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Mesopotamia Study Guide 21-22
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Mesopotamia Study Guide

Part I: Define the following terms using your notes You will need to review the following assignments “Sumerian City-States”and “Seven Characteristics of a Civilization”.


1. Sumer-

2. Ziggurats-

3. Irrigation-

4. City-States-

5. Social Structure-

6. Cuneiform-

7. Technology-

8. Artisan-

9. Civilization-

10. Mesopotamia-

Part II: Look at your “Sumerian City-State” notes. Describe the problems that the Sumerians face and how the solved each of these problems:

Problem One:

Solution One:

Problem Two:

Solution Two:

Problem Three:

Solution Three:

Problem Four:

Solution Four:

Part III: Review your “Seven Characteristics of a Civilization” notes. For each of the characteristics, write a short answer of how each characteristic was present in Sumerian society.

  1. Stable Food Supply- 

  1. Social Structure-

  1. Government-

  1. Religion-

  1. Art-

  1. Technology-

  1. Writing-

Part IV: Use the timeline on the last page of the study guide to answer the questions below. Refer back to the Google Classroom assignment “Timelines” for help.

According to the timeline, which civilization developed first?

Roughly, how many years passed between the start of Ancient China and the beginning of Ancient Rome?

What does the abbreviation BC and BCE stand for?

Which civilization came directly after the formation of Imperial China?

Part V (Optional): Below are the possible long response questions that could be on the test. Feel free to outline how you would answer these questions.

TOPIC 1  - Describe the geography of Mesopotamia. Give at least two reasons why Mesopotamia was such a desirable place to live, and explain why Mesopotamia was so easy to conquer.

TOPIC 2  - Based on the primary sources found under the assignment “Seven Characteristics of a Civilization”, what characteristics of a civilization did ancient Sumer have? Please give specific examples.

TOPIC 3  - Pick three characteristics of a civilization. Describe how those characteristics existed in ancient Sumer and how they also exist in your society today. Make sure to define each characteristic and give specific examples.