Bring the flexible intubation system into the room (Left side of patient is preferable if there is space).
Plug the light source in an electric outlet.
Place bottle with hot water / saline on surface
Place adult scope on towel, plug into light source / monitor
Make sure O2 / Suction valve is on scope
Place defogging solution and KY lubricant on work surface
Place 4X4 gauzes on work surface (To lubricate scope and to pull tongue out)
Spray some lubricant spray on 4X4’s, and wipe scope shaft
Slide the endotracheal tube up the full length of the shaft and gently secure it to the beveled end of the bronchoscope handle. Smear a little lubricant on the cuff and distal end of the ETT.
Prepare suction, with flexible tip catheter (and Yankauer available)
Attach O2 tubing to O2 flow meter on the anesthesia machine (Not nasal cannula!)
Optional: Attach O2 tubing or suction to the scope.
Be prepared to pull tongue out with 4X4’s