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Deresute Tools User Guide
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Deresute Tools User Guide

Quick start        1

Interface        2

Simulator        3

Unit manager        5

Creating and saving units        5

Using units        5

Card list        6

Quicksearch        6

Adding cards        6

Song list        8

Quicksearch        8

Chart viewer        10

Support team (+ Custom card values)        12

Support team        12

Custom card values        13

Custom appeal bonus        13

Manually set        14

Presets        14

Import cards from ID        14

Tip view        14

Potentials        15

Autoplay        15

Quick start

Download link:

Versioning: major.minor.incremental (for example, 1.3.2 means major version 1, minor version 3, incremental version 2)

For new users: Download chihiro.rar, extract to wherever you want and run chihiro.exe. I will not do a non-Windows release. If you get a virus warning from an AV, clone the repo, install the requirements and run; or you will have to trust my file and whitelist the exe. The first time you run the tool, it will need a few minutes to fetch all data (can be up to 10 minutes). Subsequent runs will not take as long.

For existing users: For new minor/major version, you will have to redownload the whole package (chihiro.rar). Between incremental releases of the same minor version, you can just download the patch (chihiro.exe). To update, extract the package and overwrite the tool folder, or move the patch into the tool folder and overwrite the current exe.

In case of unknown crashes, try removing the cache data (chihiro/data/db/chihiro.db). If the issue persists, report on reddit or github.

Almost everything is fetched directly from the game server/kirara, with the exception of song name translation which is done by me, so you don’t have to wait for anything to update. Just boot up the tool and if the song data is available in game, it will be in the tool.

For a start, you can try importing all your cards using your in game ID. Cards in the tool can be drag’n’drop. All options should be self-explanatory, but if you are experiencing any trouble or want to learn shortcuts, read on.


  1. Simulator (+ Potentials)
  2. Unit manager
  3. Card list
  4. Song list (+ Chart Viewer)
  5. Support team (+ Custom card values)
  6. Custom appeal bonus
  7. Import cards from ID
  8. Tips view


The main part of the tool. You add cards here to make a unit, then run simulations to see what score you can get.

WIDE simulations

WIDE: Each line in this view is a unit. Each unit has 6 squares, each for a card. The red slot (left most) is the center card, the blue slot (right most) is the guest. Cards can be drag’n’drop from the card list to the squares. To remove a card from a unit, right click the card.

Guest cards automatically have 10, 10, 10, 5, 0 potentials.

GRAND simulations

GRAND: Each line in this view is a grand unit. A grand unit consists of 3 5-card units - A, B, C from top to bottom. Controls are similar to WIDE view (drag’n’drop cards, right click to remove).


To run simulations for a single unit, double click a line.

To run simulations for all units, use the big “Run” button.

Buttons and options:


Unit manager

You can save your units here for future use.

Creating and saving units

Similar to the simulator view, you can drag and drop cards from the card list into card slots in the unit manager.

Or you can drag and drop a unit directly from the simulator view into the unit manager to add the whole unit.

Drag and drop a GRAND unit will add the 3 5-card units instead.

Units need to have names to be saved.

To avoid data loss from crash, press “Ctrl+S” to force save your units.

Using units

You can drag and drop units from the unit manager to the simulator view to add units.

Moving a 6-card unit into the GRAND simulator view will add only the first 5 cards to the GRAND unit.

Buttons and options:


Card list

You can search for and view data from all cards here.


Type into the quicksearch bar to update the card view in real time.

Accepted keywords:

Wildcards are accepted, e.g. “prin*” will match “princess”.

With the “Partial match” option on, all keywords will automatically have wildcards attached. So you only need to type “uzu” with the option enabled to match “uzuki”.

Advanced query:

Adding cards

To add cards, click on the “Owned” cell of a card then type the star rank in. I suggest importing from your game ID first to save you the trouble.

Buttons and options:


Song list

You can search for and select songs here.

Song names are manually translated/transliterated by me. If you see a new song not updating in the app, either use the japanese name or wait for a few hours until I have time to update it.

Columns are sortable.


Type into the quicksearch bar to update the song view in real time.

Accepted keywords:

Queries have partial matching.

Buttons and options:

Chart viewer

To use the chart viewer, click “Popup Chart Viewer”, or double click a song.

To change the song, just click on any song.

Chart viewer (example is Great Journey M+)

To load a unit into the chart viewer, click on any unit.

Chart viewer (example is Great Journey M+ with skills)

To load note abuse details into the chart viewer, double click on a unit with “Theoretical Max” on and the chart viewer opened.

Chart viewer (example is Great Journey M+ with abuse)

You can drag the chart around. Just do it like you would on a phone.

Press Ctrl + S inside the chart viewer to export the chart image as PNG.

GRAND examples next page.

Chart viewer (example is Starry-Go-Round PIANO)

Chart viewer (example is Starry-Go-Round PIANO with skills)

Chart viewer (example is Starry-Go-Round PIANO with abuse)

Notice how hitting 2 simple notes just slightly late gives you 8 more PRP.

Support team (+ Custom card values)

Support team

This window displays the support team used for a unit. Support cards are automatically calculated from your owned cards, song color, custom appeal bonuses, etc. Columns are also sortable.

The support team will be calculated when you click on a unit in the simulator view (which makes sense since each unit has one support team).

Custom card values

This feature is for advanced users only. You can directly edit a card value using this tab.

Fields under this tab are not validated! Which means typing an invalid value might crash the tool. I have no intention to fix this, the responsibility falls on you to make sure the values you input are valid.


Custom appeal bonus

You can set custom appeal bonuses here.

Manually set

If you know what you need, you can manually set the values in the 5x3 grid. The values are in percent.


Some presets require the bonus value (set in the box right under “Appeal Presets”).

Color preset determines what cards will get the bonuses:

Appeal preset determines what kind of bonuses to add:

Values in the grid are automatically updated when you change the number in the box.

Import cards from ID

Put your in-game ID (9 digits) into the box, press “Import from ID”, wait a few seconds and you should see all your cards in the card list.

The tool tries to get your SSRs by accessing the SSR posters you have collected. So if you sold any or haven’t collected all of them from the present box, you might miss some SSRs.

After importing SSRs, you will have to manually add star ranks if you used star rank trainers.

Ns/Rs/SRs are not added for obvious reasons.

Tip view

Periodically displays tips on how to use the tool, as well as notifications.


You can change potentials here.

A quick way to navigate this window is to click on the name column and type the first few letters of the idol’s family name, e.g. typing “nino” will move the cursor to Asuka.


In autoplay mode, you can test if your build can survive a full song without you touching your device even once.

The scoring columns will disappear and you will see a few new columns:

Except “Perfect Simulation” and “--- times”, all other options are usable in Autoplay mode.

Relevant options:

Tested offsets:

Scroll Speed

Offset (ms)

Scroll Speed

Offset (ms)

















For scroll speeds not present, you can make an educated guess (e.g. speed 5 would be around 260ms).

If you want to do extensive testing and contribute to this list, it would be great.