Cross Country

In cross country there was lots of tree roots and stumps, i almost rolled my ankle on the tree roots at the start of the race. Also ⅖ of the first lap there was a big hill so I just sprinted it and i was going the speed of me jogging.

 I got tired and puffed.

 I was coming 4th  then i passed this boy so then i was coming 3rd  then i couldn't pass the others so i came 3rd.

Before that we had to do three laps and it was sort of hot and cold and cloudy.

There were two kids in front of me that i could not catch up to them because they were to fast for me.

There was loads of leaves at the start is well.

 Also there was a rubbish bin that you had to turn around then it was down hill from there and straight and you did that three times.

 I think it was really fun and tiring, at some point i was about to walk but then i just kept my pase for the rest of the race. Someone was behind me and they said that they where on there 3rd lap but they where actually on there 1st or 2nd  lap so they went to the finish line and got the card that said your number that you came, he was crying because he did not come 4th.

I think everyone did really well but some people just walked it. There was this boy that always wins but he has a broken arm so someone else came first finally!!! I always come 3rd  i don’t know why i always come 3rd  so yeah!!!