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Tour Poster Self Assessment Ed
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Peer Feedback on Tour Poster / Advert

Feedback on the Brief

Your comment:  I think it does fulfil the brief. The only point I could be picked up on is the name of the tour but I did call it “the last tour” but I did not give it a full themed name.

Feedback on colours:

  • Has the design used a consistent colour scheme?
  • Is there a relationship between the colours in the image and the colour of the graphic design?
  • Do the colours seem typical of the genre?

Your comment: I have put the consistent colours of black and white on the poster. The model is shaded in black and white and the background is also black and white with more black strips going along the page. Black and dark colours are typical in the punk theme as punk is often dark and depressing.

Feedback on typeface:

  • Is all the text legible?
  • Is the typeface well chosen and does it suit the apparent genre?
  • How many typefaces are used in the design?

Your comment: With the front and text I tried to get a mix of a punk theme while also being able to read it. I thought that being able to read it was more important so I used a bold font that doesn’t look out of place in the punk genre.

Feedback on integration of image and graphics

  • Does the text wrap around the image well?
  • Does the eyeline of the model focus attention?

Your comment:  All the text is either above or to the side of the image and I think it is in the correct location.  

The eyeline doesn’t look at any of the text because I chose a photo of the model looking directly forward.

Feedback on image

  • Does the costume reflect a particular genre?
  • Is the body language of the model appropriate?

Your comment: 

The costume fits the genre well and the audience can guess the style well.

The body language fits the genre as the model looks dark and depressing and stands slightly side on.

Feedback on copy

  • Do the words on the page prompt a sense of desire?
  • Is there a clear call and a route to action? (AIDA)

Your comment: I used ‘the last tour’ as a way of attracting sales and attention it gives some demand to the tour.

Yes it is clear, the audience can follow the details to buy tickets and get more info.

Feedback on connotations

  • What messages and ideas are being communicated in the text?
  • Do those messages and ideas seem appropriate to the genre and purpose of the text?

Your comment:  Overall a very depressing message is being shown I did this to show off what the genre is like.

I think it fits the genre and all the text on the poster fits its purpose from the date/ information to the masthead.