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Special Ed/Self Contained
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

2023-24 Supply List


Wood Ticonderoga #2 Pencils (qty 24)

Black Expo Dry Erase Markers (qty 4)

Elmer’s All Purpose Glue Sticks (qty 12)

Crayola Crayons: 24 count box (qty 4 packs)

Crayola Colored Pencils: 12 count (qty 1)

Kleenex (qty 2)

Flat Pink Erasers (qty 2)

Binder (1’ slant ring heavy duty Avery) w/ dividers

Pocket folders with 3 prongs (qty 6)

Pencil Box



Wish List Items:

Crayola Markers 8 Count (qty 1)

Highlighters (variety of colors)

ZipLoc Bags: Sandwich size (qty 2) and Gallon size (qty2)

Scotch Laminating Sheets (qty 2)

Scotch Tape

Painters Tape

Extra Kleenex