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Board Meeting Minutes 7/11/2019
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Agenda for Joslin Memorial Library Board Meeting

                                        6:00 P.M.  Joslin Memorial Library

                                                    Date:  July 11, 2019




Board:   Jean, Sally, Trish, Carol


Staff and Others:  Liz (Friends)


Absent:  David Babic, Katie, Anna


The meeting opened at 6:05


Additions or Deletions:  None


Approve Draft Minutes:


Trish made a motion to approve.  Sally seconded.  Passed unanimously.


Friends of the Library Report:


Liz is working on providing books for newborns

She reviewed programs sponsored by the Friends.

The Friends sent out a letter for funds.

Bought new telescope and beanbag chairs

Helping sponsor caterpillar workshop

Lawsons will give tips to 3 library Friends’ groups in August


Old Business:  None


President’s Report:


Jean will disseminate W-9 forms as needed.

We got a grant to help with cost of Green Mountain Messenger for Interlibrary Loan books


Treasurer’s Report:


Sally reviewed finances


Financial Report:


Jean and David reviewed year’s budget with Deb Jones recently.  Jean reviewed budget items that were of special interest.  We will keep track of heat and electricity for budgeting purposes.


Children’s Librarian’s Report


Anna emailed a detailed report on children’s activities.  Past programs include Wrenn Compere in a celebration of our new space, an exciting live animal show,  and “Dinoman” with his full size inflatable dinosaurs.


Future programs as part of the Summer Learning Program, a collaborative effort by all three Valley libraries, will include the Caterpillar Lab of Keene, a “pond probe” adventure, a movie night showing of E.T. and several other events.


Librarian’s Report:


Katie summarized summer activities and made suggestions for the  future under Jay Butler, our new librarian . She noted that the air conditioning has drawn several people to the library during our recent hot days. Physical checkouts were down, but digital checkouts increased by 24%!  The classics section is now on the shelves, with more books to come.  She has asked the Vermont Astronomical Society to provide a program to assist with promoting the telescope.


New Business :


At the next meeting we should discuss Edward Jones representation.

We’ve met all requirements for CDBG grant


Trish moved and Sally seconded to end the business part of meeting.  Voted unanimously.


Trish moved to go into executive session at 6:50 to discuss personnel.  Sally seconded.  Voted unanimously.


Trish moved to come out of executive session at 7:20.  Sally seconded.  Voted unanimously.


In executive session decisions were made on beginning and ending dates for Katie and Jay.


The meeting ended at 7:30.The next meeting will be September 11th.


Respectively submitted,  Carol Hosford, Secretary