Write a book review with a good structure                                                1

Use the writing frame to plan your review for the book we read in class.

Title of the book and name of the reviewer

Rainfall By Ella West

I like this book it is intersting

This is a real book

Write an  introduction

e.g. The Twits is a fantastic book for Junior children….

This book is about a girl called Annie and other stuff the stroy is placed in westport and it is so dramcit.

I like the name  of the book

Annie play’s basketball

Annie has a horse called Blue

Jake has a horse two

What is the book about?

It is about Annie and this dark-haired boy Jake and the Stroy is very dramcitic

Tessaie Jake’s horse butted Annie off her

Annie see Jake at her school

What was your favourite part or character and why?

My favourtie part in the stroy is Pete’s house blowing up my favourtie character is Annie because she is very funny and active

Who would you recommend the book to?

 I recommend this book if you like drama and if your board it might help your boardnic’s

Write a book review with a good structure                                                2

Use the writing frame to plan your review for the book we read in class.

What is the book called?

Rainfall By Ella West

What is the book about?

What was your favourite bit?

I like all of it

Who would like to read this book?

My mum and other’s