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1/24/24 5th Grade Newsletter
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Updates and reminders for the week ending on  Jan 26, 2024

This Unit We Will…

Math:  This week we began taking a fraction out of a whole number. This skill will eventually lead us to multiplying fractions.

ELA:  Students have been investing a lot of time into writing and visualizing this week. We’ve dug deeper into our sensory details and how to incorporate it into creative writing. They have already come so far in writing this year!

 Science: Students are continuing their unit on Genetics. They are having very lively debates about dominant and recessive genes as well as learned and inherited traits.

Social Studies: Students are reflecting on what they learned about life in the original 13 colonies. Most have decided that the best part of living back in the 1700s would be that nature would be pristine. But, they also decided that the worst part of living back then would be all the diseases. Students will now learn about the political, social, and economic factors that led to the American Revolution.

Moments to Celebrate!

5th graders have worked hard to earn their DIVE incentive celebration for this month. Check back next Friday for photos!

We Need Your Help

Please be sure your student is prepared for the weather each day. Don’t forget to label their items so we can return them to your student.

Announcements and Reminders

  • All virtual student work is always posted to Google Classroom. Students are responsible for completing this work by Friday 1/26 in order to be marked "present" for our 1/19 virtual school day.

Have a Great Weekend! See you on Monday!

Dates to Remember

  • January 31st- DIVE incentive celebration
  • February 2th- Remote learning day
  • March 8th- Remote learning day
  •  March 25-April 5th- Spring Break