Jamie Bray

Senior Full Stack Developer

6 years experience in designing and scaling web solutions.
Passionate about code quality, performance optimisations, and scalable architecture.

jamie@jamiebray.me |  LinkedIn  |  GitHub
Vancouver BC, Canada (formerly Perth, Western Australia)

Back in September 2022, I embarked on a journey to backpack all throughout Europe and Asia, and
I am now happily establishing myself in Vancouver, BC with an open working visa.

I have a proven record of delivering exceptional results within fast-paced agile environments and tight deadlines. As I’ve been out of the game for a while, my passion and enthusiasm has never been stronger!

Senior Full Stack Developer @ GeoMoby
March 2021 - September 2022 | Perth, Western Australia

Full Stack Developer @ HealthEngine
March 2017 - March 2021 | Perth, Western Australia

Bachelor in Science @ Curtin University
Computer Science | Perth, Western Australia

Skills Summary

Notable personal projects