
(Art by Tiffy)

🍀Character at a Glance🍀

Gender: Female

Age: 9

Religion: None

Birthday: 8. Autumn 1093


Eyes: Dark green

Hair: White/Beige

Skin: Light brown

Notable Markings:

Discolored patches on her skin from her Vitiligo



Trees, rocks, pokemon, hiding or wearing disguises, writing and reading,

pokemon battles

Doesn’t like:

Adults, lying adults, adults telling her what to do, sexism, pokemon battles


Marshadow sprites gallery | Pokémon Database



Kibe’s partner pokemon, and more or less her guardian. It's extremely protective over the girl and even when she wants to be left alone, it hides around her, just to be sure she will be ok.

It’s also quite strong for such a young girl, but it doesn’t listen to her well, since it isn’t used to having a proper “trainer”, so that strength doesn’t come in handy too often in battles.


An Egg that Kibe carries around with her all the time. It moves a lot for an Egg.

I wonder what's in it… is it even an Egg?


A Galarian stunfisk she got when it tried to bite Momoka’s Skiddo.

It’s very food motivated, and likes to bite at her shirt, hence the tatters.

🍀▬▬▬▬▬▬Appearance Details▬▬▬▬▬▬🍀

Kibe is rather large for a child her age, but not abnormally so. Her bright hair is not usually that well kept, unless she's forced to make herself presentable by her caretakers. The only time she will take time with her outfit is when she dresses up, normally in costumes or, rarely, trying to make herself hidden in some environment.

Her normal day to day clothes are nothing special, and she almost prefers clothes that allow her to not stand out in a crowd.

It's not unusual either for her to completely customize her look. From coloured contacts to temporary hair colouring, she loves spending time to look like others, sometimes using this as a form of affection. She once dressed up in clothes she took from her caretakers and put on makeup to look like them. She usually only does this once to show she appreciates someone, though it's not always received as such.

Her expression is usually shy and reserved, but with close friends or people/pokemon she trusts she can be bright and bubbly, even a bit mischievous. Although this almost instantly vanishes when someone she doesn't know shows up.

More recently this side of her has become her standard, as she has learned to open up more to new people, although adults still often get the cold shoulder.

More often than not she will also carry a lot of things with her. She’s decent enough at arts and crafts, and has been spending a lot of time making herself things such as a little mud shield with her friend Caleb, or a bag for her Ditto Egg.


She’s a very hard to read girl, almost constantly hiding her emotions and wants. Kibe only ever opens up to people she trusts, and even then she doesn’t talk too much.

It's very obvious that she relies on her pokemon a lot, going so far as to panic slightly if Clover isn’t nearby. While she does sometimes want to be left alone, she does always know and appreciate her Sudowoodo is somewhere nearby.

She can be a bit of a problem child however, often sneaking out at odd hours to spend some time in the wilderness. Kibe is quick to befriend wild pokemon and helps them wherever she can, having somehow acquired a rudimentary knowledge of herbal medicine, although those pokemon don’t tend to stay with her, being mostly common skittish pokemon like rattata or caterpie.

Most of the books she owns are therefore either books about wild plants and herbs, or fantasy novels.

The latter is due to her love for fantastical worlds and stories. Kibe will spend hours dressing up like a princess, a knight or even a dragon. It seems she can immerse herself in any role as long as she has time to dress up like it. When she does this she is also much more sociable, seemingly feeling more comfortable in a role than without one. She has often asked to act in plays and go to auditions, though the opportunity hasn’t presented itself yet.

Ironically, despite normally trying to not stand out, when Kibe takes the time to dress up, she will become quite mad if ignored. This usually doesn't happen, as her pokemon love to give her the attention she wants, not normally seeing that side of her, but it has caused the odd argument or two in the orphanage when a caretaker was too busy to properly compliment her on her outfits.

More recently however, Kibe has been quite a problem child indeed, sneaking out a lot more and sometimes even causing problems for other adults or herself. She’s been reprimanded a lot, but has also finally started learning from those mistakes. Still, it seems her shy shell is being broken more and more to reveal a chaotic little girl.


Kibe’s past is a bit hazy. She was given to the orphanage at a very young age, with little to no Info on who her parents were or where she was born. Even her birthday isn't known.

Due to her unknown past, she often feels that she doesn't belong and sneaks out without approval, sometimes even for multiple days. This is how she met most of her pokemon. The company they give her does somewhat negate her need to sneak out, since she feels she can spend time indoors and still have fun.

She tried to not pull too much attention to herself, feeling as if she was a burden on the caretakers, but has recently gained some more confidence to actually go outside and meet people.




Caleb is probably my bestest friend! He’s super kind, and also a knight. And he introduced me to Miss Aurora. I hope i can stay good friends with him”


☆☆☆☆☆ (★★★★★)

He’s great! He taught me how to battle, and make secret bases, and I see him everyday. But he’s also super mean sometimes and then I don't like him!”

“Kai left me for Cygnus, some stupid rude adult! I hate him, and i hate Kai too, they’re both dumb and stupid, and ill show them what real strength looks like!”



He’s stupid and dumb and only cares about power, idiot!.”

Quint Schaap


A bug mage who makes wonderful waffles with magic! I think. He's nice!.”



Miss Aurora is an adult, but not really. She acts way more like us kids, so she’s actually pretty cool. And she's a Witch, AND a Queen of the Rangers.”



I like her! She told me I was smart so I've been reading more books. And she is good at doing things in the forest!”

Irene Knighton


I haven’t known her for long, but she likes my book, and she also is a book i think! I like her!”

Lying Adults (Amelia)


She offered to take me to find a pokemon, but then got in trouble. So I felt bad. But she also lied to me when we talked so i don’t feel too bad. But i think she’s nice”