Table 1. Comparison of electronic data capture tools for research data (Click here to view the full size image)

Green ≈ Ideal
Yellow ≈ Less ideal
Red ≈ Not ideal

ODK Collect

Kobo ToolBox

REDCap Mobile

REDCap Online

Mobile WACh






Requires institutional support

Requires institutional support

Open source

Free access to front end device communication (no link to API)

Open source


Free, but server hosting typically has costs

Free, up to 10,000/submissions per month free and 5GB storage; no limit for humanitarian

Free, no data limits

Free, no data limits

Free to use/edit open source, high cost to customize platform with developer

Free, no data limits

Free, no data limits

Level of programming experience

Basic to moderate depending on complexity, no pull-down menus

Basic (pull-down) or moderate (program ODK file)






Requires internet connection

Offline collection, asynchronous upload

Offline collection, asynchronous upload OR can use synchronous connection

Offline collection, asynchronous upload

Synchronous connection, low bandwidth or data saved when internet connection lost

Synchronous connection, low bandwidth or data saved when internet connection lost

Messages can be written offline and uploaded when connection is available. New messages will be downloaded when a connection is available.

Messages can be written offline and uploaded when connection is available. New messages will be downloaded when a connection is available.




Limited ability to do logical checks based on other variables not possible

Limited ability to do logical checks based on other variables not possible

Possible to program, sophisticated

Not possible

Not possible

Missing data

Required fields cannot be missing

Required fields cannot be missing

Warnings for missing values in required fields, but users can override

Warnings for missing values in required fields, but users can override

Default is no validation, but possible to program to validate

No validation checks for missing data

No validation checks for missing data

Features support longitudinal data capture (linking prior data to data currently being collected)

Linkage of longitudinal records requires external programming.

Linkage of longitudinal records requires external programming.

Longitudinal structure is build into the technology, but access to previous visits requires data download to devices

Longitudinal structure is build into the technology

Longitudinal structure is build into the technology, but access to previous visits requires data download to devices

Message threads linked to users

Message threads linked to users

Provide participant reimbursement





Yes, can program to send mobile phone credit



Technology requirements (Android/iOS)

Android only

Android only



No restrictions



Technology requirements (SIM/mobile carrier)

No restrictions

No restrictions

No restrictions

No restrictions

Added cost and complexity for each SIM/mobile carrier

No restrictions

No restrictions

Handles long surveys well

High flexibilty in terms of length and number of items displayed per screen. Entries saved even if the entire form hasn't been saved.

High flexibility in terms of length and number of items displayed per screen. Entries saved even if the entire form hasn't been saved.

Long surveys on a single screen with items only saved when the entire form is completed

Long surveys on a single screen with items only saved when the entire form is completed

Open ended/free form text responses only

Open ended/free form text responses only

Open ended/free form text responses only

Handling of skip patterns





Moderate, good for simple skips or requires complex programming

Poor, does not handle skips or is cumbersome

Poor, does not handle skips or is cumbersome

Provides project management functions (data entry progress, missing forms)

No dashboard

Web-based dashboard of data entry. Records on different forms are not linked

Dashboard accessible via web interface for all records and for records stored on the mobile device. Audit trail.

Dashboard. Audit trail.

Dashboard custom built

No data management

No data management

Output file possibilities

Export to .csv. Formatting for Stata possible through a user-written package

Export to .csv. Formatting for Stata possible through a user-written package or through API with server

Export in multiple formats (.CVS, Stata, R, SAS, SPSS)

Export in multiple formats (.CVS, Stata, R, SAS, SPSS)

Export to .csv

Message exports possible, but cumbersome

Message exports possible, but cumbersome

Variable name length

No limit, but limits through Stata script for import

No limit?

No limit for collection, 26 characters or less and truncated after export

No limit for collection, 26 characters or less and truncated after export

No limit

NA- no variable names

NA- no variable names

Data dictionary

Only import function

Import and export function

Import and export function

Import and export function

Only import message bank

No import or export functions

No import or export functions

"Memory" for longitudinal data capture (follow-up based on registration or continuation from prior assessment)

Longitudinal data collected as a series of cross-sectional entries

Longitudinal data collected as a series of cross-sectional entries

Longitudinal entry and recall on mobile devices possible, but requires downloading existing records. Otherwise, longitudinal data collection operates like repeated cross-sectional entry.

Longitudinal structure fully implemented

Longitudinal structure fully implemented

Messages can be linked longitudinally, but requires external processing.

Messages can be linked longitudinally, but requires external processing.

Custom Build

No custom build necessary

No custom build necessary

No custom build necessary

No custom build necessary

Expert customization needed

No custom build necessary

No custom build necessary

Ability to send information to participants by SMS? (1-way push SMS)



Link to a mobile-friendly web form can be sent via an SMS invitation

Link to a mobile-friendly web form can be sent via an SMS invitation

Yes, can respond to questionnaires via SMS

Information sent via app

Information sent via app

Ability of participant to respond to SMS free form text? (2-way)



Through Twilio on online server, after data upload if device is connected to internet

Through Twilio

Yes, automated or manual

Via app

Via app

Ability of participant to respond to SMS for structured survey with logic checks? (2-way)



Through Twilio on online server, after data upload if device is connected to internet

Through Twilio

Yes, automated or manual

Via app

Via app

eConsent possible?



Yes, but institutions may not allow and state/federal/international regulations may apply that limit this (i.e. only for minimal risk studies)

Yes, state/federal/international regulations may apply that limit this (i.e. only for minimal risk studies)




Ability to fill out electronic survey remotely?





Yes, but only unstructured survey

Yes, but only unstructured survey

Yes, but only unstructured survey

Customization by "tracks" of messages/questions; ability to switch tracks?

Yes, via skip patterns

Yes, via skip patterns

Yes, arms cannot be switched

Yes, arms cannot be switched

Yes, either manually or through advance programming



Software autolinks output a) codes for variable text responses [variable value label], b) variables for description [variable label]

Yes, through scripts through statistical programs (i.e. Stata .do) with complex programming skills required to adapt

Yes, through scripts through statistical programs (i.e. Stata .do) with complex programming skills required to adapt

Exported data file and syntax file on labeling and coding

Exported data file and syntax file on labeling and coding




Flexibility to change questions/responses

Yes, requires separate datasets

Yes, requires separate datasets

Yes, most changes do not require administrative approval for projects in production

Yes, most changes do not require administrative approval for projects in production

Yes, requires separate datasets and advanced programming



Programming interface

Requires upload of .csv or other similar file with basic programming skills

Requires upload of .csv or other similar file with basic programming skills or through dashboard

Point and click or drop down (may also allow upload of .csv or similar file)

Point and click or drop down (may also allow upload of .csv or similar file)

Yes, requires advanced programming

No programming necessary for messaging functionality

No programming necessary for messaging functionality

Back-end set up for software (server required)

Server set up required with moderate complexity or through ODK with monthly payment

No need to set up server

Yes, housed by ITHS or other organization

Yes, housed by ITHS or other organization

Requires IT specialization

No need to set up server

No need to set up server

Randomization possible within platform








User access

Administrator/manager, viewer, data collector

Permissions (i.e., edit, read, validate) granted by user

Customizable per user

Customizable per user




Reporting functionality


Yes, basic

Yes, more advanced

Yes, more advanced