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Consult your lawyer before signing this lease © 2004 The Judicial Title   Insurance Agency LLC  HOUSE LEASE  

Landlord and Tenant agree to lease the Premises at the rent and for the term stated:  



Date of Lease: Annual Rent: $

Lease Term: Monthly Rent: $  

Commencement Date: Security Deposit: $  

Termination Date:

1. Use and Occupancy  

 The Premises may only be used strictly for  residential purposes and may only be occupied by  Tenant and Tenant’s spouse and children.  

2. Inability to Give Possession  

 The failure of Landlord to give Tenant possession of  the Premises on the Commencement Date shall not  create liability for Landlord. In the event that possession  of the Premises is not delivered on the Commencement  Date, Monthly Rent hereunder shall begin on the date  that possession of the Premises is delivered to Tenant  and shall be prorated for that portion of the month in  which possession is delivered. In such event, the  Termination Date shall not change.  

3. Rent

A. Tenant shall pay Monthly Rent in full on the first  day of each month of the Lease. Monthly Rent shall be  paid in advance with no notice being required from  Landlord. Tenant shall not deduct any sums from the  Monthly Rent unless Landlord consents thereto in writing.   Upon signing this Lease, Tenant shall pay Landlord  the first Monthly Rent due and the Security Deposit. The  entire amount of rent due for the Lease Term is due upon  signing this Lease; however, Landlord consents to the  Tenant paying same in monthly installments provided  there exists no defaults by Tenant under the terms of this  Lease.  

B. Additional Rent may include, but is not limited  to any additional insurance premiums and/or expenses  paid by Landlord which are chargeable to Tenant as  stated hereinafter. Additional Rent is due and payable  with the Monthly Rent for the next month after Tenant  receives notice form Landlord that Additional Rent is due  and payable.  

4. Condition of Premises

 Tenant acknowledges that Tenant is accepting the  Premises in its “as is” condition. Tenant further  acknowledges that Tenant has thoroughly inspected the  Premises and has found the Premises to be in good  order and repair and that the appliances, if any, are in  good operating condition. Tenant further states that  Tenant knows how to operate the appliances and shall do  so in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.  

5. Security  

 The Security Deposit is due upon the Tenant signing  this Lease. The Security Deposit shall not be used for  the payment of Monthly Rent unless agreed to, in writing,  by Landlord and Tenant. Within ten (10) days after  Tenant surrenders possession of the Premises at the  expiration of the Lease Term, Landlord shall return the  Security Deposit, less any cost of repairs as authorized  by this Lease, to Tenant at an address Tenant provides.  If the Premises is sold, Landlord will transfer the Security  Deposit to the new owner and Tenant may only look to  the new owner for return of the Security Deposit and  

Tenant hereby releases Landlord from any liability with  respect to the Security Deposit.  

6. Services and Utilities  

Tenant shall pay for the following services either  directly or to Landlord when billed:  

7. Furnishings  

The Premises is being delivered (furnished)  (unfurnished). If furnished, Landlord has given an  inventory of the furnishings which inventory has been  signed by Tenant and Landlord. Tenant acknowledges  that said furnishings are in good condition and Tenant  accepts same in “as is” condition.  

8. Repairs and Alterations  

Tenant shall maintain all appliances, equipment,  furniture, furnishings and other personal property  included under this Lease and, upon the surrender of the  Premises on the Termination Date, Tenant shall  surrender same to Landlord in the same condition as  received, reasonable wear and tear excepted. In the  event that Tenant defaults under the terms of this  Paragraph 9, Landlord may make necessary repairs or  replacement, the cost of which shall be deducted from  the Security Deposit.  

 Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions,  modifications and/or changes to the Premises during the  Lease Term.  

9. Maintenance of Premises  

Tenant shall maintain the grounds of the Premise in  a neat, clean and presentable condition. Tenant shall be  responsible for the upkeep of the grounds, including but  not limited to snow removal and the mowing of the lawn.  

10. Pets  

 Pets of any kind or nature (shall) (shall not) be  allowed in the Premises.  

11. Damage, Fire or Other Catastrophe  

 In the case of fire damage or other damage to the  Premises not caused by Tenant, Tenant shall give  Landlord immediate notice of same. Upon receipt of  such notice, Landlord may either (a) repair the Premises  or (b) terminate the Lease. If Landlord makes repairs to  the Premises, Landlord shall have a reasonable time in  which to do so. If the damage to the Premises renders  the Premises uninhabitable, Landlord shall give notice to  Tenant, after repairs are made, of the date on which the  Premises may be reoccupied. Monthly Rent for the  period that Tenant can not occupy the Premises because  of the damage shall be forgiven.  

 In the event that Landlord terminates this Lease  because of the damage, Landlord shall give Tenant thirty  (30) days notice of Landlord’s intent to so terminate, in

which event, Monthly Rent shall be due for the period up  to the date the Premises incurred the damage.  

12. Liability  

 Landlord shall not be liable for any loss, damage or  expense to any person or property except if such loss is  caused by the willful acts of Landlord.  

 Tenant shall be liable for the acts of Tenant,  Tenant’s family, guests and/or invitees. Landlord’s cost  and expense in repairing any such damage or from any  claim resulting from such acts shall be billed as Additional  Rent and shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord.  

13. Assigning or Subletting  

This Lease may not be assigned by Tenant nor shall  Tenant sublet the Premises.  

14. Subordination  

 This Lease and Tenant’s rights hereunder are  subject and subordinate to all existing and future leases  for the land on which the Premises stand, to all  mortgages on said leases and/or the Premises and/or the  land and all renewals, modifications and extensions  thereof. Upon request by Landlord, Tenant shall execute  any certificate to this effect.  

15. Landlord’s Consent  

If, under the terms of this Lease, the consent of  Landlord is required, such consent shall not be  unreasonably withheld.  

16. Entry, Keys, Locks  

Upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times,  Landlord may enter the Premises to inspect, repair or to  show it to prospective purchasers, tenants or lenders.  Tenant shall give Landlord keys to all locks for the  Premises. Tenant shall not change any locks or add any  locks to the Premises without obtaining Landlord’s  consent, and if given, Tenant shall provide keys to  Landlord for these locks.  

17. Signs  

Tenant shall not place any signs on the Premises or  upon the grounds on which the Premises stand or in the  Premises so as to be seen from outside the Premises.   Landlord shall have the right to place or cause to be  placed on the Premises and/or upon the grounds on  which the Premises stand “For Rent” and/or “For Sale”  signs.  

18. Compliance with Authorities  

Tenant shall, at its own cost and expense, comply  promptly with all laws, rules, ordinances and directions of  governmental and/or municipal authorities, insurance  carriers and/or homeowners’ associations.  

19. Tenant’s Defaults, Landlord’s Remedies  A. Landlord must give Tenant notice of default  (except for a default in the payment of Monthly Rent  and/or Additional Rent) and Tenant, upon receipt of such  notice must cure the default within the time stated  hereinafter:  

1. a default under Paragraphs 8, 9, 10, 11,  12, 13, , 16 or 17, 18 of this Lease, ten (10) days;  2. a default under Paragraph 21 of this  Lease, thirty (30) days.  

B. In the event that Tenant fails to cure a default  within the time stated therefore, Landlord may terminate  this Lease. In such event, Landlord shall give Tenant  notice stating the date upon which this Lease shall  terminate, such date being not less than three (3) days  after the date of such notice at which time this Lease  shall then terminate. Tenant shall be responsible for  Monthly Rent and Additional Rent as set forth in this  Lease up to the date of termination.  

C. If this Lease is terminated or Tenant vacates the  Premises prior to the Termination Date, Landlord may  enter the Premises and remove Tenant and any person  or property and/or commence summary proceedings for  eviction. The aforesaid actions are not the sole remedies  of Landlord.  

D. If this Lease is cancelled or Landlord takes back  the Premises  

1. Monthly Rent and Additional Rent for the  unexpired portion of the Lease Term immediately  becomes due and payable. In addition, any cost or repair  expended by Landlord shall be the obligation of Tenant  and shall be deemed Additional Rent.  

2. Landlord may re-rent the Premises and  anything in it for any term and at any rental and any cost  in connection therewith shall be borne by Tenant which  may include, but is not limited to the cost of repairs,  decorations, preparation for renting, broker’s fees,  advertising costs and attorney’s fees. Any rent recovered  by Landlord for the re-renting of the Premises shall  reduce the amount of money that Tenant owes to  Landlord.  

20. Condemnation  

 If any or part of the Premises is taken or condemned  by any governmental authority, Landlord may cancel this  Lease on notice to Tenant and Tenant’s rights hereunder  shall end as of the date the authority takes title to the  Premises which cancellation date can not be less than  thirty (30) days from the date of Landlord’s notice.  Tenant shall be liable for Monthly Rent and Additional  Rent to the date of cancellation and shall make no claim  for the unexpired term of the Lease. Any award for the  condemnation is the property of Landlord and Tenant  assigns to Landlord any and all rights, interest and/or  claim in and to such award.  

21. Bankruptcy  

 Should Tenant file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy  or an involuntary petition is filed against Tenant, or  should Tenant assign any property fro the benefit of  creditors or should a trustee/receiver be appointed of  Tenant and/or Tenant’s property, Landlord can cancel  this Lease upon thirty (30) days written notice to Tenant.  

22. Notices  

Any notice to be given under this Lease shall be in  writing addressed to the party at the addresses set forth  herein by certified mail or overnight courier service.  Notice by Landlord to one named Tenant shall be  deemed given to all Tenants and occupants of the  Premises. Each party hereto shall accept notices sent by  the other. Any change of address by one party must be  given, by notice, to the other. Notice shall be deemed  given when posted or delivered to the overnight courier  service.  

23. Waiver of Jury Trial, Set-Off or Counterclaim  The parties hereto waive trial by jury in all matters  except for personal injury or property damage claims. In  a summary proceeding for eviction, Tenant waives  Tenant’s right to any set-off and/or counterclaim.  

24. Broker  

 Tenant states that _____________________ is the  sole Broker who showed the Premises to Tenant. Tenant  shall hold harmless and indemnify Landlord for any  monies expended by Landlord should Tenant’s statement  herein be untrue.  

25. Inability of Landlord to Perform  

 If Landlord is unable to perform any of its  obligations to be performed hereunder due to  governmental orders, labor strife or inability to  secure goods or materials, through no fault on the  part of Landlord, this Lease shall not be terminated  or cancelled and such inability shall not impact upon  Tenant’s obligations hereunder.  

26. Illegality  

Should any part of this Lease be deemed illegal, the  remaining portions of this Lease shall not be affected  thereby and shall remain in full force and effect.  

27. Non-Disturbance  

So long as Tenant pays the Monthly Rent and  Additional Rent and there exists no defaults under any of  the terms of this Lease, Tenant may peacefully occupy  the Premises for the Lease Term.

28. Non-Waiver  

Any failure by Landlord to insist upon Tenant’s full  compliance with the terms of this Lease and/or to enforce  such terms shall not be deemed to be a waiver of  Landlord’s rights to insist upon or so enforce the terms of  this Lease at a future date.  

29. Parties Bound  

This Lease is binding upon Landlord and Tenant and  their respective assignees and/or successors in interest.  

30. Paragraph Headings  

Paragraph headings are for reference only.  

31. Effectiveness  

This Lease shall become effective as of the date  when Landlord delivers a fully executed copy hereof to  Tenant or Tenant’s attorney.  

32. Entire Agreement  

Tenant states that Tenant has read this Lease and  that it fully incorporates all understandings,  representations and promises made to Tenant by  Landlord and/or Landlord’s agent and that this Lease  supersedes all prior representations, agreements and  promises, whether oral or written.  

33. Amendments  

This Lease may only be changed or amended in a  writing signed by the parties hereto.  

34. Riders  

 Additional terms are contained in the riders annexed  hereto and designated Rider _________________.  

35. Surrender of Premises  

On the Termination Date, Tenant shall deliver the  Premises to Landlord vacant, in good condition and  broom clean. Prior to such delivery, Tenant shall have  vacated the Premises, removed Tenant’s property,  repaired all damages caused by Tenant and return the  Premises in the same condition as received, reasonable  wear and tear excepted.  

36. Limitation of Recovery  

Should Tenant obtain a judgment or other remedy  from a court of competent jurisdiction for the payment of  money by Landlord, Tenant is limited to the Landlord’s  interest in the Premises for the collection of same.  

37. Sale of Unit  

 In the event Landlord sells the Premises, Landlord  may terminate this Lease on thirty (30) days prior written  notice to Tenant, in which event Tenant shall vacate the  Unit on the date set forth in said notice.  

38. Insurance  

 Tenant is obligated to carry whatever property  and/or liability insurance coverage that Landlord requires  and shall have named on the policy of insurance  Landlord, as an insured. Tenant must deliver a copy of  the declaration page of the policy of insurance or the  binder showing Landlord as an insured prior to taking  possession of the Premises.  

This Lease has been entered into as of the Date of Lease.