WALHT - use emotive language - Looks like

The BIG idea:

We want our writing to be interesting and exciting to read..

We are focusing on describing words. We are remembering to include:

  • Colour
  • Shape
  • Texture
  • Size
  • To use similes

Remember to:

  • I will re read my sentence to make sure it makes sense.
  • I will think about how I will structure my writing and use my plan

Success Criteria

Self assessment

High-light how you think you went.

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I will find the describing words in my writing.

I will write similes in my writing. 

I will add describing words to describe how I think things look and feel.

On saturday morning when I woke up I was tired, it was 6am. We had to get up early to travel to Napier, it was a warm sunny day great for travelling!  We were off to the Napier A&P show.

When we arrived at the A&P show I knew it was going to be a fun day. I went on a lot of rides, my favorite was the explorer, it's a spaceship that goes spinning around and around, you sit inside it and it makes your body move side to side.

My tummy was turning, I felt so sick from going on the Round Up, this ride goes spinning like a spin top dancing around on the table. There was a man on the ride before me who got off half way through, he looked like he was going to puke! Gross, he ran to the bathroom.

There were lots of game stands, I played a few games, one of the games is called pull a string and when you pull that string you win a prize. I won a squishy ball. It's very cool and it’s like when you squish it, it looks like you have covid 19 germs.

it’s very funny even I laughed.

Mmmmm candy floss, it was scoffed in one day because it was so yummy. I got a american hot dog. The bread was nice but the sausage wasn’t that good, it was like half and half, I was disappointed.

By the end of the day I felt soooooooooo hot it was like lava spilling on my face in actual fact it was like a heat wave. After our day at the show we all jumped back into the car and headed back to Gisborne, what a great day.