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OWL Video Script | Content Sharing
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OWL Video | Content Sharing

Hello this video is about sharing your OWL digital content. From entire tests to individual activities or custom scoring rubrics, OWL sharing helps you collaborate with your team.

For example, let’s say two users want to work together to build an exam. User 1 has authored the first section and User 2 the second. By using Sharing, each user can create a complete Test, but only do half the work.

We will login as User 1 and share our section

Go to the Building menu and select Sections.

Click on this sharing control

The list that pops up shows which users you have already shared this with.

This column, called shared count, shows how many users you have shared with.

When you share something, you are giving other users permission to make a copy of your work.

Something important to keep in mind, if you make changes before the other user makes their copy, their copy will include those subsequent changes.

You will probably want  to remove the sharing permissions once your teammate makes their copy.

If another user has shared something with you, then you will want to watch the Accessing OWL Shared Content video.

Thank you for your time and for choosing the OWL Test Management System.