Juneteenth Political Representative Email Templates
Thanks to the folks at defund12.org we have a great resource of local politicians we can email our request to! Just type in your city and email the relevant contacts — https://defund12.org/
Subject: Make Juneteenth a Holiday that benefits you!
Dear [City Councilmember, Senator, Congressperson, Mayor, Governor],
Thank you for your time and duties as a public servant. This is submitted to you in confidence that you will act within your leadership to recognize Juneteenth (June 19) as a day of freedom and the week of June 13th - June 19th as an annual moment for recognition of the many contributions made by African Americans in this country. We are reminded that there is still more work to be done. This moment is long overdue.
I stand in solidarity with a community of citizens and organizers working to make Juneteenth an official recognized celebration. To date 47 states have recognized Juneteenth as a holiday along with the following corporations and organizations:
This effort is made to move us forward on issues of recognition, fair treatment, police violence, housing and economic fairness for Black Americans. I have provided a summary of references below in support of this cause.
[Insert your City’s Summary of Issues / Organizations from the link above]
For more information about Juneteenth, please visit here.
I would appreciate your careful consideration of this request.
Thank you,