST