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CS20 AP                                                                        2017/18

Block 2 & 3 - Semester s

Computer Science 20 Advanced Placement Complete Lesson Plan

Notes to Teachers

Class 81, Friday. June 14 - LAST DAY

Day 12 of GUI

Create a GUIReadMe.txt file in the project folder

Discuss CS30 AP

Class 79, Wednesday. June 12

Day 10 of GUI

Go over the Rubric

Class 78, Tues. June 12

Day 9 of GUI

Go over project marking scheme, focusing on final 20%

Discuss first steps of project

Class 77, Mon. June 11

Day 8 of GUI

Cam McDonnel from Macewan - 10:45ish

Planning doc - must be done today

Class 75 & 76, Thurs & Friday

Day 6 & 7 of GUI Unit

Introduce the project thoroughly

Finish up GUI 2-4 and start project

Class 74, Wednesday June 6

Day 5 of GUI Unit

8 Classes left in the course

Prep: get ComboboxModel code

B3 - Mark BeastMaster and Simple Calculator

Work time on GUI 1-3

Teacher Conference Example Extended

Add a new JFrame that lets them ‘login’ as a teacher or as a conference organizer

Add a conference organizer JFrame

JCompboBox User Code

ComboBox.setModel(   new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(carsArray)  )

Set up the array as a global variable.

References an arrayList in another class.  Set Model requires a string array.

String[] carsArray = new String[];

In constructor, before the initComponents()

        for(int i=0; i<carsArray.length; i++){

            carsArray[i] =;


Class 73, Tuesday June 5

Day 4 of GUI Unit

9 Classes left in the course

Prep: get ComboboxModel code

B3 - Mark BeastMaster

Work time on GUI 1-3

Class 72, Monday June 4

Day 3ish of GUI Unit

Marking Notes

Discuss marking

GUI Review - Walk them through what we have done so far.  Students that do not have these example packages should copy them.  We will use the TeacherConference example tomorrow.

GUI Lesson - Creating our own GUI from scratch

Introduce GUI 3 - Quiz Program?

package GUI_Notepad;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;


import javax.swing.*;

public class NotePad_GUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

    private JPanel innerWindow = new JPanel();

    private JButton read = new JButton("Load File");

    private JButton write = new JButton("Save File");

    private JTextField fileField = new JTextField(20);

    private JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(40,20);

    private JLabel label = new JLabel("File name:");

    public NotePad_GUI() {

        super("Couprie's Block 4 Notepad Extravaganza");



        innerWindow.setLayout(  new GridLayout(2,2,1,1)  );

        this.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());


        this.getContentPane().add( new JScrollPane(textArea)  );

        this.getContentPane().add( "Center",textArea);














        Font font = new Font("ravie",Font.PLAIN, 20);







    private void readTextFile(JTextArea textArea, String fileName) {

        try {

            BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); // Open the stream

            String line = inStream.readLine();            // Read one line

            while (line != null) {                        // While more text

                textArea.append(line + "\n");              // textArea a line

                line = inStream.readLine();               // Read next line


            inStream.close();                             // Close the stream

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

            textArea.setText("IOERROR: File NOT Found: " + fileName + "\n");


        } catch (IOException e) {

            textArea.setText("IOERROR: " + e.getMessage() + "\n");



    } // end readTextFile

    //writes to a text file.  Netbeans will look for it at the Project Folder level.

    private void writeTextFile(JTextArea textArea, String fileName) {

        try {

            FileWriter outStream = new FileWriter(fileName);



        } catch (IOException e) {

            textArea.setText("IOERROR: " + e.getMessage() + "\n");



    } // end writeTextFile()

//watches the button and waits until it is clicked    

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

        String fileName = fileField.getText();

        if (evt.getSource() == read) {


            readTextFile(textArea, fileName);

        } else {

            writeTextFile(textArea, fileName);


    }//end actionPerformed()



 Notepad_GUI window = new Notepad_GUI();

        window.setSize(400, 200);



Class 71, Friday June 1

Day 19 of OOP

Next year - change mileage calculation to Miles per Gallon, it is just easier to understand.

No Help Assignment

Class 70, Thursday, May 31 (with sub)

Day 18 of OOP

Work time with the following priorities:

Finish Database, including the Files extension

First 2 GUI assignments

Class 69, Wednesday, May 30

Day 17b of OOP

GUI Lesson 3 - Conference Sign Up Form

Work time on Database

Discuss tomorrow’s tasks while I am away

private void submitButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                            


        name = jTextField1.getText();

        years = jSlider1.getValue();

        onThurs = thursBox.isSelected();

        onFri = friBox.isSelected();

        district = (String)jComboBox1.getSelectedItem();


            gradeLevel = "Elementary";

        } else if (junior.isSelected()){

            gradeLevel = "Junior High";

        } else {

            gradeLevel = "High School";



        jTextArea1.append(name + "\n" + years + "\n");

        jTextArea1.append("Thursday: " + onThurs + "    Friday: " + onFri + "\n");

        jTextArea1.append(gradeLevel + "\n");







private void confirmButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                              

        ConferenceMain.attendeeList.add(new Teacher(name,years,onThurs,onFri,gradeLevel,district));


public class Teacher {

    public String name;

    public int years;

    public boolean onThurs;

    public boolean onFri;

    public String gradeLevel;

    public String district;


    public Teacher(String n, int y, boolean t, boolean f, String g, String d){

        name = n;

        years = y;

        onThurs =t;

        onFri = f;

        gradeLevel = g;

        district = d;



Last year’s Example - Hockey Pool

Version 1

Slider updates the total box directly

int bet = betSlider.getValue();

costBox.setText("$" + bet);


Version 2

 int numEntries = 0;


      System.out.println("chose Edmonton");




Version 3


Class 68 - Tuesday, May 29

Day 17a of OOP

Post encryption sample code

Review GUI from Friday

Create a GUI Reference Google Doc - see next page

Encryption Example

Work time on Database

Challenge for those done everything.  Look up the Vigenere cipher.  Use a 2D array and see if you can implement it into the Encryption GUI example.

Mark BeastMaster at the end of block 3?

Wednesday GUI Plans


GUI Reference (Block 2)

Top Level Containers


JOptionPane - pop-up window

JApplet - a container for a java program in a html file

Other Containers

Panel - often turned on or off in the program


Label - used for text or images                label.setText()


TextArea - for multiple lines of text        textArea.setText()        textArea.append()

TextField - for single lines of text

Slider -                                         slider.getValue()

Class 67 - Monday, May 28

Day 16 of OOP

Reminder about the No Help Assignment - now on Friday as I will be away on Thursday (for block 2 and part of block 3)

In Class Marking

Work time on Beast Master and Database

Class 66 - Friday, May 25

Day 15 of OOP

Class 64 was at the Iverson Field Trip


In Class Marking

Intro to GUI with the Netbeans Swing GUI builder  (30ish minutes)

GUI Example 1 - Intro to the JFrame

GUI Example 2 - Create the basic JFrame Calculator from the tutorial:

Class 65 - Thursday, May 24

Day 14 of OOP

Class 64 was at the Iverson Field Trip

Notes: How to plan your own instance class vs main method

Review the Actors File example.  Have them build the LoadFile line in 3 steps:

Work time on Beast Master

In Class Marking

Introduce Database assignment

Class 63 - Thursday, May 17

Day 13 of OOP

Confirm Iverson Contest Details

Talk to Rushi about date change for staff meeting

Block 2

If not finished Assign 3 Geometry in 15 minutes, you are to skip the final 20% and move on.  I will not mark it until Monday so you can finish it for homework or at lunch.

Demo Object Casting and using a Temp variable with the Bike A Thon demo.

Work on BeastMaster

Block 3

Demo Object Casting and using a Temp variable with the Bike A Thon demo.

Discuss but do not demo using InstanceOf

Work on Geometry and BeastMaster

Mark Bank Account

Class 63 - Wednesday, May 16

Day 12 of OOP

Find out who has not turned in their Iverson Forms

Lots of block 2 students away

Finish Spare Parts

Class 62 - Tuesday, May 15

Day 11 of OOP

Find out who has not turned in their Iverson Forms

Block 2 - Mark Console Games and Bank Account

Block 3 - Need more time and an extra catch up day on Wednesday during the movie

Mark Data structures project

For block 2 students, add the Beastmaster assignment to their list.

Class 61 - Monday, May 14

Day 10 of OOP

Note: Block 3 ‘lost’ Friday’s class

Register for Iverson today!!!!!!

Block 3 Only

CSV Files

Prep: set up the Actor class and get them to copy it first

Lesson on Using CSV files

TextFiles Example - Instance Class

Change this to an Actor class with name, sales, isPro, role

public class Student {

    public String name;

    public double feesPaid;

    public int grade;

    public String position;

    public Student(String n, double f, int g, String p) {

        name = n;

        feesPaid = f;

        grade = g;

        position = p;



TextFiles Example - Main Class

import java.util.ArrayList;


public class TextFilesMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ArrayList<Student> allStudents = new ArrayList();

        loadFile("studentfile.txt", allStudents);

        for (int i = 0; i < allStudents.size(); i++) {

            System.out.println(allStudents.get(i).name + "  $" + allStudents.get(i).feesPaid);


        allStudents.get(0).feesPaid += 100;

        allStudents.add(new Student("Dani", 50, 12, "Chucker"));


        saveFile("studentfile.txt", allStudents);

    }//end main

    public static void saveFile(String filename, ArrayList<Student> tempList) {

        try {

            PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename));

            for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) {

//the next lines are customized for whatever data you are getting.

                String toSave = "";

                toSave += tempList.get(i).name;

                toSave += "," + tempList.get(i).feesPaid;

                toSave += "," + tempList.get(i).grade;

                toSave += "," + tempList.get(i).position;




        } catch (IOException ex) {




    public static void loadFile(String filename, ArrayList tempList) {

        String temp = "";

        try {

            BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));

            while (file.ready()) {

                temp = file.readLine();

                String tempArray[] = temp.split(",");

//the next line is customized for whatever class you are creating.

//Here we create a new STUDENT so there are 4 variables

                tempList.add(new Student(tempArray[0], Double.parseDouble(tempArray[1]), Integer.parseInt(tempArray[2]), tempArray[3]));


        } catch (IOException e) {



    }//end loadFile

}//end class

Class 60 - Friday, May 11

Day 9 of OOP

Add to Notes - Visibility Indicators

Bike-A-Thon extension - how to add a Students class

Work time up to Geometry

Mark Console Games and perhaps Bank Account

New assignment needed with the Bike-A-Thon example

Class 59 - Thursday, May 10

Day 8 of OOP

Remind block 2 that we are in 207 on Friday.


B2 - many students are still finishing up Console Games at the end of Wednesday’s class.

Discuss before adding: How would you automatically generate a client ID number so that it increases each time?

                public static int counter = 100000;

                clientNum = LawnMain.counter;


Constructor Practice

Work time on Bank Account and Console Games

Class 58 - Wednesday, May 9

Day 7 of OOP

Release the entire assignment folder

Add the lawnclient code to a Google Doc

Have students sign up for the Iverson exam

Finish Lawn Mowing Example

Assignment 3 Bank Account

Class 57 - Tuesday, May 8

Day 6 of OOP

Note: In Block 3, 15 students are absent

Lawn Mower Major Example

Watch first half of Spare Parts (available via EPL)

Block 2 - ended at 56:46

Lawn Mower Example - Private and Public


package Ex_LawnMowing;

public class Client {

    private String name;

    private String address;

    private int lawnSize;    //in square meters

    private boolean hasDog;

    private double outstandingFees;


    public Client (String n, String a, int s, boolean dog){

        name = n;

        address = a;

        lawnSize = s;

        hasDog = dog;

        outstandingFees = 0;


    public void mowLawn(){

        double charge = lawnSize * 0.25;

        if( hasDog ){

            charge += 10;


        outstandingFees+= charge;


    }//mow lawn

    public void printBill(double c){

        System.out.println(name + " your charge for today is $" + c);

        System.out.println("Your total fees owing are $" + outstandingFees);



    public String getName(){

        return name;


    public void processPayment(double amount){

        outstandingFees -= amount;

        System.out.println("The amount still owing is $" + outstandingFees);


    public void overdue(){

        outstandingFees *= 1.10;

        System.out.println(name + " your amount still owing is $" + outstandingFees);

        if( outstandingFees > 60 && hasDog){

            hasDog = false;






Lawn Mowing Main

package Ex_LawnMowing;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class LawnMain {

    static ArrayList<Client> allClients = new ArrayList();

    static Scanner numscan = new Scanner(;

    static Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        allClients.add(new Client("Mr. Couprie", "555 Maple Lane", 50, false));

        allClients.add(new Client("Mr. Pendlebury", "8900 86 Ave", 75, true));

        allClients.add(new Client("Mr. Van Ginhoven", "22 173 Street", 50, false));

        allClients.add(new Client("Mrs. Gerun", "5200 86 Ave", 100, true));

        while (true) {

            System.out.println("1. Mow Lawn");

            System.out.println("2. Process Payment");

            System.out.println("3. exit");

            int choice = numscan.nextInt();

            if (choice == 3) {


            } else if (choice == 1) {


            } else if (choice == 2) {




    }//end main

    public static void mow(){

        allClients.get(  searchByName()    ).mowLawn();



    public static void pay(){

        int index = searchByName();

        System.out.println("How much is being paid?");

        double amount = numscan.nextDouble();




    public static int searchByName() {

        System.out.println("Which client?");

        String name = wordscan.nextLine();


        for(int i=0; i<allClients.size(); i++){

            if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase(    allClients.get(i).getName()  )  ){

                return i;



        return -1;

    }//end search


}//end lawnMain

Class 56 - Monday, May 7

Day 5 of OOP

Post OOP 1

Have students sign up for the Iverson exam

Worktime on OOP 1.

___ visits at 10:55

Class 55 - Friday, May 4

Day 4 of OOP

Post OOP 1

Announce Guest Speaker for Monday -___ of ScopeAR

Discuss Field Trip - and update the form

StoreProducts Review example

Finish ArrayList Playlist up to ?, start OOP 1

Run through the jungle: 

Old man down the road: 

Store Example Class

package StoreExample;

public class Product {


    //instance variables

    public String type;

    public String brand;

    public double price;

    public int numInStock;



    //constructor methods

    public Product( String t, String b, double p  ){

        type = t;

        brand = b;

        price = p;

        numInStock = 0;

        gstExempt = false;



    public Product( String t, String b, double p, int s  ){

        type = t;

        brand = b;

        price = p;

        numInStock = s;

        gstExempt = false;



    public void printProduct(){

        System.out.println("Product Type: " + type + "     Brand: " + brand);

        System.out.println("$" +  price);

        System.out.println("In stock:  " +  numInStock);

        System.out.println("GST Exempt?:  " +  gstExempt);




    public void sellProduct(int numSold){

        numInStock -= numSold;


    public void receiveProduct(int numReceived){

        numInStock += numReceived;



}//end product

Class 54 - Thursday, May 3

Day 3 of OOP

Reminder: AP students will skip assignment 1

Review Notes from Day 1

Notes on Types of Non-Instance Classes (AP student in mind)

Add to OOP Notes - Instance Classes

        Parts of an Instance Class

BikeAThonTeams Brainstorm

Bike-a-thon v1 Major example

Extra Activity - Ted talk on SpaceX

package BikeAThon;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class BikeTeam {

    //instance variables

    public String teamName;

    public String captain;

    public double totalRaised;

    public boolean minRaised;

    public ArrayList<String> studentList = new ArrayList();


    //constructor method

    public BikeTeam(String t, String c){


        teamName = t;

        captain = c;

        totalRaised = 0;

        minRaised = false;




    //instance methods

    public void printAll(){

        System.out.println("Team Name: " + teamName);

        System.out.println("Captain Name: " + captain);

        System.out.println("Total Raised: " + totalRaised);


        System.out.print("Team Members: ");

        for(int i=0; i<studentList.size(); i++){

            System.out.print(studentList.get(i) + ",  ");






    public void addStudent(String name){




    public void addDonation(double amount){

        totalRaised += amount;




}//end bikeTeam

Class 53 - Wednesday, May 2

Introduce ArrayLists with Strings

Alter yesterday’s monster class to use an ArrayList of Monsters

Finish Arrays Project

 ArrayList<Monster> monsterList = new ArrayList();



        monsterList.add(  new Monster("ghost", false, 1)    );

        monsterList.add(  new Monster("vampire", true, 4)    );

        monsterList.add(  new Monster("ghost", true, 1)    );

        monsterList.add(  new Monster("mummy", true, 5)    );

        for(int i=0; i<monsterList.size(); i++){

            if (  monsterList.get(i).getEvil()  ){

                System.out.println("You meet a mean " + monsterList.get(i).getType());

            }else {

                System.out.println("You meet a friendly " + monsterList.get(i).getType());


Class 52 - Tuesday, May 1

Day 1 of OOP

First OOP assignment - console games - is too much like the later databasey assignments.  Changes its direction to be more like bank account where methods update a variable.

Introduction to the Object Oriented Programming Credit

Create a notes doc

Introduction to the OOP Credit with the Monster Class

Need new activity for students done everything

Block 2 - told they get 40 minutes on Tuesday to finish and/or work on AI and/or work on this new activity

Block 3 - Same as above

Those that are done continue to make a game with the Monster Class

package Ex1_Monster;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class E1_Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;

       Monster m1 = new Monster("zombie", true, 2);

       Monster m2 = new Monster("werewolf", true, 4);


       System.out.println( m1.getType()    );

       System.out.println( m1.getHealth()       );

       System.out.println(  m1.getDescription()   );


       int playerhealth = 100;

       int playerdamage = 10;


       System.out.println("You are walking through an abandoned amusement park");

       System.out.println("Suddenly you come upon a " + m1.getDescription() + "  "+ m1.getType());


       while(  playerhealth > 0 && m1.getHealth()>0   ){

           playerhealth -= m1.attack();






           System.out.println("You lose game over");








    }//end main



public class Monster {

    private String type;

    private boolean isEvil;

    private int strength;//between 5 and 10

    private int health;

    private String description;


    //************* constructor methods **************************

    public Monster(String t, boolean e, int s){

        type = t;

        isEvil = e;

        strength = s+5;//parameter is a 1 to 5 value

        health = 100;


        String[]sizes = {"small","big","enormous"};

        String[]colors = {"green","blue","violet"};

        String[]look= {"ugly","polkadotted","furry"};

        description = sizes[(int)(Math.random()*3)] + ", " +  colors[(int)(Math.random()*3)]+", " + look[(int)(Math.random()*3)] ;




    //**********  getter methods  ***********************

    public String getType(){

        return type;


    public boolean getEvil(){

        return isEvil;


    public int getHealth(){

        return health;


    public String getDescription(){

        return description;



    //**********  other methods  **********************

    public int attack(){

        //when the monster is attacking

        //returns the amount of damage done to the player

        int multiplier = (int)(Math.random()*5 +1);

        return strength * multiplier;

    }//end attack


    public int defend(int damage){

        //when the monster is defending

        //returns the current health of the monster



            health = 0;


        return health;

    }//end defend





Class 51 - Friday, April 27

Class 16 of Data Structures

Exam today

Ted 2018 Major Interview - COO of Space X Gwynne Shotwell (20:00)

Class 50 - Thursday, April 26

Class 15 of Data Structures

Prompt review for exam by coping these questions one at a time into the agenda:

Block 2 has survey for 20 minutes

Finish project

Class 49 - Wednesday, April 25

Class 14 of Data Structures

Prompt review for exam by coping these questions one at a time into the agenda:

Work time on project

Mark Coffee counter in class

Class 48 - Tuesday, April 24

Class 13 of Data Structures

Note: Block 3 has a sub

Work time on Wrap Up Project

Class 47 - Monday, April 23

Class 12 of Data Structures

Formally announce Data Structures Exam for Thursday

Block 3 - Needs full tictactoe example

Discuss tic-tac-toe solution to help with final project

Work time on Wrap Up Project

Class 46 - Friday, April 20

Class 12 of Data Structures

Jeffery Hui - A few more questions on Roles will get you to 80%

Introduce Arrays Wrap Up project

Mark Bike a Thon and Translator

Class 45 - Thursday, April 19 - With sub

Class 11 of Data Structures

Class 44 - Wednesday, April 18 - With Sub

Class 10 of Data Structures

Class 43 - Tuesday, April 17 - Block 2 Only

Block 3 has external module work

Class 9 of Data Structures

Discuss marking

File Chooser?

Approach individual students

2D Arrays Quick review

2D Array Lesson 2 - Varying length rows

Pass by reference lesson

Work time on Translator and Coffee Counter

Introduce the 2D array project

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Ex7_TicTacToe {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner wordscan= new Scanner(;


        String[][] tictactoe = new String[3][3];



        //complete setupBoard function after printBoard

        //discuss Pass by Reference




        tictactoe[0][1] = "X";

        printBoard(tictactoe);//run between plays

        tictactoe[1][1] = "O";



    }//end main

    public static void checkWinner(String[][] tictactoe){

        //use a for loop to check if a row is a winner

        for(int i=0; i<tictactoe.length; i++){

            if(   tictactoe[i][0].equals(tictactoe[i][1])    ){

                System.out.println("We have winner with " + tictactoe[i][0]);



        //use a for loop to check columns        



    public static void printBoard(String[][] tictactoe){

        for(int i=0; i<tictactoe.length; i++){

            for(int j=0; j<tictactoe[i].length; j++){

                System.out.print(tictactoe[i][j] + " | " );




        System.out.println(); //otherwise successive prints run together.


    }//end printBoard


    public static void setupBoard(String[][] tictactoe){

        for(int i=0; i<tictactoe.length; i++){

            for(int j=0; j<tictactoe[i].length; j++){

                tictactoe[i][j] = " ";




}//end class

Class 42 - Monday, April 16

Class 8 of Data Structures

Discuss marks:

What about using the Vigenere Cipher for 2D arrays example?

A new Soduko version of the assignment is needed.  Base it on the start code is in F: drive in a project called SolutionsForMarking

2-Dimensional Arrays Part 1

Set up a 2D int array to hold up to 4 golfers and their scores

Processing 2D Arrays with For Loops

Introduce Translator and Coffee Counter

Class 41 - Friday, April 13

Class 7 of Data Structures

Catch up time

Last 50 minutes- Big Data Revolution Documentary

Class 40 - Thursday, April 12

Class 6 of Data Structures

Prep: Do we need notes for Data structures? Check exam

Linear Searching (see next page)

Challenge for those that are done early today:

Introduce assignment 5 - Translator ONLY to those that are done everything and are anxious to move on.

Announce that tomorrow will be a full work day with a possible second half video

Class 39 - Wednesday, April 11

Class 5b of Data Structures

Prep: Do we need notes for Data structures? Check exam

Files set up

Files Example 1 - Countries and Populations

  1. Find and print the lowest population
  2. Add the name of the country

Introduce assignment 4 Bike A Thon algorithms

Simple Searching

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Ex6_SimpleSearching {

    static Scanner numscan = new Scanner(;

    static Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String[] names = Files.loadStringArr("nhl_last_names.txt");

        int[] goals = Files.loadIntArr("nhl_goals.txt");

        String[] teams = Files.loadStringArr("nhl_teams.txt");

        int[] games = Files.loadIntArr("nhl_games_played.txt");

        String nameToFind;

        int foundIndex = -1;

        System.out.println("Who do you want to search for?");

        nameToFind = wordscan.nextLine();

        for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {

            if (nameToFind.equalsIgnoreCase(names[i])) {

                foundIndex = i;



        }//end for loop

        if (foundIndex == -1) {

            System.out.println("Player not found");

        } else {

            System.out.println(names[foundIndex] + goals[foundIndex] + teams[foundIndex] + games[foundIndex]);



        foundIndex = -1;

        do {

            System.out.println("Who do you want to trade?");

            nameToFind = wordscan.nextLine();

            for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {

                if (nameToFind.equalsIgnoreCase(names[i])) {

                    foundIndex = i;



            }//end for loop

        } while (foundIndex == -1);

        teams[foundIndex] = "Golden Coupries";


        String teamToFind;

        foundIndex = -1;


        System.out.println("What team played last night?");

        teamToFind = wordscan.nextLine();


        for(int i=0; i<teams.length; i++){







         for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {

             System.out.println(names[foundIndex] + goals[foundIndex] + teams[foundIndex] + games[foundIndex]);      



        Files.saveFile("nhl_last_names.txt", names);

        Files.saveFile("nhl_goals.txt", goals);

        Files.saveFile("nhl_teams.txt", teams);

        Files.saveFile("nhl_games_played.txt", games);






    }//end main

}//end class

Complete Files Class


public class Files {

    public static void saveFile(String filename, int[] array) {

        try {

            PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename));

            for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

                file.println("" + array[i]);



        } catch (IOException e) {



    }//end saveFile



    public static void saveFile(String filename, double[] array) {

        try {

            PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename));

            for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

                file.println("" + array[i]);



        } catch (IOException e) {



    }//end saveFile

    public static void saveFile(String filename, String[] array) {

        try {

            PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename));

            for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

                file.println("" + array[i]);



        } catch (IOException e) {



    }//end saveFile

    public static String[] loadStringArr(String filename) {

        String addLines = "";

        try {

            BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));

            while (file.ready()) {

                addLines += file.readLine() + ",";


        } catch (IOException e) {



        String[] tempStringArray = addLines.split(",");

        return tempStringArray;

    }//end loadStringArr

    public static int[] loadIntArr(String filename) {

        String addLines = "";

        try {

            BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));

            while (file.ready()) {

                addLines += file.readLine() + ",";


        } catch (IOException e) {



        String[] tempStringArray = addLines.split(",");

        int[] tempIntArray = new int[tempStringArray.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < tempIntArray.length; i++) {

            tempIntArray[i] = Integer.parseInt(tempStringArray[i]);


        return tempIntArray;

    }//end loadIntArr

    public static double[] loadDoubleArr(String filename) {

        String addLines = "";

        try {

            BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));

            while (file.ready()) {

                addLines += file.readLine() + ",";


        } catch (IOException e) {



        String[] tempStringArray = addLines.split(",");

        double[] tempDoubleArray = new double[tempStringArray.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < tempDoubleArray.length; i++) {

            tempDoubleArray[i] = Double.parseDouble(tempStringArray[i]);


        return tempDoubleArray;

    }//end loadIntArr

}//end Files Class

Class 38 - Tuesday, April 10

Class 5a of Data Structures

Prep: Do we need notes for Data structures? Check exam

Theory Exam - mark the matching question in class? Smart Joe

Work time on assignment 2 & 3

Prepare for the text files lesson tomorrow by copying the text files, preparing the FILES code

Class 37 - Monday, April 9

Class 3 of Data Structures

Prep:Do we need notes for Data structures? Check exam

Arrays Algorithms Lesson 1 - Sum,  Countif, SumIf

Introduce Assignment 3 - Guitar Store Revisited

Discuss and review for test with Crossword puzzles

public class Ex3_BasicAlgorithms {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


        int[] allCards = new int[13];

        for(int i=0; i<allCards.length; i++){

            allCards[i] = (int)(Math.random()*13 + 2);



        //Add all the numbers in the array

        int totalOfCards = 0;

        for(int i=0; i<allCards.length; i++){

            totalOfCards += allCards[i];


        System.out.println("The sum of the cards is: " + totalOfCards);


        //Count all the 5s in the array

        int countTotal = 0;

        for(int i=0; i<allCards.length; i++){

            if(allCards[i] == 5){




        System.out.println("The number of 5s is: " + countTotal);



        //Total points for the hand

        //If the card is a 10 or higher, it is worth 10 points

        //If it is less than 10, it is worth its face value

        int pointsTotal = 0;

        for(int i=0; i<allCards.length; i++){

            if( allCards[i] >= 10){

                pointsTotal += 10;

            } else {

                pointsTotal += allCards[i];



        System.out.println("Total for your hand is: " + pointsTotal);


Set them up with this challenge but do not solve it… at least not today.  Give them the For Loops.  Allow them to count a 3 of a kind as 3 pairs.

 printArray(allCards, true);

        //Count the number of pairs in your hand

        int numPairs = 0;

        for(int i=0; i<allCards.length; i++){

            System.out.println("Checking card #" + i);

            for(int j=i+1; j<allCards.length; j++){

                System.out.println(allCards[i] + " and a " + allCards[j]);

                if(allCards[i] == allCards[j]){


                    System.out.println("I found a pair.");






         System.out.println("The number of pairs is: " + numPairs);


    }//end main

    public static void printArray(int[] arr, boolean across) {

        if (across) {

            for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

                System.out.print(arr[i] + ", ");



        } else {

            for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {




    }//end printArray

}//end class

Class 36 - Friday, April 6

Class 2 of Data Structures

Check with library about printing crossword puzzles.  I will send someone to collect them all.

Review concept: Why are blockchains less susceptible to hacking than traditional databases?

Print crossword puzzles

Old Kahoots?

Data Structures Example 2 - Door prize generator

Data Structures Example 2b - Door Prize Generator - with text entry

Passing Arrays to Methods

Assignment 1 marked as Complete/Incomplete

Class 35 - Thursday, April 5

Class 1A of Data Structures

Review concept: What is the most common PC operating system used in the world today?  Smartphone?

Emerging Tech - Machine Learning - How Neural Networks work

20 Minutes to finish SDLC

Review with Kahoots

Start data structures

Introduce the concept of a Data Structure

Discuss Arrays as an abstraction of a cupboard

Arrays Example 1a:

Data Structures Example 1b - Door prize generator

Data Structures Example 2 - Door Prize Generator - with text entry

public class Ex1_ArraysIntro {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


        String[] allStudents = {"Bob", "Stu", "Diana", "Jasmine", "Snoop"};

        int[] allGrades = {       10,    11,    12,       10,        12};


        int[] allMarks = new int[5];

        allMarks[0] = 55;

        allMarks[1] = 98;

        allMarks[2] = 67;

        allMarks[3] = 88;

        allMarks[4] = 34;


        System.out.println("Marks summary");

        for (int i=0; i<allStudents.length ; i++ ){

            System.out.println(allStudents[i] + "  " + allGrades[i] + "  " + allMarks[i]);



        allMarks[1] = -1;

        allMarks[4] = -1;


         System.out.println("Students with unfinished assignments");

         for (int i=0; i<allStudents.length ; i++ ){

             if(  allMarks[i] == -1 ){

                 System.out.println(  allStudents[i]  );




                // five minute challenge

// create an algorithm to change all -1s to Zeros

                 //then in separate reprint all names and grades


    }//end main


}//end class

Class 34 - Wednesday April 4

Confirm Registration info

The Central Processing Unit (CPU): Crash Course Computer Science #7

Add to notes - neural networks, assembly languages

Make a Crossword Puzzle assignment

Class 33 - Tuesday, April 3

Review our notes and discuss the remaining concepts in the Credit:

How Memory is Built

Emerging Tech - Quantum Computer - How Does it Work (6:46)

40 Minutes to work on SDLC Assign 2

Class 32 - Friday, March 23

Cambridge Analytica/Facebook Scandal -watch the first 10 minutes or so of this video.  

Or possibly this one.

Priority 1 - Finish SDLC Assign 1 to the 80% mark

Priority 2 - All of SDLC Assign 2

Priority 3 - Past assignments

Class 31 - Thursday, March 22

Block 2 - Course selection info

Ray Kurzweil - Get Ready for Hybrid Thinking (9:49)

Software Development Life Cycle - Assignment 2

Class 30 - Wednesday, March 21


Public Key Encryption - Computerphile Video 6:30;

Review Parts of the CPU from last year:

Add to Notes:

Note to Couprie: Time to look at Crash Course Computer Science instead of the following video.  Possibly numbers 5-7

20s - How the CPU Works Video (20:41 minutes)

Machine Code Temp Links

Class 29 - Tuesday, March 20

Mark Procedural Programming

Theory Notes

Block chain -

SDLC Assignment 1

Class 28 - Monday, March 19

Announce and discuss the Java marking tomorrow.

Discuss the Theory Credit

Bitcoin Video - John Oliver?

Introduce the Systems Development Life Cycle with the notes file.  

Discuss key tools in Analysis and Design

Extra Activity - Innovation

Where do good ideas come from - (4:30)

Soccket video: (2:30)

Deam Kamen News Story (9:30)

Systems Development Life Cycle Notes

How do you plan a major, long term project?

  1. Analysis
  1. Will this require hardware, software or both
  2. What other systems (internal and external) will need to interact with this
  3. Determine the user groups and their needs
  4. Determine what are the problems with the old system
  5. Identify needed features for each user group
  6. Draw up a contract
  1. Design
  1. Plan from a coder’s perspective
  2. Breaking the code into “classes” (or chunks of code, features, etc.)
  3. Setting timelines
  1. Implementation & Testing
  1. Writing the code
  2. Building the system
  3. Ongoing testing, prototypes, alpha releases, etc.
  1. Deployment
  1. How are you going to release it?
  2. Do you need training for your customers?
  3. Marketing plan?
  1. Maintenance
  1. Updates?
  2. Bug fixes?

Two ways to implement it:

Case Study: EPSB’s Gradebook Software



Software only

Interactions: Scheduling software, Government reporting software

User group: Students, teachers, admin, parents, post secondary, government

Students & parents: Check marks

Teachers: Enter marks, Produce reports

Admin: Enter marks, Set up classes, Produce reports


Plan java with a UML Diagram

Plan timeline with a Gantt chart


Writing and debugging the code.


Thorough testing needed as beta tests not possible

Deployment &Maintenance

Train one school at each grade level

Those schools pilot for 1 year

All schools did training in May

Full rollout in September

New update when necessary

Class 27 - Thursday, March 15

Finish Ethics

Finish Dice Game/Mastermind

Class 26 - Wednesday, March 14

Create a new Lucid Chart with CS Ethical Issues- Review the ethical issues we have seen

Ethics assignment

Class 25 - Tuesday, Mar 13

Procedural Programming test

Class 23 & 24

Work on wrap up project

Class 22 - Thursday, Mar. 8

Announce credit exam for Tuesday

Mark Olympic Champions and Theory assignment, discussing the exam as they go.


Work on assignments

Tomorrow - discuss Practice-IT Self Check - numbers 3.17, 3.13, 3.15

Class 21 - Wednesday, Mar. 7

Arrays Searching Example

Saving a single variable to a text file (for high score, for example)

Class 20 - Tuesday, Mar. 6

Block 3 Only

Ethics Videos:

Walk them through the next 2 assignments:

Next up: quick intro to Arrays and ArrayLists

Class 19 - Monday, Mar. 5

(Different lessons for the two blocks)

Prep: Release remaining assignments to Classroom

Discuss Roles of OS marking

Confirm Open House attendees

Discuss remaining assignments

Block 2

Call vs declaration practice

Method call and declaration practice worked really well but needs to be continued in the second half of the credit with a second full quiz dedicated just to this once the return values have been added on.

Via an email, mark The Restaurant, Home Reno and Simple Calculator in class.  Ask who is completed the theory questions too.

Introduce Olympic Champions and Casino assignments

Block 3

Block 3 Ted talk - vote on one of the more recent uploads

Ethics Videos:

Network Ethics video:

Ethics videos:

Fair trade Cellphones (9 min)

Introduce Olympic Champions and Casino assignments

Class 18 - Wednesday, Feb. 28

(shortened class for block 2)

Arrizing Tech Issues -

Call vs declaration practice

Method call and declaration practice worked really well but needs to be continued in the second half of the credit with a second full quiz dedicated just to this once the return values have been added on.

Via an email, mark The Restaurant, Home Reno and Simple Calculator in class.  Ask who is completed the theory questions too.

Block 3 Ted talk - vote on one of the more recent uploads

main () {

String todaysDate;

todaysDate = getDate();

System.out.println(“The Raptors points are” + getWins( ) * 2);

if ( checkAbsences(“Suzie”)  > 6 ) {

System.out.println(“Call home”);


if (  isPassing(“Suzie”, 12)   ){

        System.out.println(“Begin next credit”);



myaverage =

}//end main

public static double getAverage (int assign1, int assign2, int assign3){ }

Class 17 - Tuesday, Feb. 27

Return Values Example 2: Card Game

Roles of the OS Theory Assignment

Worktime on Simple Calculator and Olympics

Discuss assignment 5 Olympics

//aka the Casino Example

public class ReturnValuesCardGame {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.out.println("Welcome to Couprie's Casino");

        String p1suit;

        int p1number;

        p1suit = getSuit();

        p1number = getNumber();


        String p2suit;

        int p2number;

        p2suit = getSuit();

        p2number = getNumber();


        String c1suit;

        int c1number;

        c1suit = getSuit();

        c1number = getNumber();


        String c2suit;

        int c2number;

        c2suit = getSuit();

        c2number = getNumber();


        System.out.println("You were dealt a " + p1number+ " of " +p1suit);

        System.out.println("Your second card was a " + p2number+ " of " +p2suit);

        System.out.println("The Casino was dealt a " + c1number+ " of " +c1suit);

        System.out.println("The Casiono's second card was a " + c2number+ " of " +c2suit);


        //check the player's hand

        if (   isFlush(p1suit, p2suit)   ){

            System.out.println("You have a flush.");

        }  else if (   isPair(p1number, p2number)   ){

            System.out.println("You have a pair.");

        } else {

             System.out.println("You have nothing.");




        //check the casino's hand

         if (   isFlush(c1suit, c2suit)   ){

            System.out.println("The Casion has a flush.");

        }  else if (   isPair(c1number, c2number)   ){

            System.out.println("The Casino has a pair.");

        } else {

             System.out.println("The Casino has nothing.");





    }//end main

    public static boolean isPair( int c1, int c2    ){


            return true;

        } else{

            return false;



    }//end isPair


    public static boolean isFlush( String c1, String c2    ){

        if(  c1.equals(c2)      ){

            return true;

        } else{

            return false;



    }//end isFlush


    public static int getNumber(){

        int temp = (int) (Math.random() * 12) + 2;

        return temp;

    }//end getNumber




    public static String getSuit() {

        int temp = (int) (Math.random() * 4);

        if (temp == 1) {

            return "clubs";

        } else if (temp == 2) {

            return "hearts";

        } else if (temp == 3) {

            return "spades";

        } else {

            return "diamonds";


    }//end getSuit

}//end class

Class 16 - Monday, Feb. 26

Creating a MyUtil Class

Check on how many have started simple calculator

Input Class

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Input {

    public static String getString(String prompt) {

        String temp;

        temp = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt);

        return temp;

    }//nd getString

    public static int getInt(String prompt) {

        int temp;

        temp = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt));

        return temp;

    }//end getInt

    public static double getDouble(String prompt) {

        double temp;

        temp = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt));

        return temp;

    }//end getInt

    public static void sendMessage(String message) {

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);


    public static void sendMessage(double message) {

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);


    public static void sendMessage(int message) {

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message);


}//end class

Class 13-15 - With Sub

Class 12 - Tuesday, Feb 20

Block 2

Bike-a-thon video:

Go over how the exam was marked.

Finish Assign 1 Restaurant

Start Assign 2 Methods Questions

Walk through the Home Reno Assignment

Discuss rest of the week with the sub:

Note to Scott - Do a parameters Call vs Declaration the day we get back to ensure understanding

Class 11 - Friday, Feb 16

Discuss the U of a Contest

Method Call vs Declaration

Practice on a google doc, then have a neighbour mark it

What would the call from Main have to look like to call the following methods

        Public static void placeOnMap(double lat, double long){  }

        Public static void printInitials(String fn, String ln){  }

        Public static void findCharacter(String word, int charNum){  }

What would the top of method declaration have to look like if the following calls came from main



        breakRecord(42.5, 46)

        buyForCouprie(“Porche”, 2)

Make them aware of Java Docs for the theory assignment AND for the other Final 10% assignment

Methods Assignment 1 - Restaurant

When I am gone… Give them time on Assign 2 Theory

Class 10 - Thursday, Feb. 15

No Help Test

Class 9

Discuss tomorrow’s test - Project it first and discuss, then give access.

Parameters Example 3 - Banking

Banking Part 2 - Introduce Return Values

Finish Second Lang 2 and 3 and mark in class

If finished early, start Methods 2 - Methods Theory Questions

Banking PARAMETERS VERSION to start, moving into Return values

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Ex2_BankingParameters {

    public static Scanner numscan = new Scanner(;

    public static Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        double account1 = 1000;

        String choice;

        do {

            System.out.println("deposit, withdraw, balance or exit");

            choice = wordscan.nextLine().toLowerCase();

            if (choice.contains("bal")) {


            } else if (choice.equals("deposit")) {

                System.out.println("How much do you want to deposit?");

                double amount = numscan.nextDouble();

                deposit(account1, amount);

                //account1 = deposit(account1, amount);

            } else if (choice.equals("withdraw")) {

                System.out.println("How much do you want to withdraw?");

                double amount = numscan.nextDouble();

                withdraw(account1, amount);

                //account1 = withdraw(account1, amount);


        } while (!choice.equals("exit"));

    }//end main

    public static void withdraw(double balance, double amt) {

        //public static double withdraw (double balance, double amt){

        if (balance >= amt + 0.5) {

            balance -= amt;

            balance -= 0.50;

        } else {

            System.out.println("Insufficent Funds");



        //return balance;

    }//end withdraw

    public static void deposit(double balance, double amt) {

        //public static double deposit(double balance, double amt){

        balance += amt;


        //return balance;

    }//end deposit

    public static void printBalance(double balance) {

        System.out.println("Your balance is $" + balance);

    }//end printBalance

}//end class

Class 8 - February Day, Feb. 13


Discuss the Procedural Programming Credit

Introduce void Methods with Parameters

Practice Challenge

Work time on 99Bottles and How Cool are You

Intro to Methods


Synonyms: method, function, procedure, sub-routines

Parameter - a variable that you send INTO the method

Return value - data that you send BACK from the method

Scope of a variable -


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Ex1_IntroMethods {

    public static Scanner numscan = new Scanner(;

    public static Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;



    public static void main(String[] args) {

        double diameter = 10.5;




        printArea(20, 5);


        printVolume(diameter, "cm");

        //ask the user for a height


    }//end main


    //declare your methods here


    public static void printVolume(double d, String units){

        double r = d/2.0;

        System.out.println("What is the height?");

        double height;

        height = numscan.nextDouble();

        double volume = height * Math.PI * r * r;

        System.out.println("The cylinder is "  + volume + units + " cubed in volume.");





    public static void printArea(double h, double w){

        System.out.println("The area of the rectangle is: "  + (h*w));





    public static void printArea( double d  ){

        //prints surface area of a circle

        double r = d/2;

        System.out.println("The area of the circle is " +  (  Math.PI*r*r )  );


    }//end printArea

    public static void printCircumference (double d){

        System.out.println("The circumference is " + Math.PI*d);


    }//end printCircumference





}//end class

Class 7 - Monday, Feb. 12


Emerging Tech (videos found by students as part of Industry Profile) - Hyperloop (Colby J’s presentation) - 2:30

Other interesting things I read in the assignment

Announcement - Thursday, we will have a no help assessment (aka a coding exam).  It will be similar to the How Cool are You.

For those that need help/review or extra time

For block 2 - How to set the default main class, so the play button works

Shopping Cart Example - While Loops and Switch Statement

For Loops focused review

Introduce 3 (99Bottles) including the new addition for those done early

Finish Assign 2 (How Cool) and begin 99 Bottles

Shopping Cart Example Code

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SwitchExample2Store{

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;

        Scanner numscan = new Scanner(;

            double checkout = 0;

            int choice;

            int numBought;

        String stillShopping = "yes";

        while( stillShopping.equals("yes")   ){

            System.out.println("What are you going to buy Mr. Couprie?");

            System.out.println("1. HoverCar....... $100,000 ");

            System.out.println("2. Weird monkey... $800 ");

            System.out.println("3. Black Socks.... $9.98 ");

            System.out.println("4. An apple pie... $4.50 ");

            System.out.println("5. Second Cup Chiller... $5.00 ");

                choice = numscan.nextInt();

                System.out.println("How many are you buying?");

                numBought = numscan.nextInt();

                switch (choice){

                        case 1:

                                checkout += (100000*numBought);


                        case 2:

                                checkout += (800*numBought);


                        case 3:

                                checkout += (9.98*numBought);


                        case 4:

                                checkout += (4.50*numBought);


                        case 5:

                                checkout += (5.00*numBought);



                                System.out.println("Please enter one of the above numbers");

                }//end switch

                System.out.println("Do you want to keep shopping (yes or no)?");

                stillShopping = wordscan.nextLine().toLowerCase();


                System.out.println("Your total is: $" + checkout + ". Thank you, come again");

Class 6 - Thursday, Feb. 8


Ted Talk (25:30) - What AI is and Isn’t


30 minutes - Finish Industry Profile assignment

Announcement - We are approaching the end of the Java Intro Unit.  To end the unit, we will have a no help assessment (aka a coding exam).  It will be similar to the How Cool are You.

For those that need help/review or extra time

For block 2 - How to set the default main class, so the play button works

Work time on Java 2

Block 2 notes - Told them we will mark How Cool on Tuesday.  Some still will work on it Monday.

Class 5 - Wednesday, Feb. 7


CES 2018 Highlights Video (4:33) 

Work time on Industry Profile

Demo other String Methods:

Introduce the So You Think You Can Rap assignments

Introduce Java 2 - How Cool are You

For block 3 - mark

 String Methods Sample Code

        String date;

        System.out.println("Please enter your birthdate?");

        date = wordscan.nextLine();


        if (date.endsWith("2000")  ||  date.endsWith("2001")   ){

            System.out.println("You are likely in grade 11");



        String month;

        String day;

        String year;

        month = date.substring(0, 3);

        System.out.println("Month: " + month);

        month = date.substring(0,  date.indexOf(" ")   );

        System.out.println("Month: " + month);


        year = date.substring(date.length()-4);

         System.out.println("Year: " + year);


         int newyear = Integer.parseInt(year);


Class 4 - Tuesday, Feb. 6


Java Lesson 3B

Java Lesson 4 - String IF Statements Example

Java Assignment 1

Finished early?  Work on Industry Profile Assignment

public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner numscan = new Scanner(;

        Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;


        String savedUser = "couprie";

        String savedPass = "1234";


        String username;

        String password;


        System.out.println("Enter your username");

        username = wordscan.nextLine().toLowerCase();

        System.out.println("Enter your password");

        password = wordscan.nextLine();


        if(  username.toLowerCase().equals(savedUser) && password.equals(savedPass)   ){

            System.out.println("You may continue");

        } else {




        if ( username.contains("cust")  ){

            System.out.println("Welcome to our store");



        if (username.endsWith("_99")){

            System.out.println("You get a discount");


 String Methods Sample Code

Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;

        String date;

        System.out.println("Enter the date");

        date = wordscan.nextLine();

        if (date.endsWith("2001")) {

            System.out.println("You are probably in grade 11");


        if (date.startsWith("Sep")) {

            System.out.println("Happy birthday");


        if (date.toLowerCase().contains("sep")) {

            System.out.println("Go downstairs at lunch for cake");


        String year;

        year = date.substring(date.length() - 4);

        System.out.println("You were born in:" + year);

Class 3 - Monday, Feb. 5 - Sub here


Activity 1 - Video (15 minutes)

Go to and search for the following video or click the link if you have access to this file: How Algorithms Shape our World.  Before beginning the video let them know that they are about to start a project talking about how Computer Science is shaping many different industries.  This particular video focuses on the stock market.  Please ask them What does it mean to trade stocks?  How do you make money trading stocks?  Then just take a couple of minute ensuring everyone knows the basics.  Tell them to Put Your Thinking Caps On and then start the video.

Activity 2 - Industry Profile Assignment (remainder of class)

Go to this link and project it up:  looking at the Alberta Industry categories on this link. 

Once you have walked them through the website, have them open two documents via Google Classroom:

Please walk them through the assignment instructions. Note that it can be completed in partners and there is an extra section for partners that I will discuss with them next class

Give them the rest of the class to work on it. I expect most of it to be completed today but they will have about 30 minutes to finish next class.

Block 3 Notes - Talk to Garrett about signing up for the CCC Video: How Algorithms Shape our World

Industry Profile Assignment (50 minutes)

Class 2 - Friday, Feb. 1


Scanner Lesson 2 


Java Lesson 3 - Inputting Numbers and While Loops with the Number Guess Game (see below for code)

Scanner Lesson 2

        import java.util.Scanner;

public class Ex2_Scanners {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


        Scanner numscan = new Scanner(;

        Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(;


        String name;

        String course;

        int percentage;

        String letter;

        double bribe = 0;


        System.out.println("What is your name?");

        name = wordscan.nextLine();

        System.out.println("What course?");

        course = wordscan.nextLine();


        System.out.println("What percentage did you get?");

        percentage = numscan.nextInt();


        if ( percentage < 50){

            letter = "F";

        } else if (  percentage >= 50  &&  percentage < 70    ){

            letter = "C";

        } else {

            letter = "A";



        System.out.println( name + " your mark in " + course + " is a " + letter );



        System.out.println("Did you forget your wallet on my desk?  Wink wink?");


        String wink = wordscan.nextLine();

        if( wink.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")       ){

            System.out.println("How much is in there?");

            bribe = numscan.nextDouble();  



        if (bribe > 74.99){

            letter = "A";



        System.out.println( name + " your mark in " + course + " is a " + letter );



    }//end main


}//end class

Number Guess Game

Scanner numscan = new Scanner(  );

        Scanner wordscan = new Scanner(  );



//        System.out.print("Food Trucks Tomorrow.");

//        System.out.println("Bring your \t\t\tmoney!");

//        System.out.println("Clubs Fair Wed\nnesday");

//        System.out.println("Robotics starts Tuesday");

//        System.out.println("Curling starts next Month");

        String name;

        String course;

        int percentage;

        String letter;

Double bribe;


   int rations;


        System.out.println("What is your name?");

        name = wordscan.nextLine();

        System.out.println("What course?");

        course = wordscan.nextLine();


  System.out.println("What percentage did you get");

        percentage = numscan.nextInt();

        if( percentage <50 ){letter = “f”

        Else if (p


System.out.println("How much money do you have on you?");

        bribe = numscan.nextDouble();

If (bribe > )

Letter = “a”

System.out.println(                //Bob you get an A in Math 10

Class 1 - Thursday, Feb. 1


Contingency Plan - Move to Library, complete Industry Profile (in partners?)

Welcome and introductions

Discuss the CCC - I must register tomorrow

Introduction to Algorithms - Moving from Coders to Developers

Simple Algorithms In Processing - Factorials

Introduction to Netbeans and Java

Recreate the Factorial Function in Java

Java Lesson 2 - Introducing the Scanner Class

//how to factorial

int total = 1;

void setup() {

  for ( int i=10; i>0; i-- ) {

    total *= i;  //total = total * i




  int number = 17;

  total = 1;

  for ( int i=number; i>0; i-- ) {

    total *= i;  //total = total * i









void factorial ( int num ) {

  total = 1;

  for ( int i=num; i>0; i-- ) {

    total *= i;  //total = total * i



}//end factorial