
The Miracles of Calvary (Part I)

Matthew 27: 45; 50 - 54

Christopher W. Martin © 2017

  1. The Miracle of Darkness (v. 45) (Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44)
  1. What it was:

  1.  What it was Not:
  1.  Eclipse?

  1. Volcano or Storm?

  1.  Reliability of the Record.
  1. OT Prophecy (Amos 8:9)

  1. The Historical Record


  1.  Lessons from the Darkness
  1. God’s Confirmation of Jesus’ Role

  1.  God’s Recognition of Jesus’ Suffering

  1. God’s Opinion of Sin

  1. The Miracle of the Veil (v. 51) (Mark 15:38)
  1. The Significance of the Veil
  1.  It’s Role

  1. It’s Message

  1. It’s Thickness

  1. The Tearing of the Veil
  1. The Direction of the Tearing

  1. The Timing of the Tearing

  1. The Reliability of the Record

  1. Lessons from the Veil
  1. The New Atonement for Sin (Heb. 9: 25-28)

  1. The New Approach to God (Heb. 10: 19–23)

  1. The Miracles of the Earthquake & the Opened Graves (v.51)
  1. The Extent of the Earthquake

  1. The Reliability of the Record

  1. The Significance of the Earthquake
  1. The Response of the Earth (Romans 8:19-22)

  1. The Answer to Mt. Sinai

  1. The Significance the Open Graves
  1. The Exhibition

  1. The Symbolism

  1. The Miracle of the Resurrection of “Many Saints” (v. 52-53)
  1. The Nature of their “Appearing”

  1. The Significance of Their Resurrections

  1. The Reliability of the Record