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Commission Report from Pathways to Peace & Justice Commission 2021
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Commission Report to Secretary Generals:

Pathways to Peace and Justice (PPJ)

Reporting Conveners: Dr. Sri Nuryanti and Rajib Timalsina (2018-2021)

Incoming Conveners: Prisca Delima and Roshan Pokharel (2021-2023)


The International Peace Research Association (IPRA) organized its 28th General Conference in Nairobi, Kenya on 11-15th January 2021. The conference was organized during very difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time, IPRA organized the conference in hybrid mode: online and in-person. The conference itself was a new learning opportunity for many IPRA members..

We are thankful for the local organizing committee who made the in-person IPRA General Conference possible in this difficult time. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the Secretary Generals and Council members for making this conference successful.


The Pathways to Peace and Justice (PPJ) Commission had five panels. A total of 18 papers were scheduled for the presentation across the 5 breakout panels. Nine presenters were able to share their papers in our Commission (online and in-person (Kenya) records).

The paper presenters were:  

1. Cahyo Pamungkas, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia – “Technology and Peacebuilding: Case study of Papuan Voice Struggle in Representing the West Papuan Identity into the World”

2. Frieder Lempp, IÉSEG School of Management, France – “Computer Simulation As A Tool For Facilitating Peace”

3. Roshan Pokharel, Galli Galli, Nepal – “Digital Technology and Promotion Justice; How digital technology will evolve in Human Rights and Peace”

4. Thania Paffenholz and Alexander Bramble, Inclusive Peace, Kenya, “The Open Peace Portal Facilitating inclusive pathways to Peace through technology to counteract exclusive norm diffusion”

5. Rajib Timalsina, Tribhuvan University, Nepal - Arts Based Methods as more ethical and safeguarding Oriented for Peace and Justice

6. Saf ye Ate Dur , Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey - Fragile Peace Created by Peace Agreements in Deeply Divided Societies: The Case of Good Friday Agreement

7. Samson Maliisa, Uganda Christian University, Uganda - Justice and Peace breaches in the Nature, Investigation and Prosecution of Cyber Crimes in Uganda: A Focus on Uganda’s Computer Misuse Act 2011

8. Sri Nuryanti, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia - Challenges to Peace Technology in shaping democracy

9. Nar Bahadur Saud, SPACE; Search for Identity, Nepal - Use of Technology in Performing Arts: an approach to peace and Justice Promotion in Nepal

Dr. Sri Nuryanti chaired 3 and Rajib Timalsina chaired 2 sessions in this commission. The participants who were part of the PPJ sessions during January 2021 Conference were:

Cahyo Pamungkas, Melinda Sari, Frieder Lempp, Roshan Pokharel, Thania Paffenholz, Rajib Timalsina, Saf ye Ate Dur, Samson Maliisa, Sri Nuryanti, Nar Bahadur Saud, Helen Ware, Prisca Delima, Mouliza Donna, Hector Vásquez, Paulo Kuhlmann, Ma Elena López, Gloria Zapata.

Commission Business Meeting:

The Pathways to Peace and Justice (PPJ) Commission had it’s business meeting and was attended by: Sri Nuryanti, Rajib Timalsina, Cahyo Pamungkas, Prisca Delima and Roshan Pokhareg.

The meeting discussed future Commission  themes and topics such as: human rights, transitional justice, peace negotiation, mediation, new technological innovation for peace, democracy and other interventions which aim to promote peace and justice.

Conveners Election:

The conveners of the Pathways to Peace and Justice (PPJ) Commission for 2018-2021, Dr. Sri Nuryanti and Rajib Timalsina nominated Prisca Delima and Roshan Pokharel for the position of conveners of next term 2021-2023. Both Prisca and Roshan accepted the nomination and  were elected as new  conveners.

Prisca Delima and Roshan Pokharel are the new co-Conveners for the Pathways to Peace and Justice (PPJ) Commission 2021-2023 term.