Berkeley|Student Information Systems

SIS Job Aid #241

Academic Progress Report (APR) Exceptions

This guide is intended for staff. It describes how to enter and edit exceptions on a student’s APR. Exceptions are manual adjustments for particular students, not a change in the requirement itself.

Note 1: Some graduate requirements are met by Milestones. These are usually requirements that are NOT fulfilled by taking certain classes or units. Common examples of milestones include papers, presentations, and qualifying exams. If reviewing a graduate student’s APR, do not waive the Graduate Division Requirements.

Note 2: It is recommended to enter an exception when a course is complete or the exception is confirmed. For example, X requirement requires a grade of C or better. If an exception is made so that English 10A will count for the requirement, then English 10A will count even if the student’s grade is D. Therefore, wait until the student completes the course before making the exception.


Overview & Navigation

A. Course Directive

B. Requirement Change

C. Requirement Waiver

Overview & Navigation

Types of exceptions:

  1. Course Directive: Identify course or exam that meets a requirement OR one that should be excluded from meeting a requirement. Mainly for undergraduates, this is the most common type of exception.
  2. Requirement Change: Change the number of required units or courses for a requirement.
  3. Requirement Waiver: Waive an existing requirement. This will exempt a student from the requirement entirely, allowing any courses previously listed to count towards other requirements. This should be used only when a course directive or requirement change cannot be used.

Initial navigation is the same for all 3 types.

  1. Enter SID in Student Lookup. Select Search.

Campus Solutions  navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Self Service > Advisor Center > Advisee Student Center > Academic Requirements

Screenshot of calcentral dashboard with Enter name, UID or SID search bar inside of Student Lookup card highlighted in red.

  1. Select Academic Progress Report under Degree Progress.

Screenshot of calcentral dashboard with Academic progress report under Degree progress highlighted in red.

  1. Scroll down the page. You may enter exceptions for items with a drop down menu.

Exceptions dropdown under Entry level writing highlighted in red

  1. Select Course Directive, Requirement Change, or Requirement Waiver. See below for further details on each type of exception.
  2. Select Go (>>)

Create exception dropdown open showing available options highlighted in red

A. Course Directive

  1. Add Exception Note. Describe reason for exception. This is visible to student and advisors.
  2. Select courses by choosing:
  1. Select - allows course to meet requirement
  2. Reject - excludes course from meeting requirement

Courses will automatically appear in Direct Courses above.

  1. Find additional courses, exams, or transfer credits by using the Navigation Controls.

Exception Note box highlighted in red. Select and reject options highlighted in red with a red arrow pointed to the directed courses box that courses will automatically appear after choosing select. Navigation controls highlighted with red box.

  1. Edit Directed Courses as needed:
  1. Directed Units (optional) - Number of units to be counted toward the requirement. If blank, all class units may be counted toward requirement.
  2. Min Grade Points / Units - Minimum grade points needed for in-progress class to meet requirement. Example: 1.70 = C- or better. If class is complete, leave blank.
  3. Directed Courses - Number of times course may count towards requirement.
  1. Select Save and Reprocess APR. 

Directed Units, Min Grade Points / Units, and Directed Courses highlighted with red box and Save and Reprocess APR button highlighted with red box.

  1. The APR should now include the changes:

Updated APR showing changes under "The following courses were used to satisfy this requirement" highlighted with red box.

B. Requirement Change 

  1. Add Exception Note. Describe reason for exception. This is visible to student and advisors.
  2. Enter New Values as needed. Most fields may be left blank, but at least one minimum must be set. Setting both minimums to “0” will automatically satisfy the requirement.
  3. Select Save and Reprocess APR. This will save changes and re-run APR.

Screenshot of "Authorize Student Exceptions" section. The "Exception Note" box, "New Values" section, and "Save and Reprocess APR" highlighted in red.

  1. The APR should now include the changes:

Area showing updated changes to requirement change, highlighted in red.

C. Requirement Waiver

  1. Add Exception Note. Describe reason for exception. This is visible to student and advisors.
  2. Select Save and Reprocess APR. 

Screenshot of "Authorize Student Exceptions" section. The "Exception Note" box, "New Values" section, and "Save and Reprocess APR" highlighted in red.

  1. The APR should now include the changes:

Area showing updated changes to waiver, highlighted in red.

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