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004 Graphic article April 2023
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Description automatically generatedCoronation Celebrations 1953

Many people will no doubt be planning to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in a few weeks, but what did the people of Newbold Verdon do when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was crowned seventy years ago in 1953? Thanks to a donation to the archive of this poster, created by the parish council at the time, we can see parishioners were very busy.

First, a little bit of background information. In 1950 the parish was recorded as having 1200 people, that’s about one a third of the population today. People were moving into the recently completed Sparkenhoe estate, but it would be a couple of more years before Preston Drive development was built and the mid-sixties by the time much housing south of Main Street had begun. The local coalmines and the hosiery and boot and shoe factories of south-west Leicestershire provided most of the employment.

It being only eight years after WW2 had ended, rationing continued for another year but sweets were taken off the list in February 1953, just in time for the Coronation! Living standards in general were not very high. However, judging from the poster the people of Newbold looked determined to have a good time.

The banner tells us sports, soccer, fireworks, bonfires, meals and high teas had been organised, and there was dancing in the village square at dusk. It sounded that, despite the deprivations of the post-war years, the parishioners were set on having a great time. It’s a pity we have no photographs of this occasion or that of any recollections from those who were there have not been written down – as far as we know.

The Newbold Verdon Parish Archive does not want this to happen this time. We would like to collect from parishioners any photographs, or other things such as short videos, invitations to parties, personal recollections, even food and drink receipts. Anything that can help capture how our parish celebrated the Coronation.

Before it is all archived, we aim to display everything at an Archive open day (10a.m – 2pm.) on the 20th May at the library. Entry is free and visitors will also be able to see how the Archive is coming along.

If you would like to contribute toward the Coronation Archive Collection just let us know by emailing us at

Archive Footnote: Are you a Merkin, a Tuppeny, a Sixer or a Shock?

We are still very keen to hear from any Statham Family members who know what their family nickname is or once was. In the not too distant past, such was the profusion of Statham families in and around Newbold the only way for people to distinguish one family from another was by assigning a nickname, hence the Merkins, Tuppennys, Sixers, Shocks, Vampers, Trilbys and Whiskeys, to name but a few. If you can help us fill in the gaps why not send an email or message us on Facebook at the Newbold Verdon Heritage and Archive page or come along to the library on the 20th. May.