Junior/ Senior High Supply List
A student planner is suggested for all students to help organize their work & due dates
7th-12th Bible
- Pencils and pens
- King James Version of the Bible (brought to class each day)
- 3x5 cards for verses (recommended)
- 10th & 11th - 1 Bound Composition Notebook or Loose leaf paper in a notebook
7th-12th Science
- Notebook for each class
- Folder for returned papers
- Pens (Black/Blue for test/quiz, any other color for grading/notes)
- 9thPhysical Sci, 11th Chemistry, & 12th Physics need Calculator
7th Fundamentals of Math
- 1 inch 3-ring binder
- Loose leaf paper
- Pencils
- Erasers
7th/8th grade Pre-Algebra
- 1 inch 3-ring binder or a section for pre-algebra in a larger binder
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Loose leaf notebook paper
9th-11th grade Algebra 1, Geometry, & Algebra 2
- Pencils
- Binder (1 inch) with dividers (No dividers needed for Adv Alg 1 & Adv Alg 2)
- Loose leaf paper
- Spiral notebook (Not needed for Adv Alg 1 & Adv Alg 2)
- Graph paper
- Protractor (for Geometry students only)
- Calculator Recommended: Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS (retails for about $10)
11th/12th Grade Trig & PreCalc
- Pencils
- Binder (1 inch) with dividers
- Loose leaf paper
- Graph paper
- Calculator (Recommended: Texas Instrument TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator, retails between $90-$120; Please note: 11th & 12th grade students may sign out and borrow a graphing calculator from GCCS for the entire school year)
7th-12th grade History
- KJV Bible
- Assignment book
- 3-ring binder with dividers and tabs
- Loose leaf notebook paper (wide rule)
- Black or blue pens
- A red or green pen
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Colored pencils
- Highlighter (any color)
- 12 inch ruler
- 3 packs of index cards with a pack of rings to which the index cards will be attached, making flash cards. (May need more throughout the year)
- 11th-12th - 3 ring binder is only needed supply, beyond writing utensils
7th-12th grade English
- 2" Three-ring binder with 3 dividers and tabs
- Wide-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper
- #2 pencils (sharpened)
- Ballpoint pens (blue or black, non-erasable)
- 7th-8th - Have 5 dividers for binder
- 9th-10th - 1 folder and student planner
- 11th-12th - Single subject spiral notebook
7th-12th grade Health
- 3 prong folder
- Pen
- Highlighter
7th-8th Art I &II, 7th-12 Art Elective
- 1 sketch book between 5x7 and 9x12
7th-8th Music I &II
- 3-ring binder (one inch)
- Binder Dividers
- Notebook paper
- Blue/Black Pen
- Pencil
- 3-ring binder (one inch)
- Binder Dividers
- Notebook paper
- Blue/Black Pen
- Pencil
7th-10th Spanish
- Notebook/Binder for notes and worksheets
- Note Cards
11th Speech
- 1” three-ring binder, dividers (Binder should have plastic insert on front)
- Notebook paper
7th Study Skills
- 1” three-ring binder
- 1 one-subject notebook
- Student Planner
Please note: additional supplies may be required later in the school year by the teacher or as the subject dictates.
All students in grades 7th-12th are required to bring in tissues for classroom use and may bring hand sanitizer for personnel use. If you are able to donate Clorox Wipes, any would be appreciated. Thank You!