Celebration Singers Spring 2023
Policies & Procedures
The Celebration Singers is happy to announce the Spring 2023 season!
Keeping Us Safe
As a member of the CS community, we have a shared responsibility to recognize the special and vital role we play in sustaining the health and well-being of ourselves, others, and our community. Providing a healthy and safe environment and limiting the spread of COVID-19 depends in large part, on our shared commitment and dedication to following all CDC guidelines, including but not limited to:
Attendance and punctuality at rehearsals and performances are key elements of the Celebration Singers organization. Rehearsals are every Tuesday, 6:45-7:45 pm during the season. As we get closer to performance week, we may stay later to rehearse with the Adult Choir.. During performance week, an additional dress rehearsal will be included either the Wednesday or Thursday before the concert. We will do our best to let you know ahead of time. The attendance policy is explained in the handbook however we feel this is so important that we will explain it in this handout:
Membership for the Youth Choir remains free, thanks to our grant from the UCEA. However, you may still make a contribution to our organization to help keep our group running. Contributions will be collected by our parent rep Jason Cheek Questions or concerns about dues, can be sent to celebrationsingersnewjersey@gmail.com or you may contact Jason.
You may pay by check (made payable to: The Celebration Singers), cash (less preferred), or credit card/PayPal
President - Dan Frieri
Executive Vice President - Ginnie Bailey
Secretary - Cindy Higgins
Treasurer - Tom Smith
VP of Marketing - Nicole Miceli
VP of Membership - Shannon Maddolin
Co-VPs of Development - Holly Gessner
VP of Performances - Jess Kalista
Parent Committee Rep - Jason Cheek