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Communications Plan - Revised 2024
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


The objective of the Edgewood ISD Communications Plan is to convey accurate, clear, and consistent information to stakeholders.  

Effective communication promotes the district to parents and the community, connects with current and future students, and engages district staff.  The Communications Plan provides a framework for managing and coordinating internal and external communications across the district.

The Communications Plan is developed by the Director of Communications, under the direction of the Superintendent, in an effort to support student success by providing timely, accurate, and effective strategies that enhance relationships with all stakeholders.

Primary areas addressed in the plan include:


Mission:  The mission of Edgewood Independent School District, the heart of the community, is to equip all learners for a life of success through caring, engaging, and collaborative instruction in a variety of programs along with competitive extracurricular opportunities that motivate and transform each student to reach his/her full potential to become highly productive citizens.

Vision:  EDGEWOOD BY CHOICE - Leaders in student success strengthened by hometown values.  



The Superintendent is the only official spokesperson for Edgewood ISD unless he/she appoints a spokesperson on his/her behalf.

All official communication on behalf of Edgewood ISD should go through the Communications Department under the direction of the Superintendent.

Message Development

If a message pertains to general campus information, honors, or achievements, the Campus Principal may develop the message.

If a message relates to crisis communication or district information, the Superintendent and Director of Communications will formulate and distribute the message.  The Superintendent will keep the Board of Trustees informed of any and all communication in a crisis.  


Any communication should take into consideration both internal and external audiences.  It is essential that all communication takes into effect school demographics.  




Face-to-Face Communications

Media Produced and Responsibility


Director of Communications

Campus Principals


Extracurricular, Groups, Organizations



Day to Day

Each campus is responsible for day-to-day communication.  If an event needs to be publicized on the district website, or social media channel or pushed through the Edgewood ISD app, that information needs to be communicated with the Director of Communications for publication.


A school crisis can be defined as a death or other traumatic event involving a student or staff member, an act of violence, contagious illness, natural disaster, or hazard that interrupts the normal day-to-day functioning of the school.

 In the event of a crisis, the Superintendent must be immediately notified.  All crisis communication will go through the Superintendent who will enlist the assistance of the Director of Communications in issuing crisis communications.  The safety and security of students and staff will be the first priority above communication at the time of the event.  Crisis communication will take place in the fastest ways possible to alert stakeholders.  Internal communication will be first.  

In regards to outside communication, EISD maintains several methods of communication. The district will utilize these different methods to pass pertinent information to parents and staff in the event of an emergency or other event.



Student Directory Information

Campuses must ensure the integrity of student directory information in accordance with the Edgewood ISD Student Directory Information Legislative Update (Sec.26013) Form signed yearly by parents/guardians in regards to what information may be provided to Military and Higher Education Institutions, Local Publications including but not limited to the website, social media, newsletters, yearbook, etc. and Public Use by third parties.  If a parent/guardian has marked “No” then any of the information in regards to that student may not be published.

Student Listing

All staff must ensure that they follow all guidelines laid out in the Edgewood ISD Internet Safety Policy in regard to student safety.  It is the policy of Edgewood ISD to never label a student by full name.  The format used by the district should be first initial then last name.  

District Website

The district website should serve as the primary source of information for the district and should be updated and maintained with accurate and current information on a weekly basis.  Cabinet members are responsible for communicating information in a timely manner to the Director of Communications for publication.  

External Media

All requests by media outlets should be directed to the Superintendent or the Director of Communications.  The Superintendent is the only official spokesperson for the district unless he/she appoints someone to speak on his/her behalf.  

Social Media Channels

Edgewood ISD has an official Facebook page for each campus, a district Twitter, a district YouTube Channel, and a district Instagram page.  Additionally, groups or organizations may have social media channels if requested.  The Edgewood ISD Social Media Account Form must be completed and approved and all parties must read and agree to the Edgewood ISD Social Media Guidelines.  Pages must be administered by staff and not students.

District Notifications

Edgewood ISD has both School Messenger telephone notifications and an Edgewood ISD App featured in Google Play and the Apple App Store.  Both of these are used for crisis communications and for important district messaging.  Reminder, all crisis communication goes directly through the Superintendent.

FAQ for Publishing Student Photos

Can I publish photos of students?

Yes, if you have checked the Directory Information sheet with your campus office and verified that the student's parent/guardian has marked “yes”, the student’s photo may be published. If the parent/guardian has marked “no” then the student’s photo may not be published.  This rule applies to the website and all social media platforms.  It is important to identify the students marked “no” ahead of time to avoid mistakes.

What if I want to publish a group shot and not label any students?

The same rule stated above still applies.  Students who have marked “no” can not be in the group photo.

What are some tips for using pictures of my classroom?

Identify “no” students ahead of time.

Take smaller group pictures.

Use a photo of the lesson itself to tell the story instead of students.

Can I post photos of student work?

This question is also addressed in the Directory Information listing.  You will need to verify with the campus office what students can not have work listed.

What rules apply for photos taken at public events such as football games or theatrical performances?

When you are in a public place, you are permitted to photograph and record anything plainly visible to the public.  The reason for this is that there is no expectation of privacy in a public place.  Therefore, release forms do not have to be checked.

I see others posting photos of students on social media. Why do I have to check forms?

As an educator, you are bound by FERPA.  FERPA applies to educators, not the general public.

Do I need to take additional steps if students are receiving specialized services?

You cannot disclose that a student is receiving specialized services.  


Crisis Report Checklist

In the event of a crisis, and after 911 has been called, the following information must be immediately reported to the Campus Principal who will immediately report to the Superintendent:

When is crisis communication required?

Crisis communication may be required any time an unwelcome event or circumstance draws attention to Edgewood ISD.  This communication may be required for on-campus or off-campus events.  Below are some examples of both.

On Campus

Off Campus

What are the communication priorities during crisis situations?

What communication tools may be utilized during crisis communication?

Who develops the crisis communication message?

The Superintendent is the driving force behind all crisis communication.  He/she will enlist the Director of Communications to develop the needed messaging and approve all public communication prior to publication.  In addition, he/she will keep the Administrative Cabinet and  Board of Trustees informed of the situation.

Who is the media spokesperson if needed?

The Superintendent is the only official spokesperson for the district unless he/she appoints someone to speak on his/her behalf.