Kanalkampf to Blitz
An Ace High™ Target for Today
Version 1.0
Please read “Dates and Times” and “Main Rules” sections.
Click here for registration. Please register for the event if you can play at least 1 Phase.
If you can’t play in at least 1 Phase, you can still show up as a walkon (unregistered player) on the day of the event.
Please show up at or before 12 PM US Eastern time in Special Events 2 arena -- the arena will lock after that. (For how that translates to your time, here is a time converter.) End of frame will be nominally at 9 PM US Eastern time.
This event encompasses three major phases of the Battle of Britain: the Kanalkampf, Adler Tag, and the London Blitz. The squadrons chosen for this event are squadrons that took part in all three phases of the battle. The squadrons are also based at their historically accurate bases within 11 Group and Luftlotte 2. The squadrons chosen coordinated together in the battle and will do so again in this simulated event.
Phase One
Boxes are available airfields for launch. Yellow line is the path of fleets for the Phase. The Northern fleet will not be a target until T+120. Individual ships will respawn within the fleet every 20 minutes.
Phase Two
Boxes are available airfields. Red stars are Target airfields. Hangars are objectives, a maximum of two destroyed hangars per pilot will be scored per sortie.
Phase Three
Boxes are available airfields. Red star is the target City. Destroying at least one City Building counts as a Successful Drop.
If your side fails to do this within the Phase, it will get no points at all for that Phase:
“Attempt” means to complete the Mission or either die trying or jettison ordnance because of enemy in icon range.
Phase Scoring:Phase One will be scored with points. Phases Two and Three will be a Win/Lose objective for the Axis.
Phase One:
Phase Two:
Luftwaffe must destroy 20 Hangars.
Phase Three:
Luftwaffe must score 13 Successful Drops on London.
Winner of a Phase is the side with the most points. Winner of the Scenario is the side that wins the most Phases. If there is a tie in one Phase, the winner will be the side with the most aggregate points.
Targets for each side are as follows in the boxes on the map:
Note on targets: Downtimes of hangars are 30 minutes. Manned Guns (37mm, 88mm, 17 lb. AT gun, and guns on Ships) will remain destroyed for the entire Phase. Autoack ground guns (at fields, towns, and flak towers) will respawn in 4 minutes. City Buildings will respawn in 20 minutes. Ships will respawn in 20 minutes.
22 Fighters, 10 Bombers: 32 Total
# Slots | Group Name | Aircraft |
Luftlotte 2 |
8 | III/JG 54 | Bf 109E-4 |
8 | III/JG 26 | Bf 109E-4 |
6 | II/ZG 76 | Bf 110C-4 |
10 | St.G 1/KG 1 | Ju 87D/He 111/Ju 88 |
In Phase One: St.G 1 will fly Ju 87D ONLY.
In Phase Two: KG 1 will fly He 111 ONLY.
In Phase Three: KG 1 will fly Ju 88 ONLY.
26 Fighters
# Slots | Group Name | Aircraft |
11 Group |
8 | No. 501 Squadron | Hurricane Mk. I |
10 | No. 41 Squadron | Spitfire Mk. I |
8 | No. 92 Squadron | Spitfire Mk. I |
*See Designer Notes
CO's may split groups up into separate flights and send them on separate missions as they see fit.
CO's may assign walkons as they see fit up to the limit of slots available. If there are more walkons than spots available, RAF may overfill in either aircraft and Axis can overfill Bf 109E-4’s.
CO's may move registered pilots to different aircraft if the registered pilots are willing. But if a registered pilot wants to keep the plane he is registered for, he must be allowed to stay in that plane.
Please get your people into the appropriate named squads. Useful squad dot commands that can be used from your text radio buffer:
Welcome to the Target for Today "Kanalkampf to Blitz"!
To play, please show up by 12 PM Eastern on Saturday.
If you are not registered, you are welcome to play,
but please stay in country Rook until you are assigned
to a side.
Pilots get unlimited lives.
Scenario design: perdweeb and Scenario CM Team
Game-day CM: Brooke
v0.5, 4/28/2022
-- First draft.
v0.6, 5/10/2022
– Added setting, changed squadron names, added designer notes, adjusted radar ranges.
V1.0, 5/18/2022
– Changed squadron names, published to public.
V1.1, 5/25/2022
– Changed hardness of ships to 800.